Day 6

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This morning I woke up to the girls talking. “Guys shut up, this is the first day Chris hasn’t woke us up, I wanna cherish it” I said.

“But the doors locked, we can’t get out” Lindsay said.

“Good, would you guys rather sleep or go out and get tortured with challenges?” I asked.

“They’ve gotta open the door rite? I have claustrophobia!" Gwen yelled. I rolled my eyes getting up, these people are crazy up when we can be sleeping.

“Oh boo hoo. This trailer is as tight as the space between Lindsay's ears.” Heather said, my point exactly Heather… this trailer wasn’t even that small.

"Aww, Thank you!" Lindsay said.

“Up there!” Gwen said looking at the ceiling where the vent was.

"Maybe one of us can squeeze threw!" she said looking at Heather.

"What?" Heather asked.

“Of course, only the toothpickiest of us is gonna fit through that vent. I'm talking model thin. So surely, the most athletic of us would want to show off her natural sleekness” Gwen said trying to make Heather do it. I’ll admit she gets props for that.

“For once I agree with you, I’ll do it” Heather said

“Sometimes I really wish I was one of the guys” LeShawna said. Heather got through the vent then through the other side unlocking the door for us. The guys were still all in their trailer when they ran out at once making a bit pile.

I grabbed Duncan’s hand helping him up. “So I take it you boys had a more interesting morning then we did?” I said smiling.

“Yeah, you don’t know the half of it” He said.

“Hope you all enjoyed your first taste of the goolog!" Chris said walking around in a cop’s costume.

“Goolog I didn’t get any goolog” Lindsay said.

“Well prepare for it to get a whole lot worse because today is Prison Flick day!" Chris said and we all groaned.

"Yep, been there done that" I said.

“Lovely. At least we have the only actual two ex-con’s on our team” Heather said.

“It was only juvenile detention; don’t get too excited" Duncan said.

“Ahhh prison! The confinement, the claustrophobia, the vial nasty food and you’re always looking over your shoulder cause Mr. Killer dude wants to cut ya for taking the last tator tot and no matter how hard you try, digging out spoonfuls of dirt year after year there’s no escape!” Chris said dramatically. “Unless you get voted off of course”

“Well this is gonna be a fun day” I said going into our trailer.


We all got dressed then went to the challenge site. “Lock down people! Let’s get this challenge started. Teams take a prisoner from the competition and Chef, I mean, warden, lock ‘em up” Chris said.

“Any idea what the challenge would be for a prison movie?” I asked looking around. There was just two cages and Chris had a blanket over something else.

“No clue” DJ said.

“Then how do we choose?” I asked.

“Remember when Lindsay locked herself in the bathroom?” Heather asked.

“She lost it! Drank everyone’s shampoos in case any of them were magic potions then barfed on herself" Gwen said.

“She'll crack for sure” Duncan said.

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