Chapter Thirty

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The mall was huge, there were so many shops and stalls. We grabbed a map and wandered. My favourite shop was the lolly shop, because there was so much on offer, I wanted to buy the whole shop. But because we hadn't gone out at night yet, we couldn't spend too much money. We only bought the essentials for the next two days.

"What's the time?" Oswell asked after what felt like forever. I grabbed out my phone and checked.

"We've been here three hours," I told him, surprised. Suddenly, I felt very conscience of how long it had been since this morning

"Wow, time really flies when you're having fun," Oswell remarked and I smiled. I excused myself and quickly went to the bathroom and gladly found that I was just in time. I did my business and returned to Oswell's side.

"What do you want to do now? I'm pretty sure we've been everywhere," I asked.

"Let's just go back to the room and relax," he suggested.

"Relax?" I asked, wanting to clarify.

"Watch T.V, movies. That kind of stuff," he shrugged and I smiled, wrapping my arms around his closest one.

"Sounds perfect," I agreed and he smiled too. We were about to walk out and head back to the room, when a man approached us. Both Oswell and I prepared to run, if it ended up that we needed to escape.

"Hi, my name's Dean Mitchells. I'm a modeling agent," the man introduced himself and we just stared in shock.

"Um, hi," Oswell greeted, holding his hand out for a handshake. Dean smiled at us and shook it back.

"I just happened to notice you and I have to say, you would be a perfect model," Dean stated. Like I hadn't already realized that.

"You're offering me a modelling career?" Oswell questioned, his muscles tensing.

"Yes. I think you'd go far," Dean confirmed, his smile growing

"I'm sorry, but at the moment, I'm just on a small trip with some friends. I'm going to be heading home soon," Oswell revealed and Dean's smile dropped.

"We could organize for a photographer in your area," Dean started.

"I'm sorry, but it's a no," Oswell interrupted and started to lead us away. But Dean ran after us.

"If you change your mind, here's my card," he informed us, handing Oswell a business card. Oswell took it and pocketed it, before continuing to walk off.

"You could have taken it, you know?" I told him, but he shook his head.

"Images of me would be everywhere, then they would be able to link me back to Bondi, then to you and finally to the Dark. It would just be a disaster," he countered.

"I guess," I mumbled. We exited the mall and crossed the road, entering the hotel again.

"This is the best choice, trust me," he assured me. "Plus, this isn't the first time I've been offered a modelling job," he added, which didn't surprise me.

"Any before you joined the Dark?" I asked.

"Lots," he answered. "But I knew that wasn't what I really wanted to do," he ended and I nodded, before flopping down on the couch.

"Are we going to use your laptop again?" I inquired. He came around to the front and was holding his laptop, answering my question. Once he set up the movie, he moved back and let me see what he'd picked. I squealed and clapped my hands.

"I take it you like Jurassic Park," he guessed and I smiled, nodding. He started the movie then quickly climbed in behind me and lay down, so we were spooning. He played with my hair as I focused on the movie, which was how we stayed for hours, just watching movies and being close, with a few bathroom breaks.

When it got to around dinnertime, there was a knock on our door. I got up and stretched, then went and answered the door. It was Av and Caellum, grinning with a few bags in hand.

"Hey, have you gone shopping?" Av asked, inviting herself into the room.

"Only for the minimum," I answer, confused.

"Well we bought a few things, so we thought maybe we could eat dinner together," she told me and I smiled.

"Sounds good," I agreed, then walked back to the couch. "Looks like we're going to have some dinner guests," I informed Oswell and he groaned quietly, rubbing his eyes. I smiled at him, then I felt the pain rip through me, but a little subdued, signaling that I need more medication. I quickly made my way to my bag and grabbed the pills, before making my way to the kitchen. Av was a t work in there, so I quickly got a glass of water.

"Oh no, it's that time of the month, isn't it?" she guessed, seeing the packet and I nodded, quickly downing the pills and water.

"So, anything happen between you and Caellum yet?" I prodded, smiling. She blushed and I knew something had. "Spill," I commanded.

"Well, today when Caellum was feeling a bit better, I told him how I felt," she revealed and I smiled.

"And?" I drawled.

"He told me he felt the same," she beamed and I squealed, hugging.

"This is great!" I exclaimed and she squealed too.

"You ready for tonight?" she asked and I nodded.

"The streets are going to run red," I declared and she shouted in agreement. "So whatcha making?" I questioned, looking into the pot.

"Carbonara," she stated. It smelt really good, making my stomach rumble.

"Can't wait," I sighed longingly, before heading back to the couch where the boys were sitting. I sat on the opposite couch and just relaxed.

"You tired sis? Oswell worn you out?" Caellum joked, making me roll my eyes while smiling. I was about to answer, when Oswell cut in first.

"Oh definitely. Just finished when you knocked," Oswell replied and I stared at him shocked while Caellum laughed at my expression. I then narrowed my eyes, glaring between them.

"Not. Funny," I gritted and Oswell smiled, trying to get back in my good books. I couldn't last long, but in my mind I developed a plan to get back at him. I'd just have to organize it with Av.

"Food's up!" she called from the kitchen and we all rushed towards her, hungry.

After we ate and I talked to Av about my plan, Caellum and her left so we could all get ready. I grabbed my black hoodie, along with some denim shorts and went into the bathroom to change. Once I came out, I grabbed my knife, put on my shoes and waited at the door for Oswell.

"All ready?" he asked and I nodded. I was about to head out, when he grabbed my arm and pulled me against him. "I'm sorry about before. We were just joking around," he apologized and I had to smile.

"I know that," I shrugged.

"So we're all good?" he questioned. I leaned up and kissed him lightly.

"Yep," I answered, thinking of my plan for later. He smiled too and we headed out, me giving him Amy's address so he could figure out how to get there. Meeting Av and Caellum out in the hall, we went to the car and drove off.

"So where are we heading first?" Caellum asked and I swiveled my head to face him.

"Amy's house," I answered.

"Really?" he questioned.

"Yes," I sighed, hoping this wasn't going to turn out how it had with Oswell.

"Okay," he allowed and I smiled. Oswell parked out front of a house and looked at me.

"This is your stop," he informed me and I got out.

"Be safe sis," Caellum softly called and I rolled my eyes smiling.

"I will brother," I whispered. "Have fun," I added as I closed the door and walked up to the house, hearing them drive off. I grabbed out my bobby pins from my inner pocket and unpicked the lock, opening the door and walking inside.


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