Chapter 4

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It was a few days before the festival that takes place every 11 years. Also it had been 2 weeks since Yumi last saw Shikanai. Everyone was asleep when there was a knock on the door. Yumi grabbed her crutches and went to see who it was. All of a sudden she ran into something and fell straight to the ground and heard someone screaming in pain. She opened her eyes and it was Rin, his hair messed up, him in the ground, and his crutches about 1 foot away from him.

"Are you okay?" Yumi asked him grabbing her crutches and moving towards him. "Yeah." He told her reaching for his crutches. She held out her hand for him and helped him up off of the brown, hard wood floor. Yumi made her way to the front door carefully not falling. When she opened it, Shiemi was standing in the doorway. "Shiemi?" Yumi asked staring at her. No one knew that she was alive except for Sayuri and Yukio but Yukio didn't believe Sayuri.

"Please, come on in." Yumi told her waving her arm gesturing for her to come in. "Thanks so much!" Shiemi told her walking in through the door. Yumi closed the door and went up the stairs to Yukio's room. She slammed the door open and ripped the overs off of him. "Uh, What is it Yumi?" Yukio asked her getting his glasses from his side table and putting them on. "Shiemi is alive and downstairs in the living room!!!" Yumi told him confused. Yukio sat up. "So what Sayuri told me last night was true." Yukio whispered to himself standing up. Yuki went downstairs to see Shiemi for the first time after she died and came back to life by Satan.

Yumi stared out the open door. Shortly after Yukio left to go see Shiemi, someone else knocked on the door. Rin made his way over to the door and answered it. "Nai?" He asked Shikanai confused. She told him hello and gave him a hug. He hugged her back and welcomed her inside. "Yumi!!" Rin called for his little sister closing the front door. "Coming!" Yumi told him going down the stairs carefully. "Nai?" Yumi asked her identical twin sister her eyes wide with confusion. "Yumi! It has been such a long time since I have seen you! Well at least in Gehenna it has. Man let me tell you, the time in Gehenna takes forever just for an hour to go by let alone 2 weeks." She told Yumi moving towards her to give her a hug.

Yumi smiled, tears filling in her bright blue eyes. She hugged Nai and they sat down in the living room. Shikanai said her hello's to Sayuri, Yukio, and of course the Shiemi That got brought back to life by the one and only god of Hell, Satan. "So, how has the leg been recently?" Shikanai asked Yumi pointing to Yumi's broken foot and leg. "It has been a hard few weeks but in just 3 weeks I get to wear a boot! Also how has Gehenna been besides the whole time thing and why are you here?" Yumi asked her younger identical twin sister in the eyes. "Well you see Yumi, I came back because I could. I thought it was time to tell you my decision in this life. Our father made me make this decision." Shikanai began to tell her older identical twin sister.

"Wait, What do you mean?" Yumi asked her confused still looking Nai in the eyes. "I have decided to work with our father, Satan, to make this world a better place and help make humans and demons live in peace." Nai-Chan told Mi-Chan. "No." Yumi said shaking her head, "I can't allow you to do this to me." Yumi told her sister taking her sword out of her sheath. "Mi-chan, don't point that sword at me, please, I beg of you sis." Shikanai told her sister shielding her face with her hands. Yumi stood up and continued to point her sword at her sister. "Please! Go back to Gehenna! I never want to see you ever again Shikanai Ari Akabi!!" Yumi yelled at her sister using her sisters full name.

Shikanai stood almost in tears. Nai looked at her sister one more time and then ran out the door and back to Gehenna. Right when the door slammed closed, Yumi fell to the floor. "Yumi!" Rin yelled moving towards her side. He tried helping her up. She was crying. "What happened?" Yukio asked her running towards her. "Nai, she wants to make a world where demons and humans can live in peace, then I yelled at her that I never wanted to see her again and told her to go back to Gehenna." Yumi explained to them all still crying and trying to stand up. "It's going to be okay. We both understand. We don't want that world to exist either so we know how hard this can be." Yukio told Yumi looking her in the eye or at least trying to.

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