Chapter 3

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"Now that I think about it, where is Shikanai?" Yukio asked Yumi and Sayuri looking around for Nai. "Yukio, Nai got taken away from me by an angel. She had bright red wings and claimed to be Satan's sister. She said that Nai needed to be taken back to Gehenna and live there for the rest of her life." Sayuri explained to Yukio hugging Yumi tight making sure she was okay. Yukio looked at the ground. He looked like there was nothing he could do about this.

"Yumi, I'm so sorry but there is nothing we can do about this situation. Nai will be able to visit us every now and then but she cannot stay here in Assiah with us. Shikanai's power is to strong to control so she must stay in Gehenna. I'm so sorry Yumi." Yukio explained to her looking up at Yumi. He had tears in his eyes and so did Sayuri and Yumi. "Um, What are you talking about?" Chizuka asked Yukio looking at all of them. "Ko-Chan..." Yukio looked her in the eyes and explained to her about everything. Including that they were the children of Satan.

She looked okay with it so that was good. Yukio texted Rin to come home and also texted him the news. Just 5 minutes later, Rin and Kat came into the dorm. Rin ran up to Yumi and hugged her as hard as he could. She hugged him back and began to cry again. Kat stood there not knowing what to do. "Rin, Kat, I have someone I want you to meet. This is my girlfriend Chizuka Hatsue. She is in the same class as us." Yukio told Rin and Kat. They introduced themselves and shook Chizuko's hand. She kept smiling. She was way to happy.

"Well, look at the time. I must get doing. My mother has a curfew for me every night. Some nights she lets me stay longer than others but tonight I promised I would help her with dinner. See you later Yuki!" She told Yukio waving goodbye and blowing a kiss. They all waved goodbye to Chizuko as she walked out of the door. "I like her, she is very nice. And she smiles a lot." Rin told Yukio putting his arm around Kat. Sayuri was comforting Yumi. All of a sudden Sayuri's phone went off. "Okay, yes I understand. Meet you there." She told the person over the phone.

"What is it?" Yukio asked Sayuri curiously. "I am going to meet a friend of mine Okay. See you guys later. Oh and if I'm not back in time please leave me some dinner in the fridge for me. Thanks, bye!" She told them all grabbing her stuff and heading out the front door. "Well That was weird." Rin told Yukio looking over at the door. "Wanna go up to my room and hang out for a while?" Rin asked Kat looking her in the eyes. Her eyes were sparkling as usual. Kat's eyes were always sparkling, especially in the moonlight. "Sure." She told him. "Hey Yukio, I don't feel like cooking dinner tonight can we get pizza?" Rin asked him hopeful that he would say yes. "Sure I don't mind. I will order it in a few because dinner starts in 30 minutes." Yukio responded looking at his watch. "Cool Thanks, let's go." He thanked his younger yet more mature brother heading up the stairs to his room with Kat.

"So Yumi, are you Okay?" Yukio asked her looking over at her. Yumi stared at the door for a second and then ran up to her room slamming the door and locking it. All of the stuff that was in Shikanai's room was still there from before she left. Including her sword and mini backpack. Yukio went to her bedroom door and lightly knocked on it. "Mi-chan, are you Okay?" He asked her quietly trying to listen for a response. He heard her crying. Then, "please, just leave me alone." She whispered still crying. Yukio looked at the floor and then went to his bedroom. He was really worried about Yumi and hoped that she would be okay.

Sayuri walked down an aisle on the street and saw her friend. "Hello Sayuri." A mysterious deep voice said. "Please, put my friend down!!" Sayuri yelled at the deep voice. "Why should I? Is she important to you?" The voice asked her staring her in the eyes. Sayuri's bright blue eyes were glowing with anger. All of a sudden she bursted into blue flames. "Hahaha...that's it, my daughter." Satan told her laughing joyfully. "PUT SHIEMI DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!" Sayuri screamed at him now almost crying. She knew that she had to stay strong because if she didn't, her father would tear her to shreds.

All of a sudden Shiemi opened her eyes. Everyone thought she was dead, but Satan brought her back to life. He threw her and she landed right in front of Sayuri laying on the ground. Sayuri helped Shiemi up to her feet. She didn't look any different and looked okay other than looking completely shocked. "Hurry Shiemi, Run back to your home right now!" Sayuri yelled at her putting her arm in front of her to try to protect her from her father. Shiemi ran back to her dorm and Sayuri drew her sword from its sheath.

"I am starting to wonder who Sayuri went to visit. She had been gone for over an hour." Rin said his arm around Kat and him and Kat watching Netflix. "Something wrong Rin?" Kat asked him looking him in the eyes again. "No it's just getting sort of late. Wanna spend the night here?" He asked her looking her in the eyes. "Sure, just let me text my dorm mate and tell her real quick. Be right back I'm gonna call her." Kat replied to him standing up and going out into the hallway. Rin went out in the hallway to go check on Yumi trying not to slip with his crutches. He lightly knocked on her door. "Go away." Yumi mumbled to him. Her head was tucked by her knees with her arms covering it.

"C'mon now Mi-Chan, let me in." He said knocking on her door again. Yumi got up and opened the door for him and then went back to the same position. Rin walked in and closed the door. He took a seat on the side of her bed. "What is it Yumi?" He asked her looking at the ground folding his hands. "It's just, I have been through so much these past months lately. First I see my boyfriend die right in front of me and it was partially my fault, Shiemi died because of me, I find out I had a twin, she left me and went back to Gehenna, I broke my leg, and it is just to much to handle!" Yumi yelled still crying. Her crutches were laying by her side. Rin took his crutches and sat down next to her on the floor carefully. He laid his crutches next to him and hugged his little sister.

All of a sudden Kat opened the door. "Hey Rin, I am going to head back to your room and get ready to go to sleep Okay?" She told him. He looked over at her. "Yeah, that's good. I will be here in 10." He told her still hugging Yumi. Kat shut the door and went back to Rin's room to get ready for bed. When Kat left, Rin automatically turned his attention back to Yumi who was balling her eyes out. "You're scared, right?" Rin asked her closing his eyes. "Y-yes." Yumi told him through her crying. "You are scared that everyone will leave you and you will be alone for the rest of your life. But you know what?" Rin told her looking over at her. Yumi lift3d Her Head up for the first time in 2 hours.

"What?" She said looking up at him. Her face was bright red with tears streaming from her eyes. Rin wiped the tears off of her cheeks. "Yumi, I will never leave you, you know that right?" He stated to her looking her in the eyes. Yumi nodded yes almost smiling. "You can't be scared of this. This is life. Sure life can be scary but it just means that you have to be braver than you are right now." He told her hugging her now. She hugged him back. "Thanks Rin, I love you." She told him now smiling. "I love you to Yumi. And no matter what, you will always be my sister."

Sayuri fought off her father and ran all the way back to her dorm. Sayuri opened the door and then slammed it shut. Yukio came running down the stairs with his gun in this hands. "Oh, Sayuri it's you. Where did you go anyway?" He asked her putting his gun away. Sayuri was laying against the wall trying to catch her breath. "Well you see, I got a call to meet one of my friends at this aisle downtown. I went there and guess who was there?" She began to tell him sitting on the ground. "Who?" Yukio asked her curious. "Satan, and he was holding Shiemi's dead body in his arms. And then he brought her back to life!!!!!" Sayuri shouted starting to freak out.

"He, brought Shiemi, back to life?" Yukio asked her trying not to believe her. "Yeah! And I'm not joking I'm being real here you have to belie me!" She told him pacing back and forth now. "I'm going to go to sleep and I will figure this all out with out tomorrow Okay?" Yukio told her heading up the stairs to his room. "Okay, Good night." Sayuri told him. Sayuri went up to her room to get ready for bed too. She laid in her bed trying to go to sleep but couldn't. Did something happen to Yukio? Sayuri wondered.

He didn't seem like himself today. I mean she was only gone for 2 hours and only saw him a little bit today, but something was off.

Sayuri was determined to find out what it was.

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