Death By The Maws

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H-hi! M-my name is Marshmellow. My mistress often said that word to me so assume it as my name. It was lovely morning as I was chewing some greeny crunchy grass. While having fixated myself upon my own meal, I always remind myself that I was also among top if the cruel food chain.

My red eyes that have whole world surrounding sight vision and my sensitive perk long lopped ears always function in all time, just in case if there is any predator waiting to pounce on me.


Eeeep!!! So scary!

I gave a kick on the ground and sped to run into my safest house that my mistress create for me. Mr.Crow always pick on me savagely and I hate it as he smells like death. I take peek at outside after I feel there was no presence of any savage predator anymore I came out again with relieving breath.


Oh no! Am I saying too soon!? I sprint up again with this time, without turning back, well, of course, I could see what's he looks behind me. With his jaws open and full with strong sharp scary fangs. The way saliva drips out just too disgusting.

He madly keeps on chasing me, before I know he already reaches behind me and bites at the end of my spine.  It hurt! 

I cannot move as if my body were stiff frozen. I look myself being eaten by him so violently and gory that I won't forget how scary how my death happening on me.

Ah, now I remember. Today is the day where my mistress came to give me a treat. A sweet orange vegetable that only came once in a week and this mutt making me miss it! Damn you mutt!! Take this!

Even I was almost run out life, I give him bloody bite on his nose then tore up his eyes, ears and finally his tongue. He then fled away with endless yelping sound, yeah, taste that! 

Slowly my vision became blurry black, I wish to cry of not just because loneliness and sadness, but also I'm going to miss the treat that was about to receive from mistress.

Before I died, can I have a carrot? Maybe no? I'm too scared to near with her too anyway.

Good bye scary world, I hope you do not mind me leaving this world.


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