Splatter Party. (Part 1)

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Today a little bit different, since all students were wearing sport clothe instead formal uniform. They were informed by the teacher, today they will be having an outing for Psychical Education. Mostly male students take a deep interest in this kind classes, however, girls might as well feel unhappy or complaining about not wanting themselves to get dirtied.

"What's wrong Redhead, you seem silent than usual." Sorazio said as he finds Mars was actually been quiet strangely. Usually, he's the one will fire up first whenever there were not any classes base on sitting on the chair.

"Eh? Ah, nothing." He said absentmindedly without giving him any confident smile. What's wrong with him?

"Lady Heroine has not arrived yet. Strange, she's rarely come late." This Lorenzo interrupted as he still sits on the elegantly while crossing the legs. The moment he brought up about that person name, Mars slightly shuddered and began looking at the seat near the window. That's where Marsher seat was, but today that person also did not come yet. 

He clearly remembers yesterday tragedy, Marsher cover in crimson easily could be seen through the white hood bunny. As the Sun begins to set, he has to sprint to school medic room as Marsher was already in heavy injury, his only hope is to reach there before the situation worsen. Seeing Marsher still cough the vomit blood, the face almost completely disappear the healthy color envelope the body in coldness.

The moment he arrived, Mars suddenly was too nervous to let his presence known by anyone, especially when he still covered in Marsher blood. So he decided to give a quick knock that enough to notified the person inside, before the door was open, Mars leap and hanging on the ceiling, hiding from the healer lady sight.

"Oh my lord, what happen to you!?"

"What's wrong Minerva-san?"

"This child is bleeding badly, prepare the hot water! And don't forget painkiller potion."

She carried Marsher easily as he was light, the doll he was holding was never let go from small hand grip. He would not ever forget what Marsher have done to himself today, including the discovery of Heroine's personality just thinking those flashback bringing goosebump to his whole body as his animal instinct telling him. 

"Heroine! You're here! What's taking you so long?"

She's here! Copying the exact word Marsher said yesterday, he also feeling fear unsettling inside his gut.

"S-sorry! I-i was overslept!" She panted badly as she went walk to them with shining bright smile. Lorenzo and Sorazia laugh heartily seeing their girl clumsiness, but Amarino as quiet as usual, he only replies at Heroine with a small warm smile. Exactly what Heroine wish for. Even though yesterday event was quite messed up, as long her harems did not act unexpectedly, she did not need to fix it up badly. Hump! That person dare to freeze like a statue, unable her to move more than half-day, if not for her power to protect internal organs from freezing, she would be a living frozen mummy already!

"Tch, Fox. " Far from the group seat, Kuroshi put his legs on the table as he laid his head on his arms. He rocking his chair lazily, due to Mars sharp hearing sense, he caught 'FOX' word. Without no doubt, Kuroshi had the long time ago knowing Heroine personality and decide not to speak with her at all. 

Squeek...The door was open, revealed a most familiar student in the classroom. A famous rabbit hood that the only person could be determined called as Marsher De Mellow. 


The whole classroom fell silent, as if the time was frozen they do not dare to take a breath just seeing the white bunny pitifull figure walk in. From feet till head, there only bandages cover every each side of the bloody wound. Even though it looks really painful, Marsher eyes seem do not convey the pain of it as now it resembles like a glass bead, which bares no emotion.

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