Chapter 6~Christmas Special Part 2

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December 24th 2017~
Everyone was finishing the Christmas tree and Hanging up the stockings and making food for Christmas night. There were tons of presents under the undecorated tree. They all were decorating the tree 4 weeks ago when an emergency came up with Shiemi but it didn't matter anymore because she was dead. Everyone was still taking their time to grieve over her death and they were a little bit sad but they all knew Shiemi had to die at some point but they were thinking at like the age of 90 not 16. Yumi grabbed her mini backpack and sword and headed towards the front door.

"Where are you going Yumi?" Rin asked her stalking her as she opened the front door. "I am going to get some finishing gifts for my siblings aka You, Yukio, Sayuri, and Shikanai. Is that okay?" She asked Rin looking over at him to find out he was staring her down. "How are you gonna give Shikanai a present? Also why? Don't you remember you guys got into a fight so now she isn't able to come for Christmas." Rin explained to her giving her a weird expression on his face. "Yeah I remember that. This is my way of telling her happy birthday since we are twins and telling her I'm sorry for everything that happened in the past between us. C'mon Rin, is it really that bad to get my twin a birthday present?" Yumi asked him dropping her bag on the floor knowing that Rin wouldn't let her go anywhere any time soon.

Rin motioned Yumi to come join him on the couch and she did so. She continued, "Honestly Rin, we are all Quintuplets and you are twins with Yukio. Are you not gonna give any of your Quintuplet siblings gifts for your birthday that you share with them? Especially Yukio, I mean he is the one person that looks out for you the most besides me and he is your twin! Want to go shopping for him together and for Sayuri? I have your gift but I don't have Shikanai's, Yukio's, or Sayuri's yet so want to come along?" She asked him pointing towards the door as a signal for "you have to go with me." Which matched the expression on her face. Rin looked back at the door and then the kitchen, and then the door. Rin let out a sigh, "Fine I will go with you but only so I can hang out with you and finish getting my birthday present shopping finished." Rin exclaimed to her getting up and slowly slouch walking over to the door.

"Yay! Let's go!" Yumi said excitedly and started to jump up and down. All of a sudden Yumi's phone rang; she picked it up. "Wait one second please Rin." She told him holding her hand out towards him. Rin groaned really loudly. "C'mon!!!" He yelled getting upset really easily. "Hello, yes this is Yumi Akabi-Okumura. Oh, really? I had no idea. I will come and get her right now. Okay, yeah bye." Yumi said ending the call. She angrily threw her phone on the ground. "Aw Shit..." She whispered under her breath. Rin looked at her concerned. "Is everything okay?" Rin asked her calmly trying not to make her explode with anger. "God Damnit!" Yumi yelled angrily putting her hands over her face. Yukio walked into the room and stared at Yumi.

"Hey Yumi, could you like not use that language right now? I mean tomorrow is Christmas and me and Rin grew up in a church so..." Yukio asked her politely and calmly hoping she wouldn't get mad and actually understand. "Listen Yukio, I am sorry if I say any bad words but right now I am trying to find a way to get my shit back together so I don't go back to hell Alright." She told him wishing he would understand. "What do you mean get your crap together so you won't have to go back to hell?" Yukio folded his arms and began to listen knowing she would explain. "I just got a stupid ass phone call saying that Shikanai is coming back to Ossia; right, now." She tried explaining to him. "Isn't That good news to hear? I mean she is your long lost twin sister?" Yukio asked her still sort of confused on why Yumi was pissed about the whole situation.

"But Yukio, you don't get it! I just had a huge fight with her and I can't face her after what happened." Yumi explained to him grabbing her phone and shoving it back in her mini backpack. "Hold up for a sec, just told me you were going to get her a gift for our birthday right? How were you going to give her the gift without seeing her?" Rin asked her confused about the whole situation. "I didn't quite figure that part out yet but I'm really pissed about this whole situation right now! I just need a break I'm going to go get some fresh air outside, and NO ONE, FOLLOW ME!!" She yelled angrily going outside and slamming the front door. Rin walked over to the front door and went to open it. "Woah woah woah, hold it Rin. Where are you going?" Yukio asked him suspiciously stopping his older twin before he had the chance to escape the dorm. Rin turned around.

"Okay Mr. Dorm Police Man Guy, I am going after her now let me be!" Rin told his younger twin brother looking him in the eyes. Yukio gave his brother a glare, "She told us specifically not to follow her no matter what. Here is a thing you need to know about girls including our sisters, girls need their time alone and privacy so let her be until she comes back." Yukio told Rin staring him down making sure he wasn't going to move an inch near the door. "Fine! Girls are always so high maintenance!!!!" Rin yelled while Sayuri came down the stairs. "Um..." she looked at them like they were crazy, "Am I high maintenance Rin?" She asked him hoping for his honest opinion. "No just other girls like Yumi with all her emotions and feelings." Rin told her moving his hands in a weird motion.

"Rin, have you ever considered yourself High maintenance?" Sayuri asked him tilting her head at him and staring him in the eyes. Yukio laughed at his older brother. "Me? Please I'm natural and easy, like the flavors in cereal because cereals always say their flavors are natural and cereal is easy in the mornings." Rin replied to her acting so accomplished with him words. Yukio and Sayuri laughed together at him. "Really? Just ask all the girls you dated and are dating right now and see what they think about you." Sayuri told him walking into the kitchen to get a snack.

When she was gone Rin sighed. "I can't believe she would say something about me! She is my sister how could she?!" Rin asked Yukio acting all shocked at what she said about him to his face. "Please, She was just being nice to you. Just wait until she rejects you when you ask her to go somewhere or do something with you." Yukio told Rin being as nice as he possibly could to him. Rin glared at his younger brother as he walked out of the room.

Yumi was standing on a bridge looking at the water over it. Lately, Yumi couldn't stop thinking about someone. That someone was her lovely boyfriend, Asai. She continued to think on about what she could have done to prevent his death from happening and if she could go back in time and fix it, she would and she already knew what she would do if she could. Yumi stared deep into the blue shimmering water while listening to the birds chirp and watching the cherry blossoms blow off of the trees even though it was winter time and snow was on the ground. All of a sudden Yumi heard this voice start to talk to her. "Who is that?" She asked the voice.

"Yumi, if you follow my voice, I will lead you to great things in life." The voice told her. "Will you be able to take me to the past to save Asai?" She asked the mysterious unknown voice again. "Maybe..." The voice told her trying to convince Yumi she could do anything Yumi wanted from her past. "Who are you anyways?" Yumi wanted to find out the voices identity so that she could thank whoever it was for helping her bring back Asai.

"My name is...Y


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