Chapter Four

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Suddenly, the bed dipped and I rolled off, whipping my earphones out. I looked up and saw Oswell staring at me.
"You looked so peaceful," he commented.
"Usually, when someone locks the door, it's because they want to be left alone," I growled.
"I didn't see it as a 'leave me alone'. I saw it as a challenge," he replied and I bawled my fists.
"Get. Out," I stated, teeth clenched.
"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out tonight, get to know each other?" he suggested, standing up and I stopped. Oswell, who's name even had 'Divine' in it, wanted to get to know me? No way that was true.
"Look Oswell. You need to stop messing with my emotions and giving me mixed signals," I stated sternly and he looked at me curiously.
"I didn't realize I was," he admitted, but I knew he was lying.
"So last night, when you walked up to me, just to tell me your age, you didn't intend that at all? You could have just said it where you were," I explained and he smirked, leaning on the wall, like he did last night.
"You're smart. That's good," he remarked.
"Yeah I'm smart. Smart enough to know not to get stuck in your web," I said and he smiled.
"You really think you can deny this attraction?" he questioned.
"Yeah, if you can, so can I," I told him.
"Who says I'm denying it?" he replied, standing up properly and walking towards me.
"Well it doesn't seem to affect you," I argued.
"Why do you think I make such an effort to be around you? From the moment I saw you at initiation, I felt it. And I know you felt it when we danced," he interrupted. This day was getting weirder and weirder.
"You need to leave, now," I demanded and he stopped walking towards me, only a ruler's length away.
"What about?" he started.
"Maybe, I'll think about it. Now go, before I changed my mind," I finished, with finality clear in my voice. He nodded and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Could it really be true, that he felt the attraction too and wasn't just causing it? I sighed and went to the balcony doors, opening them and walking outside. It was dusk, the time when night merged with day, giving a beautiful display of colours. Just because I liked darkness, didn't mean I couldn't appreciate colours. I leaned on the railing, watching the sun slowly go down, letting my thoughts take their own path. I was mulling over what could happen if I hung out with Oswell tonight, when there was a knock at the door.
"Malise, it's Caellum," he called and I ran to open the door.
"Hey," I greeted.
"Hi. Look, I've got to go out on a drive, but if anything happens, this is my number," he said, handing me a slip of paper. I figured 'anything' had to do with Oswell.
"I'll put it into my phone," I assured him and he nodded, smiling at me.
"Come on Caellum. Say your goodbyes, give her a kiss and let's go," a male behind him said, causing both Caellum and I to blush.
"Have fun," I told him. He nodded again and gave me one last smile before the other guy dragged him off. I sighed and closed the door. That was two people who thought there was something between going on between Caellum and I. Shows how people look too deeply into things. I put his number into my phone and headed back out to the balcony. The colours of dusk had all gone and now there was only darkness. I saw lots of cars pulling out of the Garage and smiled. So many lives would end tonight, it's a wonder this town was still alive. They probably drove to other towns as well, to spread it out. I went back to my thoughts and how things could go, depending on what I said. I sighed and went back into my room, closing the doors. I left my room and made my way to the kitchen, looking for food again. There was some roast chicken in there now, but it had a sticky note on top. I ignored it and grabbed out the chicken, throwing the note in the bin, grabbing a loaf of bread as well. I made myself a chicken sandwich and put everything away, then started walking around the house.

I finally wondered to the door leading to the Cavern and opened it, going down. I opened the door at the bottom and was surprised by how different it looked without all the people inside. I finished the last bite of my sandwich and made my way further in. There was a radio on one side of it, which explained where the music comes from.
"Having a look around?" Oswell asked and I spun around.
"Yeah," I answered.
"It's pretty big," he commented.
"Yep," I agreed. I knew that he was going to ask me soon, so I held my stomach, acting to be in pain.
"You okay?" he questioned.
"I think I ate something bad," I groaned, making my way towards the stairs.
"Can I help?" he inquired.
"I just need to get to the bathroom," I rushed, running up the stairs. I quickly hurried into my room and grabbed my phone. I quickly called Caellum and waited.
"Hello, who is it?" he answered.
"Caellum, it's Malise," I told him.
"Hey, everything alright?" he questioned.
"I've decided I want to go out tonight. How soon can you be home?" I replied."I don't know, depends how long it takes. . . oh wait he's back. I should be back in 5 -10 minutes. See you soon," he said and hung up. I sighed and looked around. There was no way I could get out without alerting Oswell I was leaving. Maybe that would be a good thing and he would get a hint. But by calling Caellum, I was proving that there was something going on between us. I gripped my hair and pulled it, not knowing what to do. I looked back towards the balcony doors and knew what I needed to clear my head. A walk in the dark, it always helped. I got my knife and phone, my jacket and my new gloves and silently opened the door. I couldn't hear anything so I crept out and down the stairs. I slowly looked around the kitchen, but no one was there and I could hear the T.V in the next room. I quietly made my way over to the window in the kitchen and slid it open, climbing out. I left it open just a bit, so I'd have a way back in and crawled under the lounge room window. Once I was out of sight, I got up and started walking along random streets, letting the sounds of nocturnal animals and the feelings of darkness surround me.

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