Say Something //1

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She'd been out all day, and according to her she was 'out with the girls' but you had your doubts. Lauren had been gone for almost 5 hours and you were getting worried. She wasn't answering your calls and you could only imagine the worst. You decided to call Ally, hoping since she's the most responsible she'd answer her phone despite the circumstance around her. You dialed, and with every ring your heart beat grew stronger and faster.

A - Hello?
Y - Hey Als
A - (Y/N)! How you girl?
Y - Could be better. Hey how's Lolo?
A - I don't know, she's your girlfriend. I haven't spoken to her since yesterday
Y - W-what? She told me she was spending some time with you guys today
A - She did? Well, she ain't here.
Y - Shit... Well then where is she?
A - I don't know girly. Need some help finding her?
Y - Please. If you could call the others and find out if they know anything
A - Yeah sure, I'll do that. Don't worry (Y/N), she's fine.
Y - I don't doubt that, I just want to know why she lied to me

After the phone call with Ally ended, you tried calling Lauren again; but just like the other 10 times before, no answer. You started to get worried and anxious. Why would she lie to you? Then you remembered something... You have a GPS tracker on your phone that can track any number. You quickly punch in Lauren's number into the app and it quickly gave you a location. It looked like a beach house, and from what you recall she nor her parents own one...

As you arrived at the destination, you noticed Lauren's car in the driveway. This made your heart sink. You knew what she was most probably doing, and it broke your heart. You sat in your car for a few moments, mustering all the courage you could to get out your car and barge in on what ever she was up to. You finally got out, locked your car and slowly walked to the door of the beach house. You wanted to knock, but that wouldn't really do much good since she and this other person were probably engaged in something a little too important to get up from and answer the door.

You decided to try and open it, and to your surprise is wasn't locked. You stumbled inside, and you could smell Lauren's perfume instantly. Smelling her scent in someone else's house made your eyes water, but you couldn't give in. She's the one who's supposed to feel bad, not you. You walked into the kitchen and saw her car keys and sun glasses on the counter. You heard some shuffling coming from up the stairs, making you jump. You peered around the corner only to see an empty staircase. You sighed, knowing very well what you had to do. You began walking up the stairs, and with every step her moans of pleasure became more prominent. Once you arrived at the source of the noise, your heart was pounding and your face red and hot. Your eyes sting from the tears, but you didn't care anymore. You pushed the door open, and there lay Lauren on top of someone who looked an awful lot like Brad, her ex boyfriend. You gasped; even though you knew what you were going to see, you were still shocked.

Lauren quickly flew off of him, trying desperately to cover herself with a blanket. Her face was flustered, and her breath was short. "(Y/N)? W-what are you doing here?" You huffed, sniffing lightly. "I should ask you the same thing." And with that, you rushed out the door, climbed into your car and sped home.

When you arrived at your apartment, you immediately called Ally. She was shocked to hear the news of Lauren cheating, but she offered all her support. A few hours of crying later, you heard the front door open. You knew you had to face her sometime, but you didn't expect it to be so soon. You heard a sniffle come from beside the couch, causing you to look up. Lauren stood there with puffy eyes and a depressed look on her face. All you wanted to do was hug her, but you knew you shouldn't. You got up, pushing past her to the kitchen. To your surprise she didn't follow. When you came back, she was sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. You stood there for a while, just staring at the girl who broke your heart.

"Say something! Just fucking say something!" You felt how the anger flooded your vains. You looked at her face and saw it had gone pale, her bright emerald green eyes now a dull grey colour. She stared at the wall in front of her, not saying a word. "Lauren, p-please?" You asked as you fell to your knees, allowing the tears you'd been trying to hold back flow down your cheeks.

"Could you at least tell me why?" You croaked out, looking at the floor below you. You head her draw a shaky breath. "I don't know why. It just happened." You chuckled dryly at her typical excuse. "Try being a little more original, please?" You stood up and walked to the other couch opposite from her. "(Y/N), I really don't know why. Brad and I just ran into each other a few months ago, we started chatting and then one thing led to another..." You stood up, not wanting to hear the rest of her explanation.

"I don't see how things can ever be the same again." You state, looking at her now. Her head shot up, knowing where you were going with your statement. "No, no (Y/N), no. I love you, so much. I made a mistake, it really didn't mean anything to me." You shook your head. "It may not have, but the fact that you did it shows me that there is nothing left between us to fight for. I'd rather walk away from what ever this is than break myself trying to fix it." You say, standing up and walking to your bed room. You heard footsteps behind you, but you both knew there was nothing she could do to stop you from leaving.

"Please don't do this..." You heard her whimper. You looked at her from the front door; she looked so broken and hurt. "Lauren, you obviously don't feel the same way you used to. You allowed someone else touch you in a way only I was allowed to. You allowed someone else's lips onto yours. I just don't see how things could ever be fixed. You hurt me, yes, but you deserve to be happy. I wasn't making you happy Lauren. So go, find someone who will make you happy, and if it's him then so be it. I can't do anything about it." You say as you open the door. You look back at her to see her sitting on the floor with her head in her hands.

"Goodbye Lauren."


Hey guys! Thanks to @Wah-Wah-Wah for requesting this one.

I'll update as soon as I can.



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