Day 12

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Courtney can kill herself. I hate her so much. We got into fights every three seconds, about really stupid shit too. In the morning everyone was getting ready and Courtney, thank Jesus, was not in the trailer.

“What about poor Owen? Or that boy I liked Tyson!” Lindsay said brushing her hair.

“Tyler!” Beth Heather and I yelled at her. I just finished putting on my mascara then started to brush my own hair. “Girls all lawyerd up, I oughta try it. Get me the big bucks for being locked up in that safe all day” LeShawna said angrily and Heather and I.

“Ha sorry traitor, you do not take a spa day away from this girl” I said.

“You stole my spa day” Heather said after me. “Do the crime, do the time”

“Wasn’t your spa day! Besides I could've starved in there people” LeShawna said.

I laughed “I seriously doubt that” Heather said.

“You’re just lucky we didn’t keep you in there for a week” I said. “And what is it you planned on doing at the spa without wash and go hair?” LeShawna said.

“Oh no” Lindsay said.

“I’ve got my hair in a knot! Beth, could you-”

“Let me” Heather said taking the brush. Heather yanked the brush down hard. “Ow! Heather! I think you pulled my eyes into the back of my head!” Lindsay said.

“Not a bad idea, with Courtney on your team you better watch your back” LeShawna said.

I groaned kicking the cabinet hard. “Don’t even mention her name!” I said.

“That fight you guys had last week was brutal” LeShawna said.

“I know” I said. “I haven’t gotten that mad in so long”

“She's so bossy” Beth said.

“Bossy doesn’t even begin to explain her” I said.

“And it’s not like we needed another know-it-all on the show” Lindsay said.

“Oh, really” Heather said yanking her hair again.

“Ow!! I was talking about me, now that Bossy McSmartypants is back no one’s ever going to listen to me ever again” Lindsay said.

“Sorry did you say something honey?” LeShawna asked not paying attention.

“She's so pathetic, thinking she's better than everyone, and still the hoe harasses me and Duncan. Like bitch, it’s been forever, when will you realize he DOESN’T like you?” I said getting a little angry. “You guys need to vote her out”

“We’ll try” Beth said.

“OWWWW!” Lindsay yelled while Heather yanked her hair.

“Got the knot!” She said smiling.

“Hey girls” Courtney said walking in. Everyone glared at her. “Isn't anyone glad to see me?” she asked.

I laughed obnoxiously loud. “Who would make that poor mistake?” I asked.

She rolled her eyes. “No one asked you AlexANDER” She said. I rolled my eyes now at the pathetic name she calls me to bug me.

“Well you asked the group, and I’d be part of it”  I said. She didn’t seem to have a response. “Get shit on” I said feeling accomplished.

“Great to have your hair…uh here! Here! It’s great to have you here Courtney” Heather said. Someone’s been crazier than usual. Suddenly a big ass horn played shaking everything. “Uh what was that!?” LeShawna asked.

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