There's always a reason.

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A/n: you guys gotta hear the music! It's really matched with Kuroshi personality ^w^/


That's the only music tune inside her head since yesterday. It was free time as the teacher still unconscious from her deadly cute attack, so the students use the leisure time to walk around the school until the end of recess. As for Marsher De Mellow, he decides to stay in the classroom alone while buried his head in the arms.

Well, technically he was not alone.

"Hey, didn't I say never ignored me." A husky voice whisper beside her. (This time I use her instead.)

"Epp!"She jolts her arms cross to defend herself. "No, I didn't."

"Then why are you avert your eyes?" He said again with teasing voice. However, Marsher did not reply, her eyes panic rolling around her vision to find an escape route. Dang, why didn't she flee away from classroom earlier?

"Uuu..umm, I don't know..aren;t you supposed gone together with heroin?" She tried to make some excuse. "I-i mean, don't you like h--"

"Why do I need her when I have you? Don't change subject anyway." He dodges it and shoots it back like a bullet, to her fear, he suddenly went to trapped her between two desks, there's no escape. "Demon." She thought with her face pale with three black line.

"Fufufu, aren't you being cute, little bunny."He said as his arms already trapped her. 

"I'm not." Her denial becomes more embarrassing when her tummy growl for hunger together with the tiredness of controlling her fear toward ikemens. So this time she's holding it while looking down at her feet, hiding the red cheek that burning her head.



"What do you want to eat? It's my treat."

"N-no it's okay."

"Hmm, fine then. I get it for you." He said lazily as he walks out from the class but before he stepped outside from the door, he peeks back at her. "If I see you were not there.."


"..Even I do not know what I'll do." He said nicely, but the meaning behind it send a shiver through her spine.

After his disappearance, she gave out a huge exhale breath and crouch on the chair with her legs lift to curl her body into a ball. She so scared, feeling helpless at this time too, Jack wasn't by her side as he has something to do with her brother abruptly.

"Uuuu" She groans. Demon, what a score of future death she just made.


"Eep!" Hearing another male voice this time, she instantly put on her rabbithood, clearly scared because Jack the one who holds her trigger spell was not with her this time. She heard the steps is coming toward her seat, is it ikemen? She takes a peek...IT'S AN IKEMEN!! She looks forward again while still holding her hood tightly. It was male with a glasses, Amarino. Her mind pounding to knowing his reason to search her.

"I remember you were at the back of the school building on yesterday, isn't?" He said with his cold voice, almost making her tear spilled of regret.


"Is that rabbit doll was yours?"


"Why are you were not answering me?"


After quite long asking without reply situation, Amarino finally gives up to pursue Marsh with questions. "I came here to give you this." He stands beside her and put some small parcel in front of her, her eyes widen in surprise as she saw the familiar parcel. It was seeds parcels with each of it was a different type of plant to breed. Her hands lift up the parcel and look the type of seed that was given. Mostly it was the seeds for flowers, but she never sees this kind of flower before especially in real life the moment she was transmigrated here.

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