Chapter 11

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    Rin was hugging Yumi and she was covering her face with her hands. It was still raining outside so Rin gave Yumi his jacket so she wouldn't get a cold. "Rin..." she looked up at her older brother. "Yeah Yumi?" He asked her quietly, looking up at the sky that was filling with grey clouds. "Am I going crazy? I swear I saw him." She told him. "Nah, your probably just missing him more than normal these days. Didn't Sayuri tell you she was gonna get you a therapist or something like that?" Rin asked her, looking down into her eyes. "Yeah, she just hasn't found the right one yet. How is Yukio?" She asked him suddenly feeling sad about everything. "I don't know. He is probably still in the infirmary." Rin told her. Yumi looked down because she was scared for her older brother. Rin lifted her head with his hand gently so she was looking him in the eyes.

"Is what happened to Shikanai my fault?" Yumi asked him. Rin heard my fault and pulled her closer. "Shut up with the whole everything is my fault thing. It's annoying." He told her, kissing her. She pulled him closer and they couldn't stop. He kept pulling her towards him. She grabbed the collar of his shirt. They then fell onto the cold, wet ground that was covered in bright green wet grass. Yumi stopped him for a minute. "What are you going to tell Kat about this?" Yumi asked him looking into his eyes. "We can not tell anyone about this okay Yumi? Otherwise people will think we are crazy. Understand?" He asked her to keep the secret. It wasn't the secret, it was their secret. "Okay. I promise." She told him and then they went back to kissing.

    "Where could they be? We have searched almost everywhere for Rin and Yumi and we haven't seen either of them." Sayuri told her older brother still walking and searching for them. "How about we check this forest?" Yukio asked her, pointing towards it clearly not giving up until her found them both. "Sure they might be in there." Sayuri told him sounding like she was about to give up. "Listen Sayuri, we cannot give up hope now. Otherwise we will definitely not find them." He told his sister with confidence. "Found them!" Sayuri told Yukio, pointing at them and running up towards them. Rin was sitting next to Yumi who was sleeping, with his arm around her. She had on Rin's jacket to block the rain and was sleeping against the base of the tree. "Rin..." Yukio whispered and then ran up to his older brother.

    "I'm so glad you are okay! We were worried about you guys so much!" Sayuri shouted to them, Yukio following behind her. Rin saw Yukio and got up and gave him a hug. Yumi was waking up from all of the noise. "Yu-Yukio?" She asked him, opening her eyes slightly. He looked over at her. "Yukio!" She yelled, running straight into his arms. "Is she okay?" Yukio asked Rin, staring down at her, his arms up over his head. He lowered them and out his arms around her in a hug. "Yeah, she is fine. She was just really worried about you." Rin explained to his twin brother. "You were worried about me Yumi?" He asked her like she was speaking a different language. "Yeah, I mean you are my older brother. Why wouldn't I be worried about you?" She asked him. "I don't know. Anyway, want to head back to the dorm now?" He asked his siblings, pointing the way back to the dorm. They all nodded and were headed back to the dorm.

    When they all went back to the dorm, it was late in the evening. It took Yukio and Sayuri a while to find Rin and Yumi and then took even more time heading back to the dorm. The reason it took longer was because the 4 Of them went out for a late lunch early dinner before heading back to the dorm. Yumi went into her room and laid on her bed. She sighed. She laid there for a few minutes and then decided she wanted to see Rin. Yumi went and knocked on his door. He opened it, "Oh hey Yumi, what's up?" He asked her politely, looking down at her. "Quit looking down on me!" She told him, looking down at the floor. "I can't help your short people problems! I'm sorry that we are quadruplets and I am naturally taller than you. Anyway, it is getting kind of late." Rin explained to her looking at the clock.

    Yumi gave him that look again. He looked through the hallway and then motioned for her to come in. Rin sat down on his bed. She sat down on the other one, across from his. "So..." Rin said, his eyes wondering around the room. "So..." Yumi replied, looking around the room, her eyes meeting with Rin's. Yumi got up and jumped onto Rin's bed. He laid back, his little sister on top of him. Their lips met and wouldn't pull apart from each other. His lips were so soft, and he was a great kisser. Rin then took his shirt off, and Yumi was about to when there was a knock on the door. They both ignored it and then the person knocked louder. Yumi fell onto the floor, covered in the blanket that was now wrapped around her. Rin ran to the door, his shirt not on him. "Oh hey Yukio, What's up?" He asked his twin, trying not to act suspicious around him. "I was gonna tell you goodnight since I'm going to bed. Also, is everything okay in here? I heard a giant thump after I knocked on the door." He asked his brother, not trusting him.

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