Day 7

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We were all walking back from the gilded Chris show; Duncan and I were hand in hand. “Haha everything is so much smaller then I remember!” Izzy said. Now that she’s back I know things are about to get interesting.

"I still can’t believe that Gwen made a side deal with the other team, didn’t know she had it in her” Duncan said.

“I remember that bush! I remember that tree! I remember that-ah! I remember that rock! Hey rock!" Izzy said running back and forth falling on the ground.

"Well I can’t believe they let Izzy back! They totally negated our numbers advantage. And that’s the only advantage we had” Heather said.

“Don’t be starting something girl!” LeShawna said. Lindsay yawned “Well goodnight everybody” She said as she tried to open the door but it was locked....again.

“Hey who locked the door?" Duncan yelled pulling on it hard. “Move” I said pushing him slightly trying to open it. “Ugh what the hell!?” I said angrily.

“Wait wait let me try!” Izzy said running full speed and throwing herself into the door.

A siren went off “Cops!!” Izzy yelled. She jumped behind a bush. An ambulance dropped out a cot with a cloth on it and what looked like a body under it. “Ew! What is that? A dead body?" Heather asked.

“Or an undead body” Duncan said. Chris popped up like a zombie. "Boo!" he said making Harold freak out and jump into LeShawna arms.

"Calm yourselves no one’s dead, yet! I’m here to prep you plucky ducks for our most awesome challenge yet! These text books hold the subtotal of eight years of med school and each one of you gets one, cause tomorrow, were gonna play DOCTOR!” Chris said.

I went in the confessional. /“I hate doctors, needles freak me out, I broke a doctors wrist once when I was eleven when he tried to give me a shot. Same thing when my mom made my brother and I give blood, only that time they put me on medicine to calm me down…stupid doctors”/

“To win the challenge your gonna wanna memorize the entire contents of these text books by morning!" Chris yelled.

“As in study? Sorry, I don’t study” I said.

“But it’s already so late!" Heather said.

"Ya got that right! What med school all nighter would be complete without pizza?" Chris asked, while Chef came out of a pizza cart dressed like a pizza dude carrying like 50 pies to Owen. “Mmm! that smells GOOOOOD!!" Owen said.

"Its gotta be a trick" LeShawna said not buying it.

“More like method acting. Med school interns consume eight hundred fifty percent more pizza then the average human! So dig in! Cause there’s plenty more where that came from!" he said riding away on Chefs little cart.

Duncan went over to the pizza picking up a piece “Looks like okay, smells okay, tastes......incredible!” he said taking a bite.

“Really?” I said going over to him grabbing the slice. I took a bite kinda cautiously at first. I was in shock “This pizza…tastes like Jesus!” I said eating more.

“How is that even possible?" Heather asked 


The Grips stayed back at the trailers while the rest of us went to the craft services tent. “This pie is rad! Who knew Chef could rock the za!?”Duncan asked tilting is chair back with the text book on his chest and another slice in his hand.

“Tell me about it, another slice?” I said.

“Magic word?” He said.

“Pretty please” I smiled.

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