Am I a Human?

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I feel my body wrapping inside warm touches as I was floating in this emptiness darkness, I cannot see around me yet my own self. I wonder if this an afterlife?

Suddenly without any warning, my head beam in pain as if being hit by something, so badly that I want to scream at the whole world. What is that!? It's really painful! Stop it!

And also I could my whole body being suck by an unknown force, causing me flailing aimlessly which made my head not just also feel in pain but also dizzy. The next thing I know, my vision forcefully shut my sight, bringing myself into more scary dark place. 

I think I'm going to develop fear toward dark recently. 


What is this? I feel so comfy at the same time I felt calm, previously I was panic being suck into mouth of darkness....RIGHT! WHAT ABOUT THAT DARKNESS BACK THERE?! AM I IN THE ABYSS THIS TIME?!

I instantly open my eyes, looking toward the world without open sky instead replace with a peach color soft blanket, afraid the new place I never saw I stood up...wait...I felt cold. I look down and squeal in surprise to see human limbs below me. Why am I naked?! Where is my fur?! 

Wait I mean, this is not even my body!!

"Oujo-sama, are you awake?"

As I heard a human female voice speaking beside my location, I stumble down, who is she?! How did I never realize she was there? What a sneaky predator! Far in front of myself, I saw my own reflection, a girl with bright dull sunflower color and pair of red and blue eyes stare back to me.

Could it be? Is this me? I touch my chubby human cheek, surprisingly squishy and soft at the same time remind me my owner's touch. Knowing the truth befall upon me, my human child face darken with an expression filled with fear.

Fear, confusion, anger, sadness and many negative human emotions that I first time felt. 

Fear, knowing myself won't be living like a normal rabbit again.

Confusion, where in the world I end up to.

Sadness, I was alone without anyone who same as me from inside. 

"Oujo-sama, are you alright?"

I jump in surprise and instantly open my human jaw scream on top of my lung. 


I hiding again inside the fluffy blanket to conceal my presence. Today, the first thing I could be done as reincarnated person, screaming like bloody hell. 

Please...leave me alone....I'm scared....


"What is that screaming?" A butler from outside of double huge step door glance back hurriedly as he was alerted by a girl voice. He open the door and saw the his coworker, a maid put her hands on the ears. 

"Gaelon, Oujo-sama is awake! But she suddenly screams!" She looks at the butler worriedly and turns back toward the bed which their little mistress hiding in the blanket, wrapping herself like some mummified creature. 

"Ojou-sama...are you alright?" The butler said worriedly as he cautiously nearing himself at the next of her bed. But his back sweat cold as he receives a cold menacing glare from the pair of her eyes.

".....GET....OUT....."She growled.

Both servants gulp seeing their mistress growl at them, "AHHHHHH GET OUT!!!!!! " She screams many time in order to get rid of them presence from her area. Her scream push both of the lowly servants out from her door continue with a slamming of the gigantic door.

From Bunny To Villainess?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz