Don't Let Me Go

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It had been a long week. Your legs ached, your head hurt and your back was killing you. As you walked into a little book store the smell of freshly ground coffee and paper surrounded you. You smiled, feeling a calmness take over you. This was your favorite place to go; all the books were a delight, the food and drinks they served here were to die for and the people were the kindest you've ever met. As you walked into the little coffee shop you slumped into your usual booth, resting your head on the table. "Rough day?" You heard a deep voice speak from beside you. You looked up and smiled weakly. "Rough week. I'll have the usual, thanks Bernie." He smiled and walked back to the counter where he began making your coffee.

After being served your hot beverage you sipped at it gingerly, not wanting to burn your tongue. You looked to your left and out the window at the winter scene outside; needless to say it was beautiful. You watched as kids ran past throwing snow at one another, and smiled to yourself. Just then you heard a new voice, one you hadn't heard in the shop before. The voice was husky and dry, yet sweet and inviting. You turned your head discreetly to see who the voice belonged to. Wow... You thought to yourself. And you thought her voice was sexy.

Once the mystery girl received her order she headed to a window table and sat down. Every thing she did looked so effortless, as if she had practiced it all a million times before. The door opened and closed, and this caught her attention. She lifted her head to see the new arrival, and in doing so caught your gaze. Your eyes never left hers, even though your brain told you to stop staring your heart had other plans. Choosing to stop being a creep you break eye contact, but something about her made you look up once more. She was still looking at you, a light smile on her full, glossy lips. You smiled back, deciding to see where it got you. Her smile grew when you return the gesture, and a light shade of red made its way onto her cheeks. She looked away, smiling all the while.

2 hours went by rather quickly, and you found yourself wishing she would look at you again. She hadn't, which disappointed you. You decided there was no point in waiting for her anymore so you stood up, threw your backpack over your shoulder and headed to the counter. "Leaving so soon (Y/N)?" Lea, the young cashier asked you. You smiled and nodded, feeling eyes on your back. Lea took the money you held in your hand and gave you your change, leaving you free to head out. As you were about to walk off you heard a chair scrape the old wooden floor. You looked back and the girl you had been wanting to talk to for 2 hours was right behind you. "That'll be $9.50." Lea said with a smile. The beautiful girl who's identity was unknown to you gave her the money and prepared to walk off, only to collide with you.

You just stood there, memorized. She smiled warmly and looked at you, putting her emerald green eyes on full display. It made your heart sigh and your knees go a little weak, but you wouldn't let it show. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." The girl said. You shook your head, letting her walk in front of you. "It's not a problem. I should've moved out that way." You state, opening the door for her. She thanked you with a smile and walked out into the cold winter evening. "Where you headed?" You asked her, curious as to why she was continuing to walk in this cold. She looked at you and smiled weakly. "The bus stop. It's just a few blocks away." She says, shivering slightly. "Uhm, it's freezing, want me to give you a ride to wherever you need to be? It's the least I could do." She smiled and accepted the offer without a hint of hesitation.

As you drove, a comfortable silence filled the car. She would occasionally turn her head to look at you, and as you do the same she'd look away blushing slightly. You were taking her to her apartment; she was giving you directions and commands on where to turn. Once you arrive at her apartment building she just sits in the passenger seat staring at you the way she did before. You blush, but return her gaze. "Would you like to come up?" The question caught you off gaurd, but who were you to say no? "Sure, that'll be great thanks."

Once inside her apartment she placed her scarf, beanie and coat on the chair by the door. Once she finished she took yours as well, laying it neatly on top of hers. "Would you like something to drink? To eat?" She offered, being a good hostes. You shake your head and thank her, still staring into those alluring green eyes of hers. "What about a movie with hot chocolate?" You agreed and walked with her into the kitchen where she began making everything.

It's now nearly midnight and the two of you are sitting on the couch laughing hysterically. "That's so bad! Was he okay?" She asked, leaning forward a little towards you. "Yeah, he was fine. Got out as quickly as he fell into the lake." She laughed once more, giving a little snort. You giggled, wondering how one human being could be so cute. She caught you staring at her and her laughter died down, her gaze as hot on you as yours was on her. She scooted closer to you and began leaning in, as did you.

Your lips met in a subtle kiss, but your mind was going crazy. Your skin felt red hot and you felt as if you could do anything. You'd never felt this way while kissing someone before. You two kissed until oxygen became a problem, pulling away but resting your foreheads together. "Don't let me go... Please?" You heard her plead to you. You nodded and cupped her face, bringing your lips together once more. Pulling away slightly you told her, "I'll never let you go."


Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

If any of you have requests or ideas please comment or message me, I'd be happy to write them for you!



Lauren Jaugerui Imagines (Lesbian Stories)Where stories live. Discover now