A Cruel Measure

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The police scrambled. But unexpectedly, the friends were finally released from custody.

Midori and the other parents came swiftly to their sides, checking if they were okay.

Midori turned to the officer. "What about my son?!" Not that she wasn't grateful for Sugu being released.

"He has been taken to a hospital. I have been informed, he is alright." The officer explained.

"Hospital? I thought you were keeping a close eye on him! Isn't that your job?!" She complained.

"What hospital?" Sugu asked.

"Matsuzawa Hospital."

"Let's go Sugu. We're finished here!" Midori did not hesitate to show her discontentment with their local authorities. They were already being detained, the least they could do, was keep them out of trouble... But they couldn't even do that!

"We're going too!" Asuna spoke on behalf of her friends.


They entered the room, that Kazuto was assigned, but he was still unconscious.

Midori gasped at the sight of the infractions on Kazuto's body, especially, the bruise marks up his neck, from strangling. "What happened?" She asked the nurse, as the friends tried to flood into the room.

"All I know, is a man nearly hit him on the street. He found him with a knife in his hand, but nothing can be determined till he awakens. It couldn't be self inflicted, due to the many signs of struggle. He may look pretty beat up, but the only real problem he has, is exhaustion."

"The only problem IS, someone is trying to kill my son! Have the authorities checked in, or are they planning to ignore this?!" Midori had been too emotional to hide her true feelings and expressed them, freely.

"I know that they have been contacted and an officer made an appearance. That is all I know. I am sorry that I can't be of any further help to you." The nurse left before Midori could start blaming her next. Mothers are passionate about the wellbeing of their children, afterall.

"Who could have done this?" Midori asked Sugu, hoping she wouldn't actually know the answer. After what she saw in game, she was worried there was a lot more going on in that game, than she ever realized.

Everyone exchanged looks.

"Tarien..." Vari spoke up.

"Who is Tarien? Oh, that woman in the hologram?" Rika enquired.

Varina gave her a simple nod to confirm her assumptions.

"I recognize her. She played SAO." Keiko teared. "Her name was Rosalia. I had joined in a party with her, but Kirito saved me from her guild. They were thieves, who cared nothing about our well being. Kirito sent them to the prison."

Sugu turned to Keiko. "That is why she is doing this? To get him back or something?"

Asuna reached over and gently slid her hand across Kazuto's throat, examining it more thoroughly. Not forgetting about the cut across his cheek. "I don't think she did this. It doesn't make sense. If he didn't hurt her in any way, she has no reason to kill him, so desperately."

"We won't know anything until he wakes up. I think he knows a lot more about what is going on here." Klein wrapped his arm around Griselda.

Vari felt the tears tug, but her eyes met Asuna's and she felt like she wasn't worthy to be crying over him. She was envious of Asuna, but also felt like she betrayed her. If Asuna ever found out, she was afraid to lose all the friends, she ever had... except the ones from her brother's guild, maybe. If Renri has returned then... wouldn't that mean the rest of her guild would be too?

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