Day 21

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Since Courtney’s thirty-two fucking page contract took SO long, she had to take a break so I could actually talk. I think I made my points pretty clear, absolutely no cheating or liking anyone else.

I eyed Courtney a little when I said that. And that there is no lying to each other, if we have a problem with one another, no head games, we tell them and try to resolve it, and that we’re just always there for each other.

Sounded good to me, and him. But of course, when I was done, Courtney continued with hers. All.Night.Long.


By the time she was done the sun was up and the world was waking up. She had ran her mouth, All.Night.Long.

I plopped back in my bed and Duncan went back to his trailer. I wouldn’t blame him, Courtney is like a viper. “I hope you realize he’s gonna pick me” I said once he was out of the room.

“Yeah, yeah we’ll see. After he overlooks all my papers, him and I could have a beautiful relationship” She said.

“Okay, look at it this way. I gave him like what? Five simple rules. You gave him homework! And not any homework, that's homework from like an accelerated course” I said.

“Homework that builds a relationship!” She said.

“Ugh. Bite me” I said rolling over. She didn’t respond which got me madder and she knew it.

I bursted up “You know what he will NOT pick you cause he LOVES me and he gave me a RING! And gave you SHIT!” I yelled.

“I can try, and this time. This time it’ll work” she said. I was inches away from grabbing her but she walked away. I could've tackled her and killed her right there. But then it’d be caught on camera. It’d be like a win lose. Courtney would be dead, but I’d be in jail doing hard time. I can handle juvi but jail like real jail. I’m not so sure.


We all went to craft services. I was walking there then Duncan caught up with me. “Hey heard you screaming at Courtney, you okay?” Duncan asked holding my hand. “Yeah, a little. It just pisses me off. She knows what makes me go nuts and she uses it against me. I mean she actually thinks your gonna pick her” I said laughing.

“Well I’m thinking. But ninety-nine percent is towards you” He said. I stopped laughing immediately.

“Excuse me?” I said.

“Alex, please baby, don’t get mad. I’m just thinking. But MOST LIKELY it’s you!” He said rubbing my back up and down kissing me trying to get me not to freak. Again, he’s lucky there’s a camera in the corner.

He kissed my neck holding me tight and whispered “You know I love you” That killed whatever anger I had, Courtney knows what makes me go up in flames and Duncan knows how to melt my fire.

Which is why JUST THIS ONCE I’m letting him off the hook. Besides he’s probably only thinking this way since he only had like an hour of sleep last night. Duncan and I walked inside grabbing a seat…next to Courtney though. Ugh I’m gonna kill him. “Hey Duncan” Courtney said sitting next to him.

“Courtney, we’re talking. Move along” I said.

“Nope, I still have the rest of the day to be with Duncan. I have as much right to be with him as you do. Now Duncan did you memorize my outline?” Courtney asked.

“Uh no” He said.

“Well you need to if you want this to work!” Courtney said.

“He DOESN’T want this to work. He wants me!” I said leaning over Duncan to see Courtney.

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