Day 18

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I was sleeping so soundly. I love when I get to sleep like this, when I'm so deep into it I feel like I’ll never wake up. “You. and me-e-e-e-e-e-e-eee like butterknives we’re free!!” My eyes bursted open, to what? Lindsay that's what. Singing her little fucking heart out.

“We're freeeee!” She screeched.

“Would you please shut up!” Courtney yelled.

“For once I agree, you DO NOT wake me up!” I yelled back putting my pillow over my head.

“It's ‘like butterflies’ not ‘butterknives’. And everybody knows you picked Duncan for your movie reward last night as retaliation! That murder-mystery challenge is over; you can stop massacring that song!” Courtney said.

“I was not mascara-ing anything except my eyelashes, Courtney” Lindsay said.

Please. Please oh god make the idiocy STOP. “What's the other thing you said I did?” Lindsay asked.

“Guys! Can’t we try to get along?” Beth said.

So loud. Everyone is SO loud!

“We COULD if you all SHUT UP!” I said grabbing another pillow and putting it over my head. These people...I just can’t do it.

“Oh stop playing dumb Lindsay” Courtney said shaking off my tantrum. “Oo, oo, oo! Like butterknives we're free” Lindsay sang again.

“Huh, she’s not playing is she?” Courtney said to Beth. “We’re freeeeeee!” Lindsay screeched one last time. THAT'S IT.

I snapped and threw my pillow at her making my ring fly off my finger. I instantly got up as I felt it slip off my finger. “God damn it!” I said annoyed.

“What's the big deal?” Courtney asked. I got on my hands and knees looking for it. Little fucker where is it!

“The big deal is that was a ring that had real diamond that Duncan gave me! If I lose it someone’s getting an ass kicking. Courtney” I said still searching.

“Ohh, interesting” Courtney said. She’ll probably do something later that’ll bite me in the ass but I don’t care, I need that ring! Finally I got to the back of the trailer and looked under a cabinet. I saw something shining. “Jackpot” I said. I reached my arm in and BARELY grabbed it. When I got it and put it back on my finger I sighed the biggest sigh EVER.

I got ready along with everyone else when we heard drums being played outside the trailer. We stuck our heads out the door, so did the guys. We all stepped out. Chef was playing the drums with Chris standing next to him. “Nice of you to join us, today’s movie genre is, drum roll please!” Chris said and Chef started drumming again.

Chris went to say it but then he stopped Chef. “Okay Ringo! Spot lights not big enough for the both of us. Today's movie genre is…” Then Chef started to drum again. Chris looked at him and he stopped.

“The rock and roll bio pic” Chris said.

Score! /“It’s not secret I’m way more into rap than anything. But rock means guitars, and guitars mean it’s time for me to get the immunity”/

“Alright!” Harold yelled then ran down to us doing an air guitar. “Try and handle a real guitar Harold!” I said.

I saw one behind Chef and grabbed it, I played amazingly well, not that I was expecting differently. My aunt taught me how to play, and she’s been taking lessons since she was six. “Well I could do that too!” Harold said.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure you could!” I said. “Is a bio pic kind of like a tooth pick? Cause I could use one right now. Popcorn, stuck right, there” Lindsay said with a bag of popcorn in her hands and picking at the popcorn stuck in her teeth.

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