Chapter 5-Christmas Special Part 1

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It was early in the morning the day before Christmas Eve. Everyone was awake and getting ready for the day. Shiemi was over helping Rin make breakfast and Chizuka was staying at the dorm to celebrate and help set up Christmas with Yukio and his siblings. Since Yumi and Shikanai had a huge fight before Christmas, everyone decided that it would be better if Shikanai stayed in Gehenna for now on. Yukio walked down the stairs ready for the day and went into the kitchen. "Hey Shiemi, What are you guys making for breakfast?" He asked her politely.

Right after he asked that Shiemi through the raw pancake batter in his face and screamed at him. "This is what we are having for breakfast!!!" She yelled at him and then threw the spatula across the room. Yukio dogged the pancake batter and it landed on the floor right behind him by Chizuka's feet. Yukio took out his gun and pointed it at her. Rin turned around and froze in his place. "Yukio! I need to talk to you outside for a minute." Rin told him taking Yukio by his arm and outside.

"What Rin..." Yukio asked him clearly annoyed. "Don't What Rin me Okay. Why did you point your gun at Shiemi? I mean she could just be having mood swings or something." Rin told him holding a pan with a pancake on it in his hand. "Look Rin, Shiemi was brought back to life by Satan. She already died and now he is possessing her dead body." Yukio explained to Rin as clearly as he could knowing that Rin would still be confused. "How do you know that she was brought back to life?" Rin asked his younger twin staring him in the eyes waiting for an explanation. "Sayuri told me when she had to go help her "friend" that Satan took Shiemi's phone and when she went to go see her friend Satan brought her back to life in front of Sayuri's own eyes. Now tell me I'm lying to you Rin." Yukio told Rin putting him on the spot.

"Fine, I believe you. But really Yukio, how is your arm?" Rin asked his brother looking at his arm that had a yellow sling.  "It feels fine right now and I'm not worried about it currently. I am more worried about Shiemi and what we are going to do about her and her health." Yukio explained to Rin looking him in the eyes.

Yukio and Rin went back inside to find Sayuri and Yumi laying on the floor with Shiemi standing in front of them with a kitchen knife in her hand. Chizuka was trying to stop Shiemi by grabbing her arm and trying to drag her outside. Yukio pulled out his brown gun and held it in his hand aiming at Shiemi ready to shoot her at any point in time. Shiemi fell to the ground outside and Chizuka folded her hands and started to exterminate her. The exterminating process didn't work because she was only being possessed and she wasn't an actual demon. "Chizuka!" Yukio yelled for her running after her. Chizuka grabbed Shiemi and started to run off somewhere.

Chizuka took Shiemi through the Gehenna Gate back to hell and found Satan's wolf body in flames standing on the green grass covered in white sparkling snow. "Well well, my youngest sons girlfriend has her boyfriends sisters best friend in her arms. What are you doing here Chizuka?" He asked her mysteriously.  Chizuka stopped dead in her tracks and tried her hardest to ignore Satan. She knew that if she listened to what he was saying, that she would get caught up in her own actions and words and would fall apart with Shiemi in her arms.

"I thought you were possessing Shiemi!" Chizuka yelled at him starting to get confused. "Oh, I am. This time I am only controlling her brain and actions." He explained to her. Satan showed his long pointy white teeth in a deadly grin. "Oh that's right, you are going to kill your boyfriends friend aren't you? Let me just give you some advice Chizuka, if you kill that short blonde haired girl that you have in your arms, Yuki might not ever forgive you." He tried to convince her using his deadly lies against her. Chizuka laid Shiemi on the ground and took out a knife. All of a sudden Yukio came running towards them.

"Chizuka..." he whispered under his breath. Yukio hid where no one could see him but where he could see everything that was happening in that moment. She took the knife and stabbed Shiemi in the heart. Satan screamed and then disappeared. Chizuka dropped the knife and fell to the floor. "What have I just done?" She thought to herself, her hands covered in Shiemi's blood. She covered her face with her hands and started to sob. Yukio ran towards her and began to hug her. "You did the right thing." He whispered to her helping her up off of the ground.

Yukio and Chizuka went back to the dorm and into Yukio's room. "You sure I did the right thing?" Chizuka asked her wonderful, nice, kind, and understanding boyfriend. "Of course. If you didn't do the right thing I would have stopped you in time. Shiemi was dead and her dead body was  being possessed by our worst enemy, my father. Trust me, we will miss her but she needed to be gone for the worlds sake." Yuki told her looking her in the eyes and comforting her.

Yukio and Chizuka snuggled in the dark by the fire place for the rest of the night talking about things they did as exorcists in the past. After her talk with Yukio, Chizuka knew she did the right thing.

Not just for her, but for everyone.

A/N~Hey everyone! So so so sorry for being gone for over 1 week! I have been in vacation in Florida and stuff came up recently and I haven't had time to finish this chapter! I was really aiming to finish the Christmas chapters before New Years but just didn't get to it and didn't have any time. I promise to you all that I am going to be working hard all week this week after school to make sure I update every day and still make sure you guys are enjoying the story! Have a wonderful Day/Night, Love AbbyRox18😘

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