The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 45

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 45


A feral snarl erupted from Jenny's throat as she charged forward through the group. It was part growl, out of anger, and shriek, out of the insanity that of all people, the counsel man had to look like her dead brother. Jenny only paused to grapple with Jared for his stun gun. Even though it wouldn't kill him, it would make the imposter drop to the floor.

However, Jenny wasn't strong enough to tear it away from Jared's grip. Jared ended up wrapping an arm around her to keep her from drawing it. She couldn't move or escape.

"My, my," Not-Kay tsked, "Such hostility. Is this how you treat your own brother?"

Before the full sentance even poured out of his mouth, Jenny snarled, "You're not my brother!" 

The man blinked, like he couldn't believe what she was saying. "Of course I am." he said. "Here, I'll prove it---Remember that summer we spent out at the beach house? I kept you away from the Souls as long as I could before they began spreading their forces farther. We had to run to Texas to meet up with Aunt and Uncle, otherwise, they would have found us."

Jenny's chest heaved. She was beyond furious. Her fingernails bit into Jared's arm, but he didn't let go. I could tell that she wanted to fling herself at him and tear him from limb to limb. However, at the same time, there was a sad look of recognition in her face. This was her brother Kay.

"But I saw you!" She howled in protest, trying to find a way to disprove his claim, "I saw the Seekers shoot you dead!"

Kay nodded three times sadly before explaining, "The wound wasn't fatal."

The four words crushed her. All this time, Jenny had thought that he'd died trying to protect her. She wouldn't have imagined that he had lived on only to be possessed by a Soul, like her. Every fighting urge in her was smoothed out of her muscles. She went limp in Jared's arms. As much as he wanted to release her, he wasn't sure Jenny was over wanting to kill the man.

I wasn't as easily beaten.

"That's common knowledge on Jenny's and Kay's files for any Seeker, or anyone with enough ambition, to see." I spoke up, "You'll have to give her more specific examples." I demanded.

The person who looked like Kay turned to face me. For a while, his face was blank, then his lips curled upward, "You must be May." he mused, "The newborn Soul that was implanted into Jenny to kill off the human race. Oh, how the tides have turned. Do you really prefer playing as a human pet than a sentinient being in control of their own actions?"

Taylor moved in front of me so he acted as a shield, "May's not a pet!" he growled, staring hatefully at the man, "She's a person, just like us."

"Sorry, I didn't realize that." Not-Kay laughed, "I thought humans didn't consider Souls "people". I thought you said we were monsters who took the forms of humans."

Taylor flinched and stepped back so he stood beside me. The anger was gone from his face and his head was turned downwards.

"I might have thought that once..." he admitted, "However," he looked up and took my hand firmly in his own, "I learned that not all of them are monsters. Just the ones that are in control are!" he said with a new kindled spirit.

"My, my, what bite." Kay teased. He began to pace across the room. 

The guys got jumpy and took out their stun guns.

"Hold on." I told the humans, holding out a hand to signal them to stop what they were doing. "We're wasting our time on him. We need to focus on the others in the room. They can pass a collective vote without the need for their leader's actions." I said, then looked to Skyfall.

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