Tickle War

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"Don't you dare..." You warn, looking into the eyes of your lover. She quirked an eyebrow, smirking at you. "You know babe, you're kinda hot when your flustered." She says as she takes one more step closer to you, ignoring your warning. You back up, only to back into a wall. You whimper, knowing she has you right where she wants you. She takes slow yet big strides towards you, creating more tension than you needed.

"Baby, remember our first date? The one where you spilled your drink all over my dress?" She asked you, now standing so close you can feel her breath on your face. You swallow audibly, nodding slowly. She smiled as she brought her hands to your hips, keeping her eyes fixed on yours. You knew what you had gotten yourself into, but you didn't expect her reaction to be so drastic.

You feel her hands crawl upwards, and you brace yourself for what's about to happen next. "Babe, please don't... You know I hate being tickled." You say and she chuckles, letting her fingers dig into your sides. "Well then you should've though of that before you tickled me Mija." You sigh, knowing there I no way out of this. You look into her emerald green eye and shiver, feeling the heat rise in your chest and lower stomach.

After a half hour of being tickled your stomach hurt from laughing, your sides were aching and your legs felt a little weak. You looked over at your girlfriend who was concentrating on her phone; you smiled involuntarily and scooted closer to her, leaning your head on her shoulder. "Hey you." You mumble into her ear. She turned her attention from her phone to you and wrapped her arm around your body securely. "Hey baby girl. You tired?" She asked with s slight chuckle, making you smile. "Only a little..." You trail off, leaning up to his the base of her neck. You feel her shiver slightly, her arm wrapping itself tighter around your body knowing what was about to happen next.

A few hours later you flop down beside your panting girlfriend, looking up at the ceiling. "That... Was... Very much... Needed." You heard her say, breathlessly. You smile and nod, snuggling closer into her. "I guess we need to have a tickle war more often then." You say, causing her to give a husk and adorable giggle. She looked into your eyes before cupping your cheek and kissing you passionately. You smiled and broke the kiss, looking into her eyes. "I love you." She smiled. "And I love you."


Hey guys! I'm sorry this one is a little short.

I will update as soon as I can, but that might only be in a few weeks due to exams.



Lauren Jaugerui Imagines (Lesbian Stories)Where stories live. Discover now