Day 4

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Duncan and I walked to the craft services tent together. “Hey can I ask you something really quick?” I asked. “Sure what’s up?” he asked.

“You and Gwen, nothing’s going on right?” I asked.

“No, why’d you ask?” He asked.

“It’s just, it kinda looks like you guys a flirting” I said.

“Is someone jealous?” He asked.

“No, wait what would I be jealous of?” I asked.

He laughed “Nothing. Nothing’s going on with me and Gwen, we’re just friends. And if I’m flirting with her, I don’t mean to. I love you Alex, you know that” he said.

I kissed him. “Ok I just wanted to make sure.” I said.

“Well you don’t have to worry. It’s just me and you baby” He said.

We walked into the craft services tent holding hands getting breakfast. Duncan nudged me to look at Trent. I looked at who Trent poured salt on his eggs “He’s putting salt on his eggs, damn Duncan that is some exciting stuff” I said.

“No just watch bitch” He said making me laugh. The top fell off causing all the salt to fall on his eggs. Alright that was funny. Duncan and I both laughed "Hahaha, sorry about the morning assalt!" Duncan said.

Gwen hit him “Third grade called, you’re due back in class" she said.

I rolled my eyes “Have a sense of humor why don’t you” I said.

“Real mature. Don’t you know it’s bad luck to spill salt?” Trent said then threw salt of his shoulder hitting Heather in the eye making her scream.

“Only if I spilt it" I said. “Nothing a little pepper won’t fix" Trent said going to put pepper on his eggs. The top fell off again causing the pepper to spill out too. Trent threw the pepper over his shoulder too hitting Heather in the face with it again and causing her to sneeze.

Duncan and I came over laughing. “So you gonna finish those eggs bro?" Duncan said and took a piece off of the plate and ate it.

"Are you nuts?! Now I only have eight pieces left!" Trent yelled.

“Am I nuts? Dude you are officially capital W weird." Duncan said making a W with his hands.

“Which is good, because I happen to really like weird” Gwen ate one of his eggs “Now you have seven, which is an odd number again. Isn't that kinda better?”

“Abso-Gwen-ly" Trent said. Duncan shook his head. “They’re such a weird couple” I said.

Chris came in blowing a whistle. “Hang on to your coconuts players, were going back! To the beach!” Owen cheered.

“Ever seen one of those 1950's surfer movies, where the kids get up to neat-o fun before the big bonfire twist-a-thon, and the bully kicks the sand castle in the nerdy guy's face?” Chris said.

Harold nodded while everyone else was blank. “Uh, no grandpa. We haven’t” Duncan said.

“Well get ready to recreate one Junior! Two challenges, followed by a tiebreaker if necessary. So grab you swim suits!” Chris said. We all went back to the trailers to get changed. 


We all got changed and went to where Chris told us. But it was just another film lot. With the AC all the way up. “When did you guys move the beach to Antarctica?" Lindsay asked.

“As some of you can see were actually in the shooting studio" Chris said he was in a big comfy jacket. Duncan pulled me into his chest and we were both shivering. “And the AC's cranked because?” Duncan asked.

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