The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 31

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The Host ¤ The Next Chapter: 31


I sighed and pulled at the cloth. "This is....." I struggled to come up with the word.

"Unconfortable?" Skyfall finished, watching as I came out of the dressing room.

I had successfully completed the Seeker's training regime, which was not easy at all. I didn't realize that they had to go through several fighting instruction classes---and then there had been the gun training. As a former Healer, that had been difficult for me. I had been training with targets, but some day, those might turn into real people. I'd taken an oath to refuse treatment for no one. 

Of course, the Seeker's order had found a way to change the oath just for me. The only reason why they had agreed to letting me become one of them is because a Soul that was both a Healer and a Seeker sounded like a good idea to them. I could help them take down more humans and keep them alive if they did anything stupid. Or, I could help an injured Seeker. 

I tugged at the pantleg again, trying to find a happy medium. Unlike a Healer's clothes, which were loose to allow flowing movements, the Seeker's clothing were stiff. They included a pair of tight white jeans and a white jacket with long sleeves that buttoned up the front. The shoes were a pair of lace up boots that the pant legs went overtop. 

"You could say that again." I said as I tried to work them into comfort by walking.

"It's the standard." Skyfall replied. "They don't want loose clothing or hair getting in the way of the job." he walked over to me and held something out. "Here. I managed to save this. Try to keep it hidden by the cuff of your sleeve."

It was the bracelet Whitney had given me. It was also the only proof that I was May if I ever went back to the rebels.

"Thank you." I said---and I really meant it. I fitted the thin, silver piece of jewelry over my hand. I felt it weigh down my wrist slightly. The cuff of my jacket naturally fell overtop of it. 

"May, Skyfall." A figure said, bursting through one of the hallways. He was a young Seeker, like myself, but so far his duties only included delivering messages. "Seeker BlackFire has a mission for you two. It's about a suspected human shopping at a Store."

"Alright Heartmiles, we can take care of it." Skyfall replied, standing straight from leaning up against the wall. "Which Store is it?"

"The one out in the desert, close to that small town..." Heartmiles tried to explain.

"The main branch?" Skyfall interrupted.

"That's the one." The younger Seeker said enthusiastically.

The older seeker looked to me. "Come on, May. Might as well see what she wants us to do." he said dully, like he was dreading going on the mission.

I knew why too. That Store was where many of the human rebels shopped at. If they'd discovered one, then the others would be exposed as well. We'd have to turn them in if we didn't play things smart. 

Seeker Heartmiles walked off to go deliever another order from Seeker BlackFire. Skyfall and I left at the same time too, going down a different hallway. Every Seeker building was based on a square layout. From up above, we'd look like we were walking on the lines of a grid. It was very easy to get lost with so many white hallways and look-alike rooms. However, I had Skyfall to lead me. I don't know how Heartmiles got around without getting lost.

We found the appropriate room and stopped. Skyfall knocked before we entered, one after the other, orderly into BlackFire's room. Instead of sitting down in the two seats provided, we chose to stand at the back of the room beside one another.

Seeker BlackFire was sitting at her desk, going through a pile of papers. The documents were from a folder that had probably come from the filing cabniet off to the side of the room. When she found the paper she was looking for, she plopped it down on the desk, facing Skyfall and I. The picture on it was of Gabbie when her eyes used to be bright blue.

"This Soul," BlackFire began, "Is dead. The human got rid of her a long time ago. I want this one apprehended and brought in. I'll be transplanted into her temporarily to dig out the secrets she's hiding."  She told us, then fished out another file. It landed on top of Gabbie's. "This one has been accused of fall-out. Kill or apprehend, I don't care. I just want her taken care of."

"As you wish, Seeker." Skyfall agreed immediately.

I agreed as well, but I was still stuck on the face of the second person. It was Whitney's.

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