The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 35

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 35



It was the only words Skyfall could utter while the cruel mistress looked upon us as measly flies in her web. We'd fallen, or rather, Skyfall had fallen for her trap. The very question the male seeker had asked was the exact reason I wanted to know. How had she caught on to us? What made her think that Skyfall knew who I really was? Did she even know I was May.

"Poor Seeker." BlackFire taunted Skyfall as her heels clicked on the tile. She began walking around the pumpkin crate towards us. We remained where we were, frozen in shock. "I thought you of all people knew the rules." she tsked.

Skyfall's face hardened. "I don't know what you're talking about, BlackFire." he said, spitting her name.

"Oh," she hummed. "I think you do. I think you know very well that the rules state that a Seeker is suppose to be a one man army. They are suppose to control their emotions, and above all, they are not to grow involved with a particular subject."

My brow creased at this. I didn't have a clue to what she was talking about. However, Skyfall did. I could see him wince at the last two words.

Seeing my confusion, BlackFire continued, appearing glad to fill me in on the details.

"On May nineteenth, two thousand and thirteen I assigned you to a young Soul." She reminded Skyfall, but it was more for my ears than his. "Your task was to monitor the subject to see how she'd react to the new body. We wanted to make sure the new generation of Souls agreed with all their heart that possessing the bodies of another creature was a natural thing. We didn't want any resistance in our own race rising up against us."

"However," she paused long enough to send a viper-like glare at me, "She was lost in transit to the Center she was scheduled to due to some rouge humans out in the desert. Instead of trying to fight her way back to civilization, she blended into the group. She fell for their nonsense that the humans should be in control of Earth and not the Souls."

"It was months. We almost thought she was lost for good." BlackFire started pacing again. "But then she popped back up. Remember?" She looked to Skyfall and I, "That conference. She and you locked eyes for a split second. It was enough for me to suspect that you two knew each other somehow. And then," she said, pulling out a small recorder, "I planted a bug in the room. Like I thought, you two met in private and revealed your true natures."

She hit play and Skyfall's and my own voice came back into our ears.

"May." Skyfall spoke first.

"That's me..." The me from the past sighed.

"Where have you been?" he demanded. "I tried looking for you everywhere, but it was like you'd dropped off the face of the world."

"I sort-of did." The old me addmited sheepishly.

There was a slight pause.

"I was taken captive by rebel humans." I said.

Another pause.

" were what?" Skyfall asked uncertainly.

"I was taken captive by rebel humans." I repeated. "But I wasn't tortured or left to starve. They took care of me. I would have stayed with them, but my head got pretty cramped with..."

I sounded desperate. I knew I had been at the end of the line.

"Jenny." Skyfall finished. "That was the name of the original human inside that body, wasn't it? You let her go by switching out bodies." he sighed. "And you got stuck here, playing Healer because you had no where else to go."

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