Chapter Thirty Three

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Once he'd eaten, Lucien fell asleep in Oswell's arms while we looked down at him.

"He's so cute," I repeated for then one hundredth time.

"Tonight, I'll keep him with me while you go," Oswell promised and I smiled at him.

"Thanks," I replied, leaning in and kissing him softly. "And hey, at least he won't be waking us up at random times during the night," I added, making Oswell smile.

"Very true," he agreed.

"Should we just take Lucien home, or should we call Rikard now?" I asked.

"This has never happened before. If we take Lucien, then Rikard will pretty much have no other option to keep him," he answered and I nodded. I looked at the time out of curiosity. It was three in the afternoon, time had flown.
"What do you want to do until tonight?" I questioned and he looked at me.

"More movies?" he suggested and I nodded. We decided that with the three of us, it would probably be more comfortable on the bed instead of the couch. Once we'd set up the laptop and positioned ourselves, we lay down and just relaxed.

That night, Av and Caellum didn't come barging in so we had to organize our own dinner. Luckily, we'd bought the ingredients for tacos, so Oswell cooked them while I looked after Lucien.

"When we get back to the Mansion, we'll buy you a cot and a car seat and lots of toys," I promised him and he gurgled, smiling up at me. I looked into his eyes and saw they were a really dark blue. They were actually quite pretty.

"What do you want on yours?" Oswell called from the kitchen.
"In order: sour cream, cheese, meat, tomato and lettuce," I replied, picking Lucien up and propping him on my hip. I walked into the kitchen to find Oswell making my tacos how I ordered them. "Thanks," I said, taking the plate in my other hand once he was done. Moving back to the couches, I sat down and placed Lucien beside me, before quickly digging into my first one. I wanted to finish quickly, so I could move on to feeding him. He tried to reach for my taco, but I moved it away so he couldn't get it as Oswell sat down as well.

"He trying to steal your food?" he questioned, smiling.

"Yes," I sighed. Lucien was just too cute.

"Lucien, this is your food," Oswell declared, getting Lucien's attention.

"Da," he greeted and I smiled along with Oswell.

"Yes, I'm da," Oswell agreed, picking up a little bit of pasta on a baby spoon and holding it out for Lucien. He opened his mouth to take it while I quickly downed my food.

"You eat, I'll look after him," I offered and Oswell smiled at me.

"Okay," he agreed, handing me the bowl and spoon. Lucien's eyes followed the bowl as it transferred to my hands. I held out another piece and he took it.

"Ma," he exclaimed and I smiled, nodding.

"I'm ma," I pointed at myself and he smiled widely. I continued to feed him while Oswell ate his food, none of us talking.

Once we'd all finished, it was dark outside, so I decided to take Lucien out for a little before we left. When I took him out, he gurgled and giggled, showing his happiness. I breathed in and felt the feeling of darkness around me, savoring it after not doing this for a while. I held Lucien against me with one arm and grasped the pendant around my neck, my constant connection with my favourite time of day. I could almost imagine it sucking in the darkness, absorbing it. I felt a smile spread on my face as a light breeze moved past me.

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