The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 42

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 42


The humans were jumpier than jack rabbits when we got out of our vehicles. We had parked in a large parkinglot South of the Pentagon. The building loomed in the distance, guarded by a hundred Seekers posted on the outside. The ones at the doors checked persons before they entered. Both civilians and government workers were allowed inside. The Souls didn't believe in hiding anything from their people---or so I thought. Apparently the high counsel that ruled over us preferred to remain a invisible entity.

I walked around the back of the malibu to join the others who were beginning to cluster. Jesse had been forced to park several cars down from us, as had Jared. The two groups reformed into one at my car. They nervously shifted on their feet as we waited for Skyfall and Miles. Because Skyfall had been dumb and smart enough to take the Seeker's car, he had had to park in a different parking lot, epsecially for Seekers. That parkinglot was beside ours. It had no fence or any special security. The Souls just preferred order. 

They came walking over the median soon enough, side by side. Behind them, a third figure walked nervously, hugging her arms to herself.

"Why did you bring HER?" I asked Skyfall as he, Miles, and Healer Blossom entered the ring of the group.

Blossom herself didn't look enthusiastic as the others. Come to think of it, the others weren't too thrilled either now that we were here. 

"I thought she could help us." He said, "She's the most brainwashed Soul out of the lot of us."

Skyfall had a point.

"Fine." I sighed, "But we can't take Miles. He's too young and besides, I didn't get the chance to desguise him like the others." I paused to look around the group. Who could I leave him with? Obviously not Jenny.

"I'll do it." Tomas volunteered himself. "I've watched the kid before. He can't pull any tricks on me that he has before."

I nodded. "Alright." I agreed. "Tomas, stay back here with Miles in the malibu. If anyone asks what you're doing, say that you're his older brother and you're watching over him because he got sick on the trip over." I told him. 

It was more believable then saying that Miles hadn't been behaving himself in the memorial. If Tomas told anyone that, they would know something was wrong with the two. That was the creepiest thing about Soul children---they didn't fuss or complain. It was the most unnatural thing to see a young person perfectly calm and collected. I could only compare it to watching a china doll, with its smooth skin and beady eyes that didn't blink.

"If there are no more issues to correct," I looked around at the group, "Let's get moving. We want to get there before they end the meeting, not after."

So we moved out, walking as one big mass to the Southern doors of the pentagon. Our plan was to say we were a tourist group, checking out the Washington memorial park and no trip was complete without seeing where all the work was done. Hopefully they bought that. Thankfully, Skyfall had told Blossom to change out of her Healer's clothes as well. Dressed as a bunch group of friends touring the country, we should have an easy job infultrating the building.

I walked up to the guards first. They didn't bother looking for identification or a name. They saw my eyes and it was enough. I was passed through. The others went through the doors as easily as I had. If the guards had any doubts, they watched the back of everyone's necks. A incision scar was there, waiting for their eyes. They didn't bother us as we each walked into the building.

"That wasn't hard." Taylor hummed as he walked alongside of me. Seeing him with blue eyes instead of brown made me flinch, but I knew it was just a desguise.

"But this is just the first step of security." I countered. "In order to get to the counsel, we'll have to go through two more."

He frowned. "Well, I guess something like this can't be too easy, or other humans would have done it by now." he mused.

"They probably tried when the invasion first started." I replied as we walked down the hall, pass various portraits of important figures. "However, security was much tighter back then. They won't be expecting a group of humans on their doorsteps now. They think they've driven you into extinction."

Out of context, Taylor grinned. "I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they find out they they were wrong." he told me.

I offered a small smile in return. "I just hope they decide to change their minds." 

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