Fake It

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Okay, breath. Calm down. You recite those words to yourself as you enter the cold arena. You are touring with Fifth Harmoy, and your brother just so happens to be the sound engineer who's officiating the tour. You heard he had invited the whole family to watch you rehearse for your first show on the tour, which just so happens to be in your home country. But he had made the slip-up of inviting your ex girlfriend along...

After having entered the back ways of the arena, you heard laughter and screaming coming from the center of the arena. You stop dead in your tracks and close your eyes before inhaling deeply, trying to prepare yourself for coming face to face with the girl you spent 6 years with, only to have her dump you for her best friend who is now her fiancée and who has accompanied her to this impromptu meeting. Your arms leave your sides and push open the doors, allowing you to enter. The laughter died down and your eyes find a group of people who are now staring right at you.

"Hey Y/N!" Dinah yelled as she ran to you and engulfed you in a hug. You smile and embrace the tall Polynesian girl in a tight hug, trying to draw as much strength form the hug as possible. She pulled away and dragged you to the rest of the people, making your heart leap in your chest. You awkwardly look around the circle of people and smile. Your aunt and her wife say their hellos, your cousins hug you and Ally and Normani greet you quietly. Your eyes search for Lauren but she was nowhere in sight. Your eyes fall upon the one person you had been dreading to see all week. "Hey Milly." You greet shyly, earning a small smile from her and a glare from her fiancée.

A few hours passed and you had rehearsed 7 songs with the girls, excluding Lauren. You learned she was feeling sick last night so she stayed a little longer in the hotel. She arrived soon after rehearsals came to an end. As she walked in you saw her staring at you, and this made you both happy and nervous. You walked over to the water table and grabbed a snack along with a bottle of water and walked back over to the group of people. As you come to a standstill, joining the group discussion, you felt a pair of soft arms wrap around your waist and a pair of succulent lips place themselves at your ear. You shudder at a cold breath falling on your skin. "Act natural, go with it." The voice whispered before vacating your personal space. You looked over at Lauren as she walked over to introduce herself to your family and ex girlfriend and her plus one, trying not to look too worried. "Hey there, I'm Lauren, Y/N's girlfriend." You heard the other 3 girls choke on their water and your cousins' eyes widened. You closed your eyes as dread washed itself over you.

Your aunt and her wife greet her politely, returning her wide smile. Lauren then turned to Milly and her soon-to-be-wife and shook their hands. Milly looked over at you, and you saw a hint of sadness in her gaze. You couldn't help but smile slightly at her reaction. She was the one who broke up with you out of the blue one Thursday evening, 2 days before Valentine's Day. You watched her face as Lauren walked back over to you and kissed your cheek.

A half an hour after Lauren's surprise, you grab her hand and whisk her off to the dressing rooms back stage, knowing it would be safe to talk there. You close the door behind yourself and turn to see a smiling Lauren. You sigh. "Lauren what the fuck was that?" You ask, earning a chuckle from the green-eyed beauty. She walked a little closer. "Oh so you don't wanna date me?" You blushed softly, remembering the game of Truth or Dare you and the girls played last night. Ally had asked if your ever consider dating Lauren, and you confessed to always having has a crush on her.

You cleared your throat. "Lauren, come on. Yes, I may or may not have had a small crush on you but that doesn't mea-" you were cut off by Lauren's forefinger placing itself on your lips, hushing you. You widened your eyes. "Listen sweetheart, I wanted to know if you would appose to this happening. That's why I asked Ally to ask you that question. I knew your cousin had invited your ex and her fiancée and I didn't want you to go thought the day alone. And truth be told, I may or may not have a small crush on you." Her last words caught you by surprise. She bit her lower lip and leaned in slowly, allowing her lips to collide with yours.

The kiss was soft and slow, allowing you to get a proper taste of her succulent lips. But to your dismay, the kiss was cut short when the door opened. You push Lauren away from you and look down, raking your fingers through your hair. You look up and saw Ally smirking slightly at the two of you. "Sorry ladies, I just wanted my phone. Let me just take it off charge then I'll be out your hair and you can go back to... Whatever it was you were doing." Ally said as she brushed passed you and shot a knowing look at Lauren before grabbing her phone from the cable and marching out the door.

Silence filled the dressing room and you and Lauren sit and stare at one another. You drew a shaky breath before speaking: "I think we should get back out there. They are probably missing us." Lauren looked up at you and smiled weakly. You frowned. "Lo, you okay?" You asked as she opened the door and walked out into the small and dull corridor. You heard her sigh and mumble a 'yeah' in response. You grab her arm and pull her back just as she reached out for the side door that entered into the arena. "Hey, what's up?" She looked down.

"Do you still have a crush on me?" She asked softly. Her question caught you off gaurd. "Uh... To be honest, yeah I do. I couldn't say anything because you were always busy with other people and I didn't want to mess you up. I'm sorry for not sayi-" You were cut short by her lips on yours. She tasted of raspberry and mint. Just as you stared to respond to the kiss, she pulled back with a wide smile on her face. "Alrighty, let's go show those people that were the hottest couple they've ever seen." You were pretty sure that was Lauren inviting herself to be your girlfriend, but you weren't complaining.

This could be the start of an amazing romance...


I'm currently working on a part 2 for Good Girls, calm down guys :).

Will update when I can.



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