Ain't My Fault

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Sitting on a rather uncomfortable plastic seat, you watched the girls rehearse for a show at Madison Square Garden. You watched as Lauren and Normani run around stage, screaming the lyrics to That's My Girl. You giggled silently and kept your eyes trained on Lauren. She stood still and looked at you and winked, then dropped to the floor in a slut drop. Your eyes widened as she rose again, keeping her eyes on yours. 

"Wow, it getting hot in here!" Dinah said as she looked at Lauren. Lauren's face scrunched up and she smiled lightly, still looking at you. "Y/N is one lucky girl, hey Lo?" Camila shouted from backstage. You blushed and hid your face in your hoodie, trying to regain confidence. "Well, I'm pretty lucky too. I mean have you seen Y/N's body?" Lauren looked at you and winked. Dinah snorted. "Yeah, well, Y/N is way too shy to do anything sexy. I mean, yeah she has a great body but what does that help if she can't do anything sexy?" Your head shoots up and you feel how your throat starts to close. Lauren looks at you with a worried expression. "Dinah! Shut up!" Dinah's head shoots your way and she smiles apologetically.

You get up and walk as quickly as you can to the bathroom, ignoring Lauren's attempts to get your attention. You shut the door behind you and walk to the mirror. You stared at your reflection, studying your face. "I can be sexy..." You mumble at yourself. "I can be really sexy." Just as you spoke the last sentence you heard a knock on the door. "Y/N, baby please let me in." You sighed and walked to the door, flipped the lock and tuned the doorknob. Just as you opened the door, Lauren flew into your arms and kissed you. "Babe please don't listen to that ass-munch. Y/N you are sexy." You sigh and push her off of you. You shake your head. She continued arguing with you, and just as she was about to say something else an idea popped into your head. 

"Uh, Lo, I'll see you later, okay?" You caught Lauren mid-sentence, she was sitting staring at you with an open mouth and wide eyes. "Y/N, come on don't do this." You giggle. "No Laur, I'm just gonna go for a walk, okay? I need to clear my head. I'll see you at the hotel, okay baby?" She nodded and kissed your cheek. 

You walked along the sidewalk in the direction of the hotel, thinking about how you could execute your plan successfully. You walked passed Lollipop Lingerie, a shop you've heard all your friends talk about. You stopped dead in your tracks and looked in the window. You liked what you saw, but then you saw your reflection in the window; baggy sweatpants with a hoodie and sneakers doesn't really scream SEXY, now does it? You sighed, but shook your head as you decided to go in.

As you walked in, a few people looked at you, eyeing you up and down. You ignored their attempts to make you feel uncomfortable and walked straight to the first employee you could find. Tapping her on the shoulder you said: "Hi, excuse me, could you help me?" She turned around and smiled, but then looked you up and down and sighed. "Honey, you need all the help you can get."

"So, tell me about this girl of yours, Y/N." The sales person, Katy, asked you. You smiled as you tried to get yourself into a full body lace-lingerie suit. "Well Katy, she's beautiful as hell, as talented as they come and as sexy as a hells angel." You heard a chuckle. "Sounds like quite a girl. So her being as sexy as a hells angel, is that the reason you wanna do all this?" You laughed. "Just so happens to be, yeah." You pulled back the curtain to the dressing room, and watched Katy's reaction closely. Her eyes widened, mouth opened slightly and her arms fell to her sides. She stuttered as she tried to form words to describe how you looked. "That bad?" You bit your thumbnail. She shook her head vigorously, making her short brown hair flop from side to side. "Not bad, fucking beautiful. Not to mention sexy. Girl, your woman is in for a treat." You smiled and went back in to get dressed, feeling rather proud of yourself.

As you finished paying for the several items of lingerie you bought, you turned to Katy and smiled. "Thank you Katy, I couldn't have done it without you. And thank you for helping me pick out a new wardrobe." She chuckled. "No problem, Y/N. Now if your woman doesn't like what you picked out to wear for her, come find me. You're hella sexy." You smiled and thanked her again before walking straight out the door. You know if Lauren were there she'd want to kick Katy's ass for checking you out.

The time was 6:48 and Lauren said she'd be at the hotel around 7. Although Lauren's time estimations were always off by at least an hour, you weren't taking any chances. You looked yourself up and down in the full-length mirror and smiled. "I'd fuck me." You thought to yourself as you left the bathroom. You went into the bedroom and put on a bathrobe before starting to decorate the bedroom lightly, just with a few candles and roses. One thing Lauren always said she loved about you was your romantic side, so even though you were trying to come off as sexy, you wanted her to know there was romance behind your actions.

At exactly 7:30 Lauren walked through the door of the hotel room. You were laying sprawled out on the bed on your stomach facing the entrance to the bedroom. "Y/N? Baby?" Hearing her voice made your heart leap. Your mind started racing and you made a last minute decision to be standing when she entered the room. The door was pushed back slowly and in came Lauren. She overlooked you at first, but her head swung right back to you when she noticed what you were wearing. Her mouth dropped and her eyes shot wide, staring at your body in a matching 2 piece of lace underwear.

"Wha- Ho- Fuck." Was all she said as you walked closer to her. You giggled lightly before kissing her as passionately as you could. You dragged her to the bed and pushed her down so she was sitting on the edge. You walked over to the CD player and started playing Ain't My Fault by Zara Larsson. You turned and looked at her with a smug smile on your face. She was staring at your body as you moved your hips to the rhythm of the music, swaying slowly from side to side. You then walked to her and climbed on top of her, your legs on either side of her hips. Your hands flew to her hair as you began grinding down on her slowly, keeping your eyes trained on her face to watch her reaction.

You the let her lay down as you kissed her softly, your hands trailing down her body. You began to undress her, kissing every inch of her body as it was revealed. She look a deep breath and whimpered as you kissed her nipple softly. "Is this what I get when one of my idiotic friends say you can't be sexy?" You giggled and looked up at her from where you lay in between her legs. "Oh yeah."

That night consisted of many groans, moans and whimpers, mainly all from Lauren. As you lay down next to her, out of breath, she wrapped herself around you and kissed the crook of your neck as she snuggled up to you. She sighed and moaned once more. "Fuck you're sexy Y/N. And holy shit you can turn me on." You giggled and kissed her head. "It ain't my fault." She looked up and smiled, kissing your lips softly. "Oh yeah it is, and this is about to be my fault..." She trailed off as she began kissing down your body. "Well at least it ain't gonna be mine..." You said, followed by a loud moan.


Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long, but times have been rough.

Hope its good, whipped it up in under a half hour...



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