Chapter 2

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It was early Monday morning and everyone was still asleep. Since they just did like 2 missions in a row with like a 1 month time span between them and they worked hard studying, Rin, Yukio, Sayuri, Yumi, and Shikanai all got a day off including their classmates. This was good for Rin and Yumi because they had crutches.

Yumi stumbled out of bed and grabbed her crutches. She hobbled down the stairs with her crutches trying not to slip and break anything else. When Yumi got down to the kitchen, she saw Rin making breakfast. "Um, Good morning Rin. Can I ask you something?" Yumi asked him taking a seat at one of the tables. "Good morning Yumi. Sure, Ask away." Rin told her flipping the French toast that smelled heavenly. "Why are you cooking if you have crutches?" Yumi asked him sitting her crutches down on the floor beside her chair.

"Well I mean someone has to cook the food. There are 5 of us living here. We can't just live without someone cooking. Also I am the best at it." He stated to her putting another piece of bread on the pan. "Well thanks for breakfast. I think I'm going to go out into town today." Yumi told him taking her crutches and moving out of the kitchen towards the living room. Yumi made her way to the front door and grabbed her sword and mini red backpack.

"What time are you going to leave?" Rin asked her finishing up the last of the French toast. "I'm probably going to leave after I eat breakfast, is that okay?" She asked him moving back into the kitchen. "Yeah, that's fine. I just wanted someone to eat my awesome French toast. I didn't want tot make it for nothing, you know what I mean?" Rin told her handing her a plate with some French toast on it. Yumi took the plate and sat down at the table, "Yeah, I know what you mean. This looks really good. Hey can you pass me the butter?" Yumi asked him pointing at the tub of butter on the counter. "Yeah, here you go." He replied to her handing her the butter. "Thanks Rin."

Sayuri came walking down the stairs. She was already dressed and ready for the day. "You leaving to I'm guessing?" Rin asked her handing her a plate as she came through the kitchen doorway. "Actually, I'm going to go meet Justin at the movie theater. We are going to see a movie together. If it starts to rain, which it looks like it will, then we will just go to his house and hang out for the day." Sayuri responded to Rin taking a seat next to Yumi. "This is really good." Yumi told Rin still shoving gigantic pieces of French toast in her mouth. "I'm glad you like it." Rin told her. Rin took a seat at the same table when he heard the door bell ring. "I'll get it." Rin told them grabbing his crutches and moving towards the front door.

When he opened the old brown wooden door, Kat was standing outside smiling. "Hey um Rin, could I speak with you outside for a minute please?" She asked him politely. Rin could tell she was nervous. "He nodded and stepped outside to speak with her for a minute. "What is it Kat?" He asked her adjusting his crutches so he was comfortable. "First of all, what happened to your leg this time?" She asked him looking down at his leg. Rin looked down at his leg. "Oh, this thing? I was fighting Satan again and got hurt...again." He explained to her. "Wow. Anyway, after hanging out with you for a while, I started to realize that I sort of liked you." She began looking at the ground and then at Rin in the eyes. "Well I mean, I sort of like you to but I didn't know how to tell you. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Rin asked her smiling like a total nerd. Kat laughed and hugged him. "Yes, I would. So, it is official. We are boyfriend and girlfriend!" Kat told him excitedly.

"Hey Kat." He started. "Yes Rin?" She asked him still smiling. "Are you doing anything today? I mean all of my siblings are doing something today and I wanted to see if you could hang out today with me." He told her pointing back at the door. "I would love to! I am not doing anything either so sure!" She told him cheerfully. Rin let Kat inside and told everyone the news. "Okay well since I'm finished with breakfast, I think I'm gonna head out into town now." Yumi told Rin grabbing her crutches and standing up. "Okay. Have fun." He told her. Yumi waved goodbye and went upstairs to say goodbye to her sister.

Shikanai's POV
Snow flurries were flying all around me. I had no idea where I was. When I awoke, I was surrounded by flames. They were not just normal flames, they were red flames. 'What do I do?' I asked myself standing up. When I looked over I saw an angel with red wings. "Who are you?" I asked the mysterious angel studying her. "I am your mother. You are my true daughter. I am a certain kind of angel that people believe is bad but I am very nice. Please Shikanai, let me lead you home." The mysterious angel told me holding her hand out for me. I turned around. "No, you are not my mother. I am related to Satan. My sister is Yumi." I stated to her looking down at the ground.

I had my sword with me so I quietly opened it up and turned back around the face her. "Oh, I see. You don't understand my darling. You see this young girl that is your friend?" She asked me holding Shiemi with one hand. She was still dead from when Satan stabbed her. "You know Shiemi was my friend. How dare you!" I yelled at the angel with red wings slashing my sword at her. "Follow me and you will see your sister again." She bribed me still holding her hand out.

I took her hand and let her lead me to Yumi.

Author's POV
Yumi ran up to her sisters room and knocked on the door. She didn't answer so she went in to check on her. All she saw was blood everywhere. Her sister wasn't in the room. Yumi screamed as loud as she could. She fell to the ground, her crutches falling and hitting the hard wood floor. Sayuri ran into the room and saw Yumi laying on the floor. She helped Yumi up and asked her what had happened. "Where is she? Is Nai going to be okay?" Yumi asked her between sobs.

"I will call Yukio." Sayuri told her pulling out her phone. All of a sudden Nai came flying in through the window. She was stabbed and bleeding. An angel with bright red wings and covered in blood was holding her in her arms. "Here is your sister. If you want her back, you must return her to Gehenna forever." The angel told her. "Who are you!?" Sayuri yelled at the angel. "Oh, Sayuri, I am your fathers sister. Sure I don't have blue flames like he does, but I am just as evil." She told her dropping Shikanai on the floor.

"Nai!!" Yumi screamed holding her sister in her arms. "Yumi..." Nai whispered to Yumi barely opening her eyes. "Nai..." Yumi whispered back to her almost dead sister. "So, what is it?" The angel asked Yumi looking her in the eyes. Her eyes were bright blue but her wings were bright red. Yum looked up at her and nodded.

The Gehenna gate was opening slowly. "Please, let me see her again sometime soon." Yumi told the angel handing over her unconscious twin sister. It was like Yumi was watching herself die but in real life. "Oh, she will come visit again sometime soon. Thanks so much for doing this for me Yumi. Tootles!" She told her holding Shikanai and jumping into the portal. All of a sudden it closed. Yumi started at the open sky. She was about to cry. Sayuri started to hug her and she carried Yumi back to the dorm since she didn't bring her crutches. 

When they got back, everyone was except for Yukio and some girl. "Hey um who is this?" Sayuri asked him setting Yumi down on the floor grabbing her crutches that were by the stairs. "Well everyone, I would like you to meet Chizuko Hatsue." He began to tell them. "It is so nice to meet you all! I am a 2nd class exorcist and I'm a sophomore at TCA. I have seen all of you around because you are in my class but never had the chance to meet you!" She told them all shaking their hands and smiling a huge smile. Sayuri and Yumi said their introductions and shook her hand.

"So, Yumi and Sayuri, Chizuko Hatsue is my new girlfriend.


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