The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 18

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 18

"Have you seen May?" Whitney asked Sarah as she came out of the dinning hall.

"No." the other girl barked right away. "Why?" she asked suspiciously. Then she sighed. "Don't tell me you let her get away..."

"No!" Whitney inturrupted the other girl. Hearing her voice over a whisper was abnormal. Sarah cocked an eyebrow. "I mean," she replied much softer. "May would never do that."

"Are you sure?" Sarah asked, waiting for an answer with a hand on her hip.

Whitney opened her mouth, but nothing came. Before Sarah could retaliate however, Taylor came around the corner.

"Taylor, have you seen May?" Whitney asked in a hurry. She was trying to avoid Sarah's deadly I-told-you-so(s).

"Yeah." He shrugged nonchalantly.

Whitney looked at Sarah, but all the other girl did was give her a gaze that said 'go on'.

Whitney returned her eyes to Taylor. "Where?" she asked.

"Around breakfast time." he replied calmly. "Why? Is she okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Of course she is." Whitney tried to soothe his worries.

"Unless you know something else." Sarah added, giving Taylor a look that 'spill it'.

"Well..." the boy began, a bit of blush coming to his cheeks.

Sarah studied him for a while, then let out a single laugh. "You didn't!" she exclaimed in hysterical laughter.

"Didn't do what?" Whitney asked in response, completely in the dark.

"We didn't." Taylor insisted, growing angry at Sarah's presumptions.

"Then what DID you do?" Sarah countered, placing both hands on her hips as she calmed down.

"I.." Taylor began, then decided that wasn't the best way. "It was just a peck. I gave her a peck on the lips." he muttered in utter embaressment.

"And what did she do afterwards?" Sarah asked, practically waiting on her tip toes for the answer.

Taylor remained quiet for a long time, then mumbled. "She slapped me."

Sarah broke out into another fit of laughter, hugging her sides with both her arms. "I.." she laughed again. "I can't believe it!" She howled, sucking in air as she laughed a third time. "She slapped you?" She echoed, watching Taylor for his response.

"Yeah." he muttered, refusing to meet her eyes.

Sarah went into another fit. Whitney realized she would have to worm the truth out of Taylor if they were going to get anywhere.

"Do you know where May went afterwards?" Whitney asked sincerely.

"Not really." Taylor shrugged, scratching the back of his head. "She kind-of just ran off."

Whitney sighed in frustration, then went on to ask her next question. "Is there anything else you're not telling us?" 

Taylor frowned, then worked up the courage to speak. "She looked a bit AFRAID after she slapped me. Like she hadn't meant to upset me." he shrugged again. "Maybe guilty? I don't know."

Figuring his time under interogation was up, he walked between the two girls back to his house. Whitney stayed where she was and din't bother calling after him. She'd gotten as much information as she could out of the boy.

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