A Beast Boy is A Rabbit Comrade (Part 2)

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Marsher's POV

Okay, Hi, everyone! Previously I accidentally found a new comrade! What blissful day, however, I cannot believe blissful moment can be crushed instantly the moment Heroin came at the wrongest time.

"She's here." 

Hiding in the tree, I'll make sure my presence wasn't discovered at all. It's terrified to see my main factor death was walking around here. I pray as I hugged my leg tightly, just go away. 

"Where is he?" Heroin said. She looks around as if she was trying to search something..or maybe someone. Please don't find me, holding my sobbing in fear. The comrade on my shoulder stare me, as a beast just like me..I'm sure you could feel too, right?

He blinks. Yeah...he may be clueless about this situation right now. But believe me, my comrade, I will protect you from her..even though my tearful plus snot is not matched with my heroic intention. 

At down she still did not leave yet, oh come on! Just leave for the carrot sake!

"I'm sure Mars supposed to be here." She said. Sorry, but whoever human or ikemen you were finding was nowhere hundred percent for sure as I the only human live behind the school building.

"Who's there?" Heroin sharp threaten voice shook my mind. Is she going to find me? Oh no! no no no no no! My defenseless comrade still here! Gotta protect him!

*Pull him and shove into my pocket, immediately*

Finish! Problem solve. 

"Show yourself!" She still persists to find me! Scary ! I thought heroin supposed to have an angel like personality toward anyone including a stranger. Is this what mystery boy meant? Pretending to be one like a fox? "If you not, I will."

Huh? The tree was shaking violently, I was unstable and slip from the seat.I wanted to put spell frozen to my seat to keep still, but the tree won't let me as it slams my whole body with it flexible branch. Don't worry, my comrade still safe in my pocket. It was my poor belly have become a victim instead.

"UGHH!" Landing on the ground on my face which is painful, my head was fuzzy. I cannot move. Therefore I realize the black tentacles restricted my legs and hands. Huh? WHAT'S HAPPENING!?

"Oh...it's just you." Her voice together faces darkening like a coal. "Well, sorry for my undiscipline manner. IT MUST BE HURT."

Did I felt a shiver, yeah, definitely. What is this tentacle anyway!?

I try to struggle but it was vain. Like a fly in the spider web...how relatable.

"Marsher-san, I've been wondering all this time." Heroin walking to me, Eeeeep! Predator is coming this way! "How were you able to pull Kuroshi-san to your side?"

If you were asking me, I don't know! I wish I could scream.

"As usual, keep quiet like a mute person." 


"If I tear up your limbs, will you kindly answer me?" She smiles a malicious smile.

My mind was blank, I was able to imagine the future of myself being color in deep crimson. The death door standing before me, I cannot escape from it. 

" Before you try that..you have to pass me first then." Jack jump out from my pocket and emerge into the humungous rabbit that I once saw again. 

"Hah, what a terrible surprised here."

"Do you still want to continue?" 

Heroin keep on smiling facade, just stop! I don't want this bloody fight started in front of my eyes especially! 

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