After Math II

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I rolled over in my bed lazily, thanking god we didn’t have a challenge today. I love the aftermath.

My phone which was under my pillow started to vibrate and I groaned. I took out my iPhone and with half open eyes clicked open the text. It was from Bridgette:

Alexxxx!! You need to be on the aftermath today! You wont believe the footage we have. You’ve gotta see it

I sighed texting back:

I’ll jus catch it on my laptop or something, I wanna sleeepppppp:P

I rolled back over and tried to get back to sleep. I felt my phone vibrate again and started to get pissed off, I hate Bridge for being a fast texter:

Alexandra you NEED to see this, come on you better come!

I texted back angrily just wanting sleep:

If I say yes can I go back to sleep?

Again, this freak I call my best friend wasted no time in texting back:

As long as your coming then do whatever you want(: just be here at one

I texted her back then put my phone on silent:


I added that at the end, it sounded a little too harsh.


A little while later I woke up at like 12:30. I groaned getting up and getting ready. When I finally went outside the trailer I saw Duncan laying on the grass playing with his lighter. He didn’t see me so I walked over and stood over him. “You know one day your gonna drop that on your face and burn” I said.

He smiled looking up at me. He put his lighter away and grabbed my ankles. “I’ve been doing that since I was like five, I think I’ll live” He said.

I smiled getting down on the grass with him. “Don’t come crying to me when you’re in the hospital with third degree burns” I said.

He stuck his tongue out and I hit him lightly. He laughed “So what are we gonna do today?” He asked.

“I gotta go to the stupid aftermath” I said.

“Ewwwwww, no stay and hangout with me” He said smiling.

I laughed “I would, but I promised Bridge and she said it’s really important so, I’ll go” I said.

“When?” He asked.

“Like half an hour” I said.

“Nooooo, stay” he said holding my wrists.

I laughed “You wanna come?” I asked. “Am I allowed?” He asked.

“Probably not but when has that ever stopped either one of us from doing anything?” I asked.

He smiled “Good point, let’s go” he said helping me up.


Duncan and I walked hand in hand to the set. Bridgette and Geoff were hosting and I tried to get her attention. She noticed me and waved smiling and ran back stage. “Hey!” She said hugging me.

“Why hello there” I said hugging her back. “We ready to go on?” I asked.

“We?” She asked.

“We, as in two, as in Duncan and me” I said poking him.

She sighed “Did I say bring an extra?”

“I’m hurt Bridgette” Duncan said pretending to be upset.

I laughed “Look what you did” I said rubbing his arm.

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