Chapter 7~Christmas Special Part 3

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December 24th 2017(Christmas Eve)~
"Who are you anyways?" Yumi wanted to find out the voices identity so that she could thank whoever it was for helping her bring back Asai.

"My name is...Yuri Okumura. Yes I might seem familiar. My young daughter, all I want is for your wonderful dreams to come true and for your fate to stay how it should have been. Now, I can help you get Asai back but only after Christmas is over. Which includes your birthday too. Anyway, it is now time for you to go back inside your dorm and finish getting presents with your lovely older brother Rin." Yuri's voice told her quietly and softly.

December 25th Christmas Day~
Sayuri and Rin were by Yumi's  bed and shaking her to wake up. She finally woke up and slowly opened her eyes to find Sayuri and Rin staring at her until she was fully awake. "Merry Christmas!!" They shouted at Yumi in unison. "Huh? It was a dream this entire time?" She whispered to herself. "Yeah man were you dreaming. We have to open presents down stairs and then head to the monastery! We are spending the whole rest of the day there so you need to pack some clothes too." Rin explained to Yumi a little bit overly excited. "Now c'mon! Let's go open presents Yumi!" Sayuri told her. Rin and Sayuri got up and started to run down the stairs. Yumi joined them downstairs to find Yukio sitting down reading a book in the living room.

"Hey Rin, What about that demon we had to watch over during the festival?" Yumi asked him confused. "Well since the festival already passed, we don't need to watch him anymore." Rin explained to her still smiling as he was when he woke her up. "Who is ready to pray and then open presents?" Sayuri asked shaking a present to get everyone's attention. They all raised their hands and sat in a circle to pray. After they finished praying, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Yumi told them getting up and moving towards the front door. It was Chizuka. "Welcome Chizuka and Merry Christmas! Are you here to join us? Would you like to come in?" Yumi asked her politely knowing she had to because she was Yukio's girlfriend.

I mean if Asai was here Yukio would be polite to him but not because he had to but because that was just who he was.  Yumi started to think about her dream and started to wonder if it meant anything. "Merry Christmas guys! Thanks for letting me in and inviting me over Yumi I really appreciate it a lot." Chizuka thanked Yumi smiling happily. Since Asai wasn't alive to be with her for Christmas, Yumi thought she wanted to make some people happy like her brothers so she invited their girlfriends to join them for opening presents. "Your welcome." Yumi told her while she walked in, "Merry Christmas Kat! Please come in and join us." Yumi welcomed Kat as she showed up to the door. "Now I know you are not boyfriend and girlfriend but you are really good friends so Sayuri, Justin is coming in around 10 minutes." Yumi explained to them all why everyone was here.

Everyone was opening Christmas gifts and having such a fun time together on that lovely morning. Sayuri walked over to the window and looked outside. The sun was shining brightly through the windows and there were snowflakes falling from the sky with snow on the ground just enough to completely cover the green grass. "Look everyone! Come over here and look!" Sayuri told them looking back at them. They all came over to the window, Rin running to make sure he was the first one to see it. Rin was about to turn 17 but still his personality was filled with child-ness but some people are just like that. Most of the time Rin was mature and acted his age but when exciting things happened everyone including him wold act like children and get excited. Well, at least everyone except for Yukio that was.

"Woah! It's snowing outside!" Rin said happily with a huge smile on his face. "Really? I want to see!" Kat announced making her way to the window faster. "It's so beautiful! Come on and join us all Yukio!" Chizuka told Yukio looking out the window and then grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the window. Yukio blushed and smiled at the sight of the snow. Christmas music was being played all throughout the dorm and everyone was cuddling each other to keep warm and looking outside at the beautiful snow flakes falling from the bright blue sky. Yumi stood alone in the corner looking out the window because she didn't have anyone to cuddle with.

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