Day 8

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Duncan Justin and I were playing soccer outside. We kept on bouncing it off DJ who was sleeping on the ground. Beth started jumped “I call this the egg salad fire work! Drum roll!!” She said as the sandwiches she threw into the air almost fell down on her.

Owen grabbed all of her sandwiches though “Owen stop stealing my Sammys!” Beth said to him.

“What are you talking about?” Owen said chewing.

"You disgust me Owen!" LeShawna said chewing.

"Yea what kind of pig are you?" Heather asked chewing hers.

“Your all stealing them?!” Beth yelled.

Duncan Justin and I were eating them too. “Chef’s food has gotten so good!” Justin said.  

“I know right? Who sent him to cooking school?” I said.

DJ started to snore really loud in his sleep. I sat on the steps of the girl’s trailer drinking some Dr. Pepper. Duncan sat next to me stealing a sip of my soda. “Mine” I said pushing him a little bit.

“Someone’s selfish” He said holding my hand.

“I have very few rules, don’t piss me off, don’t put me in the same room as Courtney, and don’t eat my food. I’m sorry I’m fat” I said.

He laughed “Your nowhere near fat missy” he said kissing me.

“Attention all Total Drama Victims! Please meet me in the north east corner of the studio plaza. Bring lausages! The screaming’s gonna hurt!" Chris said over the loud speaker.

“There is a challenge” Beth said. “Duncan helped me up and we all went towards where Chris told us to go.


“We walk all the way over here and Lieutenant Slick can’t even be bothered to show up?" Heather asked madly.

"Maybe hes racked up over time, thinking of new ways to torture us" Justin said.

I was standing next to Duncan and we all heard Chris’s scream loudly. He was pushed off the building and fell onto one of the lights going right through him. Everyone screamed and his blood went all over us. I jumped into Duncan’s chest almost having a legit heart attack.

Justin waved over Chris, “Huh guess the producers don’t like paying over time” he said.

“I’m worth every dime." Chris said picking his head up.

“Did you really just fake that? Thanks for the heart attack!” I said.

“Aw man I was gonna call dibs on your boat" Duncan said. "It’s the magic of cinema boys and girls! I’m absolutely perfectly Chris-ally fine. Wanna see how it’s done?" Chris asked.

"NO!” We all yelled.

"Our crack a jack affects team seals fake blood into a thin membrane of plastic, called a squib. This little baby burst on impact. An old fashion optical illusion helps sell that I’ve been impaled” Chris explained.

“Fascinating” I said rolling my eyes.

"Can we just get on with this?" Duncan asked.

“I can’t believe you’re so un-scareable! You didn’t even scream!” Lindsay said to Beth.

“I did on the inside, I just can’t do it on the outside” Beth said.

“Huh?” Lindsay asked.

“When I was ten and they were doing my tonsillectomy there was a freak accident and the doctor’s earring fell in my throat. Can’t scream worth a darn” Beth said.

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