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"Babe, you know where my phone charger is?" You hear a voice call from the top of the stairs. "No Laur, I haven't seen it." You call to your girlfriend, returning to chopping an onion. You hear footsteps stomping down the stairs followed by a loud sigh. You look up through your eyelashes and see your girlfriend staring at her phone, tapping wildly at the screen. "Babe, you know that's not going to help the fact that your phone's battery is flat." You say, returning your gaze to the chopping board. You hear another loud sigh and shuffling of feet before you feel two arms snake around your waist. Soft lips plant themselves on your neck and begin to move upwards until they connect with your earlobe and begin to nibble lightly at the soft skin. You giggle and turn around in Lauren's grip, being met with those emerald green eyes that you fell in love with when you two first met. "LoLo, why don't you go pick out a movie for us. The girls will be here any minute."

A few minutes later the door burst open, making you jump slightly. "I hope you two are decent, we all know what happened last time..." You hear Dinah say as she walked into the lounge, slumping down onto the couch next to Lauren. "Oh come on, that was like... 6 months ago and we weren't even naked so you didn't see anything." You hear Lauren defend both you and herself. "We saw more than we needed to see Lo." Ally stated, pulling you into a tight hug.

"Okay ladies, dinners almost ready." You call to the five laughing girls in the lounge. You walked into the room with a glass of wine in hand, and suddenly everything went dark. You stand in shock, looking around the room. "Wow, what just happened?" Camila shouted as she jumped into Ally's arms. "The electricity went out you idiot." Normani stated as she snuggled closer to Dinah on the couch. "So, I guess dinners effectively ruined..." You speed walk into the kitchen and fumble about, looking for the drawer that held the candles and torches. Once you found what you were looking for, you begin walking back to the girls' when you feel a sharp pain hit your left hip. You drop everything on the floor and crouch down in pain, letting your hands fly to the injured area.

"Y/N?! Baby, you okay?" You hear your girlfriend call, her voice laced with worry. You look up and see a figure in the dark making its way over to you. You feel two warm hands help you up into a standing position, ushering you into the lounge. "What happened sweetie?" Lauren cooed into your ear, holding you close to her. "I walked into the counter top, obviously because I couldn't see where I was going." You explain, wincing in pain as you try to move into a more comfortable position.

"Okay, I've ordered seven pizza's. Think that's gonna be enough?" You hear gasps from the other four girls, making you giggle. "Jeez Lo, I get you like to eat but damn..." Normani says before being shoved onto the floor by your girlfriend. Lauren then falls down onto the couch next to you, cuddling into your side. "Well if we don't eat it all, (Y/N) and I will have some left over for snacks once you guys leave." You know her well enough by now to know she's winking at you while smirking at the other girls. "Okay, I think I'm gonna light some candles so no one else gets injured like little miss accident-prone here." Lauren says while standing up, obviously referring to you. She kisses your forehead and walks to the table where all the equipment was placed.

Lauren began lighting the candles and putting them all around the room. Once she had finished, she sat back down in front of the little coffee table in the centre on the room. She began playing with the matches; holding them in front of her face before it got too close to her finger tips, then she'd blow them out. "Babe, please don't burn yourself. One injured person in this house is more than enough." She scrunched up her nose and smiled before jumping on top of you and attacking your face with kisses. You smiled and kissed her cheek. Just then the doorbell rang and Lauren leaped into the air before sprinting to the door. "You're dating her, so you're stuck with her. We're just her friends." Ally says from right next to you. You smile and look at your beautiful girlfriend once more. "Yeah, I'm dating her. But I wouldn't want it any other way."


Hey guys! I hope this is one was okay.

If any of you have any requests please don't hesitate to message me or to comment your ideas.



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