Day 11

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“Are you kidding me!? You know what go jump off a cliff!” I yelled. I was fuming at this point.

“Ditto to you hun!” She yelled back.

“You’re such a troll!” I yelled.

“You little witch!” She yelled back.

“You little bitch!”  I yelled back at her.

“UGH! I HATE you!!” She screamed.

“AH SCREW YOU!!” I screamed.

I stormed out of the trailer slamming the door so hard I thought it’d fall off. I sat on the steps breathing slowly trying to calm down.

I know, I know, you’re all thinking, what the fuck? Let me start from the beginning.

It all started when I woke up this morning……


Earlier That Day…

I woke up this morning thinking about all that has happened threw out this hole season. From Gwen to the after math’s to the crazy challenges and the eliminations.

It’s all just been hectic; I didn’t think it could get any crazier at all. Until my day started that is.


We were all in the craft services tent sitting at tables. Duncan was carving D+A in a heart. Heather looked at us. “What?” Duncan asked, “Vandals, Nerd” She said looking at Duncan and me, then to Harold, he spit at her.

“We all have to stop acting like babies or every one of us going home” LeShawna said, I rolled my eyes.

“Come on guys what LeShawna did is for the best, nobody needs a day at the spa like she does. In fact, you could right a tell all book about her hair do called WEAVE Got Problems” Heather said.

“Nobody’s gonna argue with her?” LeShawna asked.

“Sounds like an entertaining read!” Harold said.

“I’m going back to the trailer” LeShawna said.

“Try not to let the door hit your butt on the way out!” Duncan called after her making me smile.

“Door? It’s a tent, idiot boy!” Heather said.

“Um it’s a figure of speech” Duncan said.

“Does it really matter that much?” I asked.

“What you should’ve said was, ‘Don’t let the flap flutter-”

“Shut up Harold” Duncan Heather and I said stopping Harold.

Chris cut a hole through the top of the tent and slid down on a rope. “What an entrance!” Beth said.

“Consider it a hint as to this week’s movie genre!” Chris said.

“Is it lame-o rock climbing wannabe host movies?” Duncan asked.

“No. This week we're paying tribute to the action packed, bank-heist, gangster, caper films” Chris said.

“Uh, Chris? Our team is missing a player” Justin said “So is ours, but we don’t care” Heather said.

“Owen and LeShawna are gone people because rescuing them is the first part of your challenge” Lindsay and Justin gasped a few times. Duncan yawned “Oh, pardon me” he said.

“They have both been locked up in state of the art safes along with all the tools each team will need to make a movie perfect bank robbery! Your job is to crack the safes rescue your teammates grab the requirement and try to be the first ones to rob the First National Bank of Chris! Let’s kick it ganstas!” Chris said going back up.

Total Drama ActionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora