Chapter Twenty Seven

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After our slightly bumpy landing, Oswell and I headed back to the hotel, smiling like idiots. Av and Caellum were waiting outside our room, but when they saw us, Av ran up to me and smiled widely at me.

"So, how was it?" she questioned, looking between Oswell and I.

"It was really cool. Up there, overlooking the city as the sun rose, it was amazing," I sighed happily, smiling back at her.

"Anything else?" she prodded and I shook my head, shrugging my shoulders.

"Not really," I lied and her smiled dropped a little.

"Oh, I just assumed something else would happen," she mumbled, looking at Oswell curiously.

"Things didn't go to plan?" Caellum inquired to Oswell, trying to hide it from me.

"No things went to plan," Oswell argued, smiling at me. I smiled back, then turned to Av, who was beaming.

"So something did happen?" she squealed happily and I nodded.

"Come on, we have many things to do today and so little time to do them," I declared and they all agreed. I quickly went and grabbed my hat, switching it for my wig and put on my sunglasses.

Soon after, we were on our way to the Melbourne Star and Medibank Icehouse, all excited. We decided to go ice skating first, then relax as we looked over Melbourne. Parking outside, we jumped out and made our way inside, instantly being hit with a breeze of cold air. "Hi, how can I help you today?" the woman at the desk asked as we approached her. "Four for ice skating today please," Av requested. She was the 'designated parent' as she was the oldest of us all. "That'll be $104," the woman informed us and Av handed her the money. We were led over to a selection of skates, in an array of different sizes. We quickly found our sizes and got out on the ice. Caellum was wobbling all over the place, until he had to hold the side rail for support. Giggling at him, I began trying to skate myself. I seemed to pick up on it quickly and was gliding away from the others.

"How are you so good at this?" Av asked, trying to catch up while staying on her feet.

"I don't know, it just comes naturally," I shrugged.

"Well, at least give us some tips sis," Caellum demanded, his feet slipping a little from underneath him.

"Glide your feet at on a slight angle and focus on keeping your torso above your knees," I instructed and they tried it, getting a little better. I smiled at them, then kept going on my own. Quickly catching up with them again, I decided to stay with them and slowly kept up with them, giving tips where needed. Av was the first to actually fall, landing square on her butt while we all laughed. She muttered under her breath, heading towards the exit.

"That was not fair," Oswell grumbled as we finally made our way off the ice.

"What wasn't fair?" I questioned, sitting in one of the many seats to take off my skates.

"That you picked it up so quickly, while we were struggling to keep our feet beneath us," he stated and I smiled.

"Like I said, I have no clue how I was able to pick it up so quickly," I assured him.

"It's still not fair," he mumbled, pushing off his skates in annoyance. After returning the skates, we headed to the Melbourne Star, which towered high above us. Caellum whistled at the size and we quickly made our way to the line leading up to the desk. It took half an hour to get to the front, we paid the $140 necessary and walked to the entry point.

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