Chapter 12

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It was currently 2:30 am and everyone was awake, but were extremely tired. They all have been waiting for this moment for months and months. Rin, Kat, Akari(Kat's younger twin sister), Yumi, Sayuri, Yukio, and Mephisto all got to go to America for a mission. Originally, Rin was the only one supposed to go with only one other person. The people ended up getting changed around and now since they are all exorcists, Mephisto got them all a mission. Rin, Kat, and Akari would be doing one together, and Yumi and Sayuri were doing one together. Yukio and Mephisto were just there to guide everyone and make sure no one got hurt. The missions got put off because Rin and Yumi kept getting hurt and everything. Also Yukio no longer had a broken arm because of the train accident at the festival.

"Rin!" Yumi yelled, going down the stairs searching for him. "What is it?" He yelled back, grabbing all of his stuff and packing it away in a few suitcases. They would be gone for 9 months so they had to pack a lot of stuff. When Yumi found him she set her stuff on the ground and started packing. "Is the demon that we are watching from the train accident coming with us?" Yumi asked him curiously. "Oh, nah. He got taken to a demon center place so they could take care of him and find out what type of demon he is." Rin explained to her, zipping up his first suitcase and setting it to the side. Sayuri and Yukio came down the stairs, their suitcases already packed and ready to go. "H-how did you get packed that fast already?" Yumi asked Sayuri, looking at her suitcase and then back up at her. "I decided to pack everything last night so I could find my lost passport..." Sayuri exclaimed, sounding ashamed. She blushed and looked at the ground. "Aw shit." Rin said.

"What is it?" Yumi asked her older brother, still packing. "I don't have a passport..." Rin said sadly, looking at the ground. Yukio let out a sigh and there was a knock on the door. Sayuri went over and opened it. Kat, Akari, Chizuka, Asai, and Shiro were standing in the doorway. Sayuri let them all in, giving her dad a hug as he walked in the door. Kat went over and gave Rin a hug and a small kiss on the cheek. "Hey, you looking for this?" She asked him, waving his passport in front of his face. He took it from her and stood up. "Thanks Kat, how did you know I was missing it?" He asked he suspiciously. "You left it with me last time we went to America, remember? You told me to hold on to it for a minute while you were tying your shoe and then never got it back." She explained to him. He wrapped his arms around her in a hug. Chizuka went over to Yukio and gave him a hug. "I'm gonna miss you while you are away in America for 9 months. I know it is super early in the morning, but I wanted to make sure I got to say goodbye to you before you leave." She told him, her voice sweet as always.

Yukio gave her a hug, and looked down into her bright blue eyes. It was the perfect moment because he was taller than she was. "It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna miss you too but if you really miss me, you can come down to America after testing is over." He told her, giving her a small, sweet smile. "Just, promise me you'll be okay. Try not to get hurt okay." She gave him one more tight hug, and gave him a goodbye kiss. "I love you Yukio..." She finished the hug, and tears started to fill her eyes. Asai snuck over to Yumi and wrapped his arms around her. She jumped a little, and looked up at him. They laughed. "I love you." They said in unison, on accident. They both laughed at each other and kissed each other. "Please make sure you come back in one piece. That's all I ask for." He told her, feeling a sense of worry. He punched him in the arm playfully, "Don't worry Asai, I will make it back in one piece. After finals, you can come and visit me in America, just like Chizuka is going to do with Yukio. I love you so much, now I have to get going." She explained to him, feeling sad that she had to leave him already.

The 4 of them gave goodbye hugs to Father Fujimoto and were on their way. When they got on the plane, Rin was a little bit too excited for it only being 4:00 in the morning now. Everyone was trying to sleep except for Rin and Kat. He looked so fascinated looking at all the stuff outside of the plane window. Kat, Akari, and Rin were in one row, Yukio, Sayuri, and Yumi in the other row behind them. "Sis, he has been on a plane before, right?" Akari asked Kat, sounding extremely annoyed with the two of them. "Ri-Chan if you are annoyed and want to sleep, how about you switch places with either Sayuri or Yumi?" She told her younger sister bluntly. Akari let out a huge dramatic sigh, "Fine." She turned around to see if anyone was awake. Yumi and Sayuri were on their phones, and Yukio was reading a book. "Hey can I switch places with one of you girls? You're brother is really annoying me and I'm trying to sleep." Akari told them rudely.

    Yumi and Sayuri looked at each other. "I'll switch with you." Sayuri told her kindly, Yumi staring at her angrily. Yumi hated Akari. She was always so rude. To be honest, she liked Yukio but he could be sort of mean sometimes and she really didn't want to sit next to him and Akari for more than 25 hours. That was too long for Yumi. Finally Akari and Sayuri switched seats and got comfortable. Yumi grabbed her earbuds and put them in so she wouldn't have to hear Kat's twin sister.

Time Skip to America
    When the 6 of them walked into the rental house, their jaws dropped to the floor. It was like a mansion! Rin was probably the most excited out of them all. "Do we choose any room we want?" Sayuri asked Yukio while looking around the place. "Yeah I think so." Yukio told them. Rin took Kat's wrist and went off running like everyone else. Before they could get to the stairs, Mephisto appeared out of thin air. "Mephisto..." Rin groaned impatiently. Everyone sighed and waited for him to tell them the rules. "You can all pick out your own rooms, but think wisely because Chizuka, Asai, and Justin will be coming after they finish finals later this week. So, if you want to share a room with one of them, I suggest you get a room with 2 beds. Also, may I talk to you two quickly?" Mephisto said, pointing at Yumi and Rin.

    Yumi and Rin looked at each other and then followed Mephisto outside. "I know what you guys have been doing. It is not wrong Okay. You guys can love each other as much as you want and make out as much as you want." He began to tell them. "Now this is just awkward. And how do you know?" Yumi asked him suspiciously. He laughed out loud and Yumi glared at him. "My sister, I may only be your headmaster and half brother, but I know everything." "Wait, you are our half brother? Since when?" Yumi asked him confused. "Since forever. Anyway, let the man talk." Rin told his little sister. She looked over at him and glared at him too. "Thank you Rin. Demons can love each other all they want. I honestly don't care what you guys do I mean you are both half demons so I don't mind but you must keep it a secret." He told them. Yumi raised her hand. He pointed at her so she could answer. "I am half demon half angel. Does that make a difference?" She asked him worriedly.

    "Really, you are? Show me proof." He told her, clearly not believing her. "Fine but I thought you said you knew everything." She told him holding the necklace in her hand and it started to glow. She said a few words and her wings magically appeared. "Damn, that's right you are an angel." He said, now thinking if it made a difference. "I don't think anything will happen so you're good to go. Now go choose your rooms, but choose wisely." He told them and they ran back inside. When they went back inside, they heard people screaming. "What is that screaming?" Yumi asked Rin looking around the room trying to figure out where it was coming from. "That isn't just any regular screaming, Kat is screaming. I need to find her right now! Kat!" Rin screamed running up the stairs. Yumi went the way Rin didn't and they eventually met up by a room and found Kat sitting beside Akari who was on the floor.

    "What's wrong?" Rin asked her kneeling down next to her. "I think she just had a seizure!" Kat yelled, shaking her sister to wake up. "Where is Sayuri and Yukio?" Rin asked her in a hurry. "They went to go get some food and I was picking a room but I heard her scream and when I came in, she was shaking and her eyes went completely white." Kat told the,, tears filling in her bright lavender colored eyes. "I know what's wrong! Move over, I am going to help her." Yumi told Kat, sitting down next to her trying to move her out of the way. She held her necklace and her wings came back out. "No no no no! Akari!" Kat screamed. Rin held her back and sat down next to the wall, holding her in his arms. She held onto his shirt and dug her head into his chest, still crying. Rin hushed her until she calmed down.

    "It's gonna be okay Kat, it's gonna be okay."

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