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His heart thundered in his chest was he listened to the other speak. Moonlight fell over their backs from the bars they shared in their cell.

Artemis was his sister. His sister. His parents had lied to him his whole life, of course he wasn't a Daywing. He knew deep down he wasn't like the rest. But this, Lightray and Catastrophe, he still didn't understand why they couldn't have just told him the truth.

Not only a Nightwing, but a prince as well? And immune to the bite of that horrific monster? He had just spoken to his dead mother. Apollo's head was reeling. He was going mad.

"Apollo." Artemis said gently, from the darkness of their cell. Apollo blinked a few times, finally looking back to her.

"I know, I know." He shook his head. "We have to find a way out."

"I would say I could use my necklace, but I can't change unless I'm in contact with the other tribe I want to turn into. " Artemis said, the purple dragon touching the pendant hanging from her neck.

"How come they didn't take it from you?" He questioned, and Artemis slumped her wings.

"I think they know that it will protect me." Her eyes turned distant, like she was remembering. "It has once before."

"How do we get out, then?" Apollo cried.

Orange eyes suddenly materialized in front of their cell once again. Neither of them were startled this time. Apollo glared at Mimic, expression turning ferocious.

Mimic smiled at them, his scales turning into a lighter shade of purple.

"What do you want?" He spat.

"To help you." Mimic tilted his head. "You need a plan."

"Forget it." Artemis said. "We'd never accept help from you." She flicked her tail at that. "Don't think I would forget what you did. You manipulated me, and used my necklace to lead me here because of the Magicwings and their sick experiment."

Her voice was shaking with rage.

"All of that, the talking in my head and trying to convince me you were the Darkstalker and that I was special. You're the one who drove Shadowbender away from me by manipulating him as well. Why help us now? Neither of us trust you, you're crazy."

"But you need me." He hissed, grabbing at the bars of their cell. They glinted coldly at the glow of his gaze. "You'll never make it out on your own." He slumped his wings, face turning pained. "Don't you dare think I was exactly thrilled to help them, either." He hissed through sharp teeth.

"We don't need you. You need us. We don't want any part of your mind games." Apollo mumbled, folding his wings.

"Do you want help or not?" Mimic snapped. "I just want to get out of this place, same as you!"

Apollo looked at him, Artemis casting the gold dragon a questioning glance. Artemis steps up a little bit, warily tilting her wings as she neared the bars.

"What's your great plan, then?" Apollo asked, and Artemis turned to him in surprise. The gold Nightwing looked up at Mimic. "Say we were willing to accept your help."

"Apollo no-" Artemis began.

"Hear me out." Mimic said, pressing his talons to the bars.

Apollo arched his brow over at his sister, the other Nightwing giving him a pained look.

"Fine." Artemis hissed begrudgingly.

Mimic smiled, and Apollo growled at him. "Seriously, why are you so weird?"

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