The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 29

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 29


"All personel are required to come to the first floor briefing room immediately."

The reciever to the loud speaker clicked off as soon as it had come on. Healer Blossom and I had paused, listening to the announcement, then looked to one another. Neither of us understood what was so important we needed to go right away. Time was never a thing Souls rushed. We took our lives day by day, living at an average pace.

Healer Blossom was my best friend. Technically, she was older than me because I was knewly born, but because of my lie, she thought I was older than her. Sometimes she asked me questions about the other worlds. I really didn't have any idea, but I usually came up with some answer that satisfied her. For example, she asked me about Mists world. I told her it was cold. Coming from the Planet of Flowers, she valued sunlight and the environment above all things (Except for peace. That always came first for Souls.). That's why she hadn't asked me any more, because she automatically ruled it out of her choice.

Her body was younger-looking than mine because of its child-like appearance. She had a cute, short haircut that framed her face just like the petals of her old body from the Planet of Flowers.

We stared at each other, wondering what the important news could be. Blossom went to open her mouth, but she was politely interrupted by another Healer who placed her hand on her shoulder before speaking.

"You two should go downstairs," she instructed us kindly, "whatever the briefing is about must be very important."

Blossom and I agreed that we would, and followed the other nurses down the hall. Everyone walked in pairs in white uniforms, creating organized lines as we moved towards the elevator. Only eight people at a time could fit inside the elevator at the same time, so those who didn't get on the first time waited patiently for the next round.

Meanwhile, Healer Blossom turned to me.

"What do you think the meeting is about May?" She asked, looking towards my infinite wisdom she thought I held.

"Probably an update about treatments." I guessed with a sigh. I really didn't have any idea what was going on. Even the older souls around us were confused. The news had been sudden to all of us.

"More people will be able to be healed, perhaps." Blossom hoped happily. Her over-cheerfulness had taken me a while to get used to. 

When the elevator came back up with a ding, we squeezed into it with six other Souls. The machine took us down to the first floor, where we were let off. Our group moved towards the conference room, which was down the hall beside the center's welcome desk. I remembered it was the same one I'd walked down when I'd got my body switch. Now I was walking down it again, except this time was different. I wasn't getting a new body, I was going to a 'important' briefing.

We, and I mean the group, followed where we had seen the last one enter into a room. It was white, like all the other hospital rooms, but open with no opperating tables or patient beds. Instead, there were rows upon rows of chairs set up before a podium and a screen.

This was something none of us have seen. Usually, debriefings consisted of just the podium and a lot of papers getting handed out. We'd never used a screen before. I guess they were concerned about wasting trees this time around, and so we were going to have all our information read to us. 

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