The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 21

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 21

Like the first time I had entered a human body, the fingers were the first things I was able to move. Unlike Jenny's, which were callused and dry, this new body's fingers were soft. Whatever human used to own this body before had taken care of it. This body also felt taller and thinner---almost like a super model's. I groaned as I opened my eyes and sat up.

The Healers had left me to a room by myself. I supposed they only attended the awakening of a new Soul. It was plain. White like the last time, with a queen sized bed. That was what I was laying on. The bedroom and livingroom was one space. A wall separated the kitchen from this area. I supposed the door in the far left corner was the bathroom.

I stretched, trying out my new limbs, before attempting to stand up. I got it on the first try and there was no spell of dizziness. Barefooted, I walked over to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror.

The first thing I noticed was that I was no longer covered in freckles. My face was clear and pale. A bit thinner than Jenny's. My lips were more of a seashell pink than a rosebud. But the most considerable difference was that I was no longer a wavy redhead. This body's hair was mostly blonde with a few dark streaks running through it nearest to the roots. The hair fell down straight, with just a bit of curls at the end.

It felt odd to be looking at this image and realizing it was me. The new me.

There was one comfort however. Both Jenny's and this body's eyes were shaped the same. As usual fashion, they had turned blue to reflect the Soul living inside. I turned my head while looking at the mirror to see how I appeared facing away. I suppose the nose was about the simular shape too. I used my new right hand to brush the side of my face. It was just as smooth. Then I straightened up and stood back from the mirror.

This body was deffinately older than Jenny's. It had that mature look about it. If I had to guess, she was three to four years ahead of her. That put the body at nineteen or twenty. I didn't look like a teenager anymore. I looked like a fully grown adult.

The Healers had dressed this body in a white nightgown that went down to my ankles. I supposed they had wanted to place me in something simple.

I left the bathroom and walked to the dresser to see what clothes I could round up. The dresser was white and sat off to the right of the bed, leaving a four feet gap between it and the wall. I opened the top drawler and looked inside. There were several different types of blouses. When I checked the second drawler, I found shorts and capri pants lined inside. I took out the pink, layered blouse from the upper drawler and a tan pair of capri pants.

They fit me. The Healers must have known the size of the body and already prepared clothing for me to choose from. I also discovered Whitney's bracelet---the only jewelry item I had had to take off during surgery---on top of the dresser. I quickly slipped it on. 

Once I was done dressing, I moved towards the door, then stopped. There was probably a Seeker stationed outside. If I tried to leave this way, he would ask me to stay in the room until the doctors gave me the clear bell of health. I figured as long as I didn't make too much noise, they would think I was still asleep. However, they'd probably check in an hour or so. I would have to hurry if I was to free Jenny.

I went to the windows instead and leaned out. All the windows on this level were open. The Healers must be airing out the rooms. I looked to my right and saw that the room was preoccupied with a male Soul. The room to my left though was sitting empty. With one sweep of the ground, I judged that no one would see me if I was to use the ledge to climb over.

It wasn't something I was keen on doing, and this body didn't have any memories to offer me. But, Jenny was depending on me to find her and help her escape. I couldn't let her down.

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