Chapter Eleven

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The restaurant he drove to looked a little fancy, like the hotel, so I had the feeling he was trying to impress me. We immediately got led to a table near the back, because the place was so packed."Are you trying to impress me?" I voiced my thoughts and he looked at me, smiling."Maybe," he replied, making me smile too. I grabbed a menu and looked over the food and drink on offer here. I couldn't help but notice that Oswell didn't look at a menu.
"You're a regular here?" I inquired.
"Every time I come through Bondi, I stop by here," he explained.
"But, again, couldn't that be dangerous?" I stressed about people recognizing him.
"Nothing's happened so far. I'm pretty sure I'm safe," he reassured me. I saw a waiter coming our way and quickly made up my mind about what I wanted.
"Hi, how can I – Tyler?!" he said and both Oswell and I looked up at the shocked face of the waiter.
"Aaron?" Oswell stuttered. Looks like his theory that no one recognizing him just got blown.
"Where have you been? It's been months," Aaron demanded.
"I can't tell you," Oswell stated.
"Why not? Your parents are still grieving," Aaron argued, his voice rising. A few people were looking over, wondering what was going on.
"Can you lower your voice? This only needs to stay between you two, not the whole restaurant," I requested and Aaron finally acknowledged me.
"Who's this?" Aaron asked, facing me but addressing Oswell.
"My girlfriend," Oswell answer and I blushed, looking at him. I needed to get used to that.
"So you disappear for almost a year, then when you finally show up again, you've got yourself a girlfriend?" Aaron summarized.
"Technically, yes," Oswell replied.
"Have you even gone to see your parents?" Aaron stated.
"I don't plan on it," Oswell told him and something flashed across Aaron's face.
"You're not Tyler. You may look like him, but you're not him," he ended, then walked off.
"We should go," I suggested, looking at all the people still glancing at us, wondering what that was about.
"No, we're going to have our dinner," Oswell argued.
"Okay," I sighed. "So, Tyler?" I added, referring to his real name.
"Yeah, my real name's Tyler," he admitted. "Aaron used to be my best friend, but he never really understood my passion for the dark. I never told him about my 'thoughts'," he revealed further, using quotations around the word thoughts, so I knew what he meant. I was going to say something, but a waitress quickly made her way over.
"Sorry for the delay. I'll take your orders," she breathed, obviously out of breath. Oswell and I ordered what we wanted and the woman hurried off.
"So what's your name?" Oswell inquired.
"I don't want to say," I stated.
"Come on, you know mine," he whined and I smiled at his childish behavior.

"Fine, it's Maisie," I sighed.
"That's pretty," he commented.
"Which is why I don't like it," I explained.
"Understandable," Oswell replied, as the woman came and gave us our drinks. "Tell me more about yourself," he requested, taking a sip of his chocolate milkshake.
"I never knew my father, my mother abandoned me at an orphanage when I was 4 because she couldn't handle me, my adopted mother, Amy, couldn't have kids, so I she got me just to have something to pamper and love, then when she realized what a freak I was she became distant," I recalled the vague story of my life.
"Wow, that's harsh," Oswell muttered.
"Yep. Made me who I am," I replied, taking a sip of my water. Our meals arrived and we dug in, too hungry to worry about talking.

Once we left the restaurant, it was seven thirty. We drove back to the hotel and made our way back up to the room and started getting ready for the night ahead. Oswell went into the bathroom, while I just changed in the room. I changed into a pair of black shorts, a black t-shirt and black runners. I took off the wig and let my hair flow freely. I grabbed the red hoodie and put it on, putting my knife and phone into the secret little pockets before zipping it up. I looked in the mirror and saw either someone who was just going on casually, or someone with the intent to kill. Oswell came out of the bathroom and had changed into black pants, a dark grey shirt and black runners. He grabbed the jumper I'd bought him and slipped his stuff into it.
"Are you going to be killing too?" I asked.
"Yeah," he answered. "So don't get into much trouble," he warned.
"Will do. But just in case, what's your number?" I replied. He told me his number and I put it into my phone. We made our way down to the car and drove around a bit, until I saw an ice cream place that still open. "Let's go there," I requested.
"Okay," Oswell allowed, parking a little way down. We got out and walked down to the shop.
"How can I help you two tonight?" the old man behind the counter greeted.
"I'd like two scoops of chocolate chip in a cone," I requested.
"Make that two," Oswell added. The man got our ice cream and Oswell exchanged the required money for them, then we walked back to the car and ate our ice cream on the side walk.
"We've gone through a bit of money today," I remarked, almost regretting buying the ice cream. Almost.
"We'll just hit up a few rich places and get enough money back," Oswell shrugged and I giggled.
"You say that so casually," I giggled and he chuckled.
"You get used to it after a while," he claimed. It got dark and late quickly, so we quickly finished our ice creams and jumped in the car, heading towards our first victim's house.

Oswell parked outside a really nice looking double story house and I opened the car door. I had a feeling in my gut that for some reason, this house was going to be a good one.
"Remember, grab any cash you can find. And -," Oswell started.
"Don't get into trouble. I know," I finished, having been told this fifty times on the way here. "You're almost as annoying as Caellum," I added as I pulled on my hood and got out.
"I'm just worried about you," he stressed. "If I was Caellum, I wouldn't even be letting you do this without waiting here until you came out," he joked and I smiled.
"Very true," I agreed, then closed the door. I walked away and he drove off. I was feeling a little nervous, so I took in a deep breath and turned around, walking up to the door. The front door light came on and I shrunk back into the shadows, thinking someone had seen me or something. But then I remembered that some people had automatic lights and released my breath. I walked up to the door and tried to open the door. It was locked, which was a given, so I grabbed out a couple of bobby pins that I'd found in the Stuff bag and picked the lock. Once I heard the click, I slowly opened the door and entered, pulling out my knife. I silently closed the door and walked around, avoiding shapes made apparent from the little light coming through the windows. I reached the first door and opened it, hearing breathing coming from inside. I silently crept up to the bed and waited for my eyes to adjust. I could see the figure laid out on the bed, blissfully unaware of my dangerous presence. I moved my knife to where I believed their neck was and cut along it, deep. There were soft gurgling noises, then nothing. They were gone, in the darkness of death. I didn't wait around, I quickly moved out of the room and onto the next. I stopped at a cupboard and a bathroom before I reached my next goal. This was obviously a couple, from the size of the bed and the two sets of noises, though one was much louder due to snoring. I moved to one side and found it was the non – snoring person, so I quickly slid my knife over their neck and moved to the other side, doing the same to the snorer. It was so much quieter without the sound, so I left and looked around for more victims. There was one more room on this floor and it also held two people, but in separate beds. I made short work of them, then made my way upstairs. There were quite a few rooms, so I made my way to the one furthest on the right. Another snorer, so I quickly silenced them and moved to the next.

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