Swimsuits and Injuries

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Its been a day; a day since she last spoke to you, a day since she last looked at you. Who was to know that a little argument over what swimsuit to pack to Lauren's parents house for a weekend stay would have escalated so drastically. Lauren had asked you if she should pack a full body swimsuit or a bikini; and you being a protective girlfriend quickly answered the full swimsuit. Lauren took this the wrong way, and before you knew it you were being forced to sleep on the couch. You tried to explain to her what exactly it is you meant, but she wasn't having any of your explanation.

Now here you are, sitting in the drivers seat behind the wheel of your car in complete silence. Lauren was staring out the window, not bothering to make conversation with you. You sighed before kicking the car into fourth gear, speeding down the highway in an attempt to get a rise out of the raven haired girl, but receiving no response.

After arriving at her parents house, she ran inside to greet everyone and left you outside to carry the bags in. Lucky for you, Chris came out to help you seeing as you two were rather close. "Hey kiddo. How're you?" You asked him. He scoffed playfully and hugged you. "You are aware I'm older than you, right?" You giggled and shoved a bag into his hands. "Only by a few months buddy."

It had been a few hours since your arrival, and Lauren hasn't made any contact with you. You were getting fed up with her attitude, knowing full well she understood your point of view from the little explanation you got out during your last conversation. You were playing outside with Lauren's baby cousins and Chris while she and Taylor were in the kitchen helping her mom and aunts make dinner. You noticed out of the corned of your eye that Lauren's 3 year old cousin was about to dive into the pool. Knowing she couldn't swim you rushed to stop her, only to slip on a little puddle of water and fall. You did land in front of the little girl, stopping her from jumping, but you also did hurt yourself. You felt a sharp pain in your side, and a wet and warm liquid run down from your hip to your ankle. You shrieked in pain as Lauren's dad and Chris helped you up to a standing position.

After being carried to a pool chair you placed your hand over the injured area and closed your eyes, trying to stop any tears from falling. You heard voices and gasps, and only a few seconds later did you feel a cold cloth being placed over your hip. You jerked away, not being able to control the tears now. "(Y/N)?!" You heard a familiar husk voice call for you. You didn't dare open your eyes, knowing full well she'd probably scold you for having fallen yet again. You felt a pair of soft yet strong arms lift you and before you knew it you were being carried into the house, your eyes still shut.

Your eyes shot open when your body came into contact with warm water, feeling yourself being lowered into a bathtub. "Hey you." You heard Lauren say as you make eye contact. You were surprised that she was even looking at you let alone taking care of you after seeing how mad she was. "What happened?" You asked, shifting your position to try and get more comfortable only to wince as you feel a shard pain in your lower stomach all the way to your hip and leg. "You fell around the edge of the pool, and not too long after that you passed out, no doubt from the pain." She said as she took a damp cloth and wiped around the cut. You jerked away, making her do the same. "I'm sorry baby. How's it feel?" You looked at her as if to say 'well how the fuck do you think it feels?" She chuckled and nodded, continuing to clean around your cut gently.

After being bathed by your beautiful girlfriend, she dressed you and lead you to the bed where she lay you down and propped your leg up under a puffy pillow. She sat down next to you and looked down at you, smiling weakly. "I'm sorry." She whispered while tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. You frowned. "For what? This wasn't your fault, if anything it was mine." You say with a slight chuckle. She shook her head, leaning down. "No, for yesterday. I knew why you said what you said and why you said it so quickly, yet I still got upset and angry over nothing. I'm so sorry baby girl." You smiled and cupped her cheek before placing a light kiss on her plump lips. "All is forgiven princess. But if you feel so bad about it you can continue to take care of me." She blushed. "Babe... You're hurt. And we're in my parents house in my childhood bedroom." You slap her shoulder and kiss her cheek. "Not like that you perv." She smiled and leaned in to give you a passionate kiss on your lips. You melted into the kiss before pulling her closer, never wanting the moment to end.


Hey guys!

Before you ask, yes I did take this idea from one of my Demi Lovato imagines. I needed a little inspiration. It still is an original idea though.

Hope you guys enjoyed it.



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