Chapter 13

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    Rin continued to hold Kat back from Akari while Yumi helped her. Rin quickly moved towards the door, not letting go of his girlfriends hand. They went outside to the mini garden that was outside. Kat and Rin sat down on the garden swing together, Rin still comforting her. She was still crying after what she just saw. "Listen to me Kat, it's gonna be alright. I'm here with you all the way." He told her in a some what soothing voice, making her finally start to calm down. There were footsteps and they both looked at the door as it opened up quickly and shut behind Yumi. She ran up to them. "Is it bad?" Kat asked Yumi, jumping up from the bench in worry. "Well..." Yumi said looking around the garden. "It's bad! I knew it!" Kat shouted and burst out into tears again. Rin automatically pulled her into a hug. "She isn't dead Kat." Yumi told the older twin who was still in tears. "She is resting right now but I know what's wrong. If you want, you can come in and see her."

    Kat stepped into the room where her younger twin was. She looked fine and was sleeping. Kat pulled up a stool and sat down next to Akari's bed. Rin watched his girlfriend from the doorway. All of a sudden Rin heard the doorbell ring, and went to answer the door. "He— Wait, I don't know you people." Rin said, about to close the door when Kat stopped him by running out and hugging them. "Who are these people?" Rin asked Kat watching them hug each other. Kat began to cry, and then he knew who this people were. They were Kat and Akari's parents. Then Rin remembered Yukio saying he was going to contact their parents because they were on a mission in America. Yumi came from around the corner, "Akari is upstairs if you would like to see her." She told them all, leading the way up the stairs.

    When they got upstairs, Akari was awake. She tried getting up to give her parents a hug, but they hugged her before she could get up. "We missed you so much Akari. I'm so glad you are okay." Her mother said, crying. Everyone was crying except for Rin and Yumi. They both left the room so that they could have a family moment. "So, what was wrong with Akari?" He asked his little sister. They both sat on the swing that was in the garden. "Well, I'm not quite for sure since I'm not a doctor. I cured her with my necklace." Yumi said showing Rin her necklace. He looked at her like she was full blown crazy. "I'm gonna have Yukio check her out when him and Sayuri get back from the store so don't worry about it. She is gonna be fine." She stated, getting up from the swing.

    Rin grabbed her arm before she could leave. "Where are you going?" Rin asked her. "I was going to go upstairs and unpack my things and get the room ready for when Asai comes. Why?" She asked him curiously. "Oh, nothing just that Akari is right there!" Rin said pointing at her body that was laying in the bushes by the window. Yumi looked over and took out her sword and Rin did the same. "Hell no." Yumi said moving towards her body. "I thought you said that you took care of her and cured her!" Rin yelled at his little sister. "I thought I did!" She yelled back at him. He gave her his angry look. Like the one he gave Suguro all the time. "Don't move it! What if it explodes?" Rin asked her. She turned around and stared him in the eyes. "Really, explode? I think I'm gonna be fine." She told him.

    He watched as she moved Akari's body with her foot. Rin screamed like a girl and backed away when he saw it move. "What the hell was that?!" He was guarding himself with his sword. "You are such a baby! Man up already you are 17 for God's sake." She told him about to turn into her angel form. "What are you gonna do?" Rin asked as her wings appeared. She said a few words in a different language and the body disappeared. Her older brother stared in awe at the floor where the body was. "Now, we just have to find out who the clone is. Let's go." Yumi said heading for the fence. She jumped over it and waited for Rin.

    Rin didn't come over the fence so she looked back over and saw that Rin wasn't there. "Rin? Rin! RIN!" Yumi shouted. She ran down the street and turned the corner to an ally way and spotted her brothers body laying there. "No no no! Rin!" She screamed when someone grabbed her. She tried fighting it, but before she could, everything went black.


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