Chapter 8-Happy Birthday!!!

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December 27th(Rin, Yukio, Sayuri, and Yumi's birthday)~
Today was the day that everyone turned 17 years old. Since that all got their licenses last year, they could already drive wherever they wanted to. Yumi was a great driver because she is good at most of the stuff she learns to do, especially math, being an exorcist, and much more. Rin on the other hand, wasn't that good of a driver. Let's just say he was good enough to get his license but still needs a few more tips. Sayuri and Yukio were pros because they were good at lots of stuff but not everything.

Everyone was sleeping and it was 12:30 am when someone opened the front door to the dorm. Rin heard someone open the door and decided to go downstairs to see who it was. Rin crept slowly down the stairs and saw a shadow. He screamed and turned around to run back to his room and fell straight to the ground. He heard someone shout ouch and opened his eyes to see who it was. "S..Sayuri?" He said surprised and happy it was her and not some stranger trying to rob them. "Rin?" She asked him looking at him to make sure it was actually him. Rin and Sayuri stood up. Sayuri fell down again. "Are you okay Sayuri?" Rin asked her helping her up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks Rin." She said.

"Sorry to bother you guys so early in the morning but I was trying to surprise Sayuri." Justin said turning on the lights and setting some happy birthday balloons down on the table. "Awwww Justin! You're so sweet!" Sayuri told him running up to him and giving him a hug and kiss. "Get a room!" Rin yelled at them. Kat and Rin just had their first kiss on Christmas night and he didn't know what to think about it. I mean yeah he liked it but what did she think about it? Sayuri looked back at Rin who was still standing on the stairs in his pajama's. "Wait, what time is it?" Rin asked them going down the stairs and into the kitchen to check the time.

"Oh look at that! It is officially our birthday!" Sayuri told him hugging Rin. "Happy birthday Rin! This is our first birthday together as a family!" Sayuri shouted happily, feeling really excited. "Shhhhhhh...Sayuri be quiet. Yumi and Yukio are still trying to sleep." Rin told his little sister putting a finger up to his lips. Sayuri made a frowny face, "Fine, but only because they are my brother and sister and I love them. Also because I wouldn't want anyone to mess up my sleep. Sleep is really important, you know that Rin?" Sayuri told him. She always ranted on and on about sleep and how important it was when she really needed it and was really tired.

Rin nodded yes and was pushing her up the stairs and to her room so she could get some sleep. Rin made it back down stairs and Justin was about to leave. "Hey...Justin," Rin began. "Yeah What is it Rin?" He asked him turning around and facing him. "I just wanted you to know how much Sayuri really appreciates you being there for her all the time. She really does love you." He told him, blushing because he didn't want to admit it. "Really? I mean that much to her?" He asked Rin like the world was ending. "Yeah, she does. Anyway, you can stop by how about at like 10:30 am later to celebrate with us. Sound like a good time?" Rin asked Justin. Rin wanted Sayuri's boyfriend and friends to be at there party and everything so they could celebrate as a family and as best friends like they never got to before.

"Yeah that sounds like a good time. Also, Happy Birthday Rin. See you later!" Justin told him waving goodbye, closing the front door behind him. He even locked it; that was a Justin type of move. He has a key to get into your house to bring you balloons, wishes you and your older brother a happy birthday, and then locks the door before he leaves. Total Justin type of move he made there.

Time Skip To 10:00 am
(If you don't remember Ukobach, I'm pretty sure in Episode either 14-16 or somewhere around there he and Rin had a kitchen battle and then some girls attacked Yukio with food because they were OBSESSED with him and broke into their dorm. Just a little refresher for you guys.)
Rin, Yumi, and Sayuri were at the table enjoying their food that Ukobach, The Demon chef in their dorm, made for them. Yukio came down the stairs to join Sayuri, Rin, and Yumi for breakfast. "Happy Birthday everyone! Wow, I have never been able to say that before. It feels good to say that." Yukio told them all grabbing a plate of waffles and sitting down next to Rin at the table. "Oh hey Sayuri, Justin said he was going to come over to celebrate with us at 10:30 this morning. That only leaves you with 15 minutes to look great for him today on our birthday." Rin told her finishing up his waffles and putting his dish in the sink. Usually he would wash the dishes everyday but since today was his birthday, he didn't have to.

"Oh that's right! I need to get dressed still! C'mon Yumi! Let's go pick out cute some what matching outfits!!" Sayuri told her slightly older sister putting her dish in the sink and grabbing Yumi by her hand. "Oh, you guys should match too!" Sayuri told them poking her head through the doorway before she left to her room with Yumi to get dressed. Rin and Yukio looked at each other and back at Sayuri. "No." They both said in unison. "Why not?!" Sayuri asked her older brothers about to whine. "Because I don't want to match. I mean we are twins and have never been into the whole matching thing. The only time we matched was in preschool." Yukio told them both. Sayuri sighed and then took Yumi straight up to her room.

Sayuri and Yumi picked out their outfits and got dressed. Sayuri was wearing a yellow crop sweatshirt with a white tank top under it, black skinny jeans slightly ripped on the knees and a little bit below the knees, and some white converse. Yumi was wearing a pink crop sweatshirt with a white tank top on underneath it, black skinny jeans slightly ripped on the knees and below the knees, and some white converse. When they both headed down the stairs to wait until their friends came for the party, they saw Yukio and Rin wearing matching outfits even after what they told Sayuri.

Rin was wearing a white button up dress shirt with a bright blue tie and a black jacket with jeans and blue converse and Yukio was wearing a white button up dress shirt, a black jacket, jeans, and red tennis shoes. "See! I told you that you guys would look cool in matching outfits!" Sayuri told Rin pointing at their matching outfits. "Yeah yeah whatever. What is the next thing you want us to do? Become gay and kiss each other?" Rin asked his little sister staring her in the eyes. Yukio looked at Rin like he was crazy. "Rin, I love you an all, but to be fair, we both have girlfriends and that would never happen just so you know. Also, I will never be gay. Ever." He told Rin trying to make it clear. "Yeah I know that Yukio. I will never become gay either." Rin stated to his little brother.

"No, that's just weird. Please don't; I beg of you." She replied to her brothers. There was a knock on the door, "I will get it." Yumi told them all. It was the first thing that she had said all morning. It was her birthday. Why wasn't she happy today? Was something wrong? When Yumi opened the door, Chizuka, Justin, Kat, Father Fujimoto, all of their classmates, and Mephisto were there. They all wished them a happy birthday and hugged each other. "Hey, you want to know something cool?" Chizuka asked Yuki. "Sure, What is it?" He asked her looking her deep in the eyes. "Well So your birthday is today, December 27th and my birthday is January 27th. So my birthday is exactly only 1 month away!" Chizuka told him excitedly. Yukio smiled a small smile at her. "That is cool. Happy early birthday Chizuka." He told his girlfriend in his happy relaxed voice.

Yukio had 3 different types of voices. His worried voice, his serious voice, and his happy relaxed voice. Chizuka smiled back at him. Yukio went over to his brother and sisters who were saying hi to their father. "I am so proud of you all! You have done so much this year of your life and accomplished so many things. I hope you all take the lessons you learned this year of your life and include them in the next year of your life to show that you learned the right things and how to do the right things." Father Fujimoto told them all, hugging the 4 Of them in a huge group hug. "Is it present time now?" Rin asked his father impatiently, jumping up and down. "Yes yes, everyone crowd around the table for them all to open their presents!" Father Fujimoto told everyone that was in the dorm.

Everyone loved their presents and had a wonderful dinner and went shopping together at the mall. They had such a fun time together and it was already the end of the day. "I'm gonna go to sleep sis, see you tomorrow morning." Sayuri told Yumi opening her door. "Okay me too, night sis." She replied to Sayuri. Sayuri waved goodnight and then closed the door. Yumi reached under her bed and held a photo in her hands. She stared at it while tears streamed down her rosy red cheeks. Why did he have to leave her? Why Father?

And on the most important day.

Yumi's 3rd birthday.

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