The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 16

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 16

"Seeker." One of many among the building hummed as he handed the letter to his superior.

Seeker BlackFire looked away from her computer screen and down at the packet. She took it in her hands and slit the seal with a manicured thumbnail. With ease, she slipped part of the letter outside of the envelope to take a peek.

A moment later, she was in another room with Seeker Skyfall.

"I hope you've summoned me for a good reason." Skyfall muttered to the woman.

"I have." BlackFire ensured, taking out the miniscule chip that had been included with the envelope.

She walked over to the nearest computer and inserted the chip in the back. On the monitor, a window popped up. It showed a video loader plus information on a specific soul that had gone missing a week earlier.

"Watch it." Seeker BlackFire ordered them, nodding her head at the screen. She clicked play and stepped back.

The video showed a surveillance camera's everyday recording. The Store it happened to be monitoring was bustling with Souls coming in and out of the building. As one of them came in, they were highlighted and the rest of the screen went dark. The girl passed by several different cameras. The switch was obvious as the angles changed. When she left, the camera got a look at her face. The image paused. This allowed the seekers to compare the profile to the still picture of the girl.

"So you're saying that May has either been killed and her human counterpart set free or she's switched sides?" Seeker Skyfall presumed.

BlackFire's head tilted ever so slightly. "You know her?"

"Of course I know her." Skyfall remarked. "I monitored May when she first came into being."

"Then she's only a baby." BlackFire noted without hesitation.

Skyfall held his tongue. He looked sorry that he had opened his mouth at all. Although he didn't know May all that well, he hadn't wanted to get her in trouble or in path of the head seeker.

"And since she is a baby," BlackFire continued, turning her back to him, "her mind is easily persuaded. That's not the worst part about it however. Where there is one new soul, there are hundreds. Many have been implanted on humans on Earth because of the abundance of human bodies."

Seeker Skyfall narrowed his eyes at her. "What are you trying to say?" he asked.

"That this is percisely what the humans have been waiting for." The seeker replied, spinning on her heel to face him. "A new generation means new minds. New minds that are easy to change. The humans will brainwash the young ones into thinking it's best to kick the rest of us off Earth."

"And then the Earth will return to humans, where it will be thrown back into war and chaos." Skyfall finished.

Seeker BlackFire let a gap of silence to let the information sink into her colleague's head.

"We can't let it happen." she stated boldly. "I've already asked Seeker Nightwalker to contact other centers like ours."

"And do what exactly?" Skyfall inturrupted.

The head seeker only batted her big eyelashes at him before answering. "Wipe them out, of course."

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