The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 12

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 12

We walked on the path outside, heading towards the stairs. What was this 'bad raid' and why had it caused Gabbie and Sarah to get close while Whitney lost her first host?

As much as I wanted to ask the Soul, I didn't know if that was the appropriate thing to do. Looking at her, I could sense this wasn't the time to ask her. Going behind her back didn't seem respectful either. I wanted to know, but no matter where I turned the way was blocked.

Whitney and I descended the steps, hugging the wall when two other people came up the stairs. They didn't give us a glance as they went to the second floor and we went down to the first floor. Once on the ground, we walked to the tunnel that would lead us to Doc's place. Because I had never been there, I had no idea what to expect. I didn't think it was like a Healer's room, but I could be wrong. I'd just have to wait and see.

We walked through the tunnel and emerged in a small cavern. On the far wall, a structure stood. It's frame was made out of wood, but the outside was covered in clear plastic. Well, it might have been clear when it had first been attatched to the wood, but now it was cloudly and all I could make out was a shape in the room. Whitney and I approached this building and entered through the door on the front.

Three doctor's chairs sat in the center of the room. On either side, six cots were ready for new patients. Some of them were full. The back wall had a shelf full of all sorts of sprays and items. Off in a corner, a minature office sat. It had a desk, computer, lamp, file cabinients, and research books. 

Doc was busy sitting on a stool, tending to one of the patients on the beds. He was dabbing their forehead with a  washcloth, trying to wipe away the sweat. The human, or Soul as I couldn't see their eyes, looked like they had a fever.

When the man noticed us, he straightened up. "Is there a problem?" Doc asked.

"May's injury on her forehead is bothering her." Whitney spoke for me.

Doc began to move from his spot, but I stopped him.

"It's alright." I said before he was up. I had seen where the sprays were. "I can take care of myself."

Doc sat back down as I moved to the back of the room. Gently opening one of the cabinents, I took out No Pain and Heal. As soon as I had them in my hand, I searched for a mirror. One hang on the wall, off to the side of the door. I walked up to it and examined the bruise.

It was still a purplish blue. That meant the injury had yet to start healing. Gabbie must have hit my head against something very hard. If the wound had been on its way to recovery, the area would be a yellowish brown. 

I took No Pain in my right hand first and sprayed it on the bruise. Sometimes Heal tingled or even hurt when it repaired a damaged area. It was best to go the safe way and apply the No Pain first before using the healing product.

After I had applied Heal, I looked at the area again. The bruise was gone.

"You didn't use much." Whitney commented after I turned around to face the other half of the room.

"You don't need to." I replied. "More Heal or more No Pain does not mean that the area is even more healed or less relieved. A simply spritz over the injured area is all it takes. Using any more is a rookie mistake."

Both of them looked at me shocked. It was Doc who was the one to break the silence.

"May, what was your role?" he asked, hardly believing what I had said.

"I was a Healer, or, suppose to be. The bus was transporting me to California before the Rebels intercepted it." I explained for him. "Is the person on the cot doing well, or is he not recieving the correct medicine?" I asked out of concern for his patient suddenly.

Doc looked down at the boy, then back to me. "He hadn't been doing well. If only we could get something to take care of his fever, then he'd live." he muttered.

"Can't you have one of the Rebel Souls go into a clinic and get some?" I asked curiously.

"It's impossible." Doc shook his head. "That sort of medicine is only allowed in Healer hands. They keep it in a locked section of their cabinets."

I sighed with him and looked at the boy. He didn't look like he had long. Any day now he could go, but there wasn't anything they could do for him without that medicine.

I turned my gaze to Whitney who agreed it was time for us to leave this place. We bid Doc farewell and left his clinic, heading towards the Dinning hall for lunch.

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