Chapter Eight

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When I woke up, I could see light streaming out from under the curtains. I got up and peeked through the curtains. It looked like it was sunrise, which surprised me. I looked at my phone and found that it was actually sunset and I'd slept the whole day. I changed into a red tank top, black leggings, my leather jacket and black runner. I quickly put my hair into a pony tail and slipped on my gloves. Walking out of my room, I could see a few people had gone a little too far last night and were still shaking off hangovers. I rolled my eyes while smiling and made my way down to the kitchen for some breakfast/dinner. I opened the cupboard and got out some cereal, a bowl and a spoon. Then went to the fridge and got the milk. I poured the ingredients in and put away the rest. As I was walking up to my room, I saw Oswell walking down the stairs. While my mind was strong, a shiver went through my body.
"Hey," he greeted, smiling.
"Hi," I replied coldly and kept walking up the stairs.
"You okay?" he asked, worried.
"Never better," I answered, not stopping. I made it to my room and opened the door.
"Something's wrong," Oswell stated, walking towards me.
"Wow, couldn't tell," I told him sarcastically, then entered my room and closed the door. I moved over to my bed and sat down eating my cereal.
"Are you going to tell me?" he questioned through the door.
"Don't need to," I argued.
"Will you just let me in?" he requested. I grabbed my knife and threw it at the door. It made a nice thudding sound.
"No," I snarled.
"Talk to me when you're feeling better," he declared and I could hear him walking away.
"I don't want to talk to you, ever," I shouted and he stopped.
"Woah, what did I do?" he demanded.
"You were you," I told him, walking towards the door to grab my knife.
"If you don't tell me what I did, I don't know how to fix it," he replied angrily. I pulled my knife out and slammed the door open.
"You can't fix the way you are," I snarled and slammed the door shut on his shocked face.
"Malise, what brought this on?" he begged.
"You kissed Chandra!" I finally shouted. I breathed heavily, filled with anger and a little sadness.
"Open the door," he stated.
"Give me one good reason why I should," I countered.
"I need to explain what that was about," he answered. I sighed deeply and opened the door.
"Do it quickly," I instructed, gripping my knife tightly. He entered and I shut the door.
"First of all, how do you know about that?" he questioned.
"I had a bad feeling, so I was spying. What I did might not have been right, but what I saw wasn't either," I explained.
"Okay. Like I said, Chandra and I joined on the same night and we became friends. But then she started falling for me and I thought I'd try it out. It didn't end well, but she still has feelings for me and I still care for her as a friend," he revealed. This was not surprising. "And if you'd stayed a little longer, you would've seen me push her off and tell her I didn't care for her like that. I like you," he added and I looked up at him.
"How do I know you're telling the truth?" I countered, not wanting to go through all this again if it turned out I was right about him the first time.
"What would prove to you that I am?" he replied.
"Chandra telling me the exact same thing, without you two talking beforehand," I answered and he nodded.
"Then we'll go to her," he stated. He went to grab my hand, but I pulled it back and growled lowly. He got the hint and just walked out, me following.

He led downstairs and to the very back of the Mansion, then knocked on the last door on the right. The door swung open and Chandra was standing there. Once she saw us she glared.
"What do you two lovebirds want?" she demanded.
"Tell Malise what happened after you kissed me," Oswell requested.
"You told me you didn't care about me and you loved this girl," Chandra sighed boredly, then closed the door. It wasn't the same wording, but from what I'd gotten from Chandra, she could be over the top.
"Proven?" Oswell asked.

"I guess," I replied, then made my way back to my room. He followed me and just as I was about to walk in, I remembered something.
"You never got me that list of drivers," I recalled. He nodded and ran off, making me smile. He was doing anything to get back into my good books. I went into my room and got my phone, putting it in my pocket. Now all I need was a driver. There was a knock, so I turned and Oswell was waiting in the door frame with a couple of papers in his hands.
"Here you go," he said, holding them out. I took them and our hands touched slightly, sending shivers through me.
"Thank you," I replied and looked over it. Pietro was one of the first people on the list and I remembered a few faces from around the place. Then I saw something that shocked me. "You're a driver and you didn't tell me?" I questioned.
"Lots of us are drivers," he answered and I sighed.
"Then you're taking me," I stated and I glanced at him to see him smiling.
"Okay," he beamed. I walked out of the room, knowing he would follow me. "We might have to go far out," he added and I stopped.
"So what should I take?" I asked.
"Your knife, phone and a couple changes of clothes. The cars are all packed with the necessities," he assured me, so I quickly ran back to my room. Grabbing all my clothes and shoving them in the bag I brought, along with my hat, sunglasses and my money, I then made my way back to Oswell, who must've gotten his stuff too, because he had a bag with him as well.
"So you steal anything from your victim's houses, just to keep this place going?" I guessed and he nodded. I shrugged and we kept walking to the Garage, getting into a black car. I threw my stuff on the back seat, then jumped in the front as Oswell started the car and drove us out. The drive is silent until we hit the edge of town. "Where are we actually going?" I inquired.
"Bondi," he answered, not taking his eyes off the road.
"But that's so far away!" I exclaimed.
"Some people have gone to places like Perth or Alice Springs for a kill. Bondi's not that far," he revealed. That would be some road trip, but I guess it means that they won't suspect we're in Bendigo if there's killings in Perth.
"Makes sense," I muttered looking out the window. "How long will it take for us to get there?" I added.
"Around about 8 hours," he answered. We fell back into silence before something else came to mind.
"Why Bondi?" I questioned, looking at him.
"No reason," he answered quickly, making me sit up and look at him fully.
"Tell me," I insisted.
"It's my home town and I kind of wanted to show you some stuff," he sighed.
"Isn't that dangerous though? Couldn't someone recognize you?" I worried.
"It'll be fine," he promised. I sighed and leaned against the window, the scenery speeding past. The sun had set recently, but the colours were still vibrant in the sky. "Crap," Oswell muttered and I looked forward. There were police on the road, looking into cars and my hat and glasses were in the back with my clothes.
"Crap indeed," I agreed. We both looked around for a way to escape and I saw a dirt road through the trees, just big enough. "Down there," I pointed and he quickly drove over it before the police could reach us. We barreled down the road and came out just a kilometer away from where the police were stationed.
"That was close," Oswell commented, then yawned.
"Maybe we should pull in for the night," I suggested, not wanting him to fall asleep and crash.
"Okay," he agreed. We drove for another half an hour before a we came to a hotel. Oswell parked the car, grabbed everything he needed to get a room and gave me the key, while I stayed back to put on my hat, not bothering with the sunglasses seeing as it was dark and no one would believe it. I grabbed our bags, plus anything out of the boot and locked the car, walking inside.
"I'm sorry, it's all we have. We're pretty booked tonight," the man at the front told Oswell.
"Fine we'll take it," Oswell allowed, handing over a couple of hundred dollar bills. The man handed him a key and he turned to me.
"What was that about?" I questioned, handing him the car key and his bag.
"They only have one room," he explained. I nodded and we walked to the stairs, making our way up to the room. When he opened it, I was shocked for a moment.
"There's only one bed," I stated.
"Yeah," he replied. There was not much in the room apart from the queen sized bed. A wardrobe, a mini bathroom, bedside tables and a mirror.
"You're sleeping in the shower," I joked and he smiled.
"We can just sleep on separate sides of the bed," he argued. I sighed sarcastically and put my stuff on the floor.
"I get first shower though," I compromised.
"Go ahead," he allowed. I grabbed my PJ's and went into the bathroom. It was clean, which was good, but there was a sign next to the shower that stated there was a five-minute shower limit. Challenge accepted. I got undressed and quickly set the water at the right level, jumping in. I washed my hair and body with those tiny bottles they supply and turned the water off. I'd obviously beat the five-minute limit, cause nothing bad happened. I dried myself and changed, drying my hair thoroughly. Walking out of the bathroom, I saw Oswell lying on the bed, on his phone.
"Your turn," I informed him. He got up and grabbed his clothes then moved into the bathroom, but not before brushing his hand against mine. I felt the shiver go through me, making me glare at him. But I wasn't really angry and he knew it. He smiled at me as he closed the door, making me sigh. I decided to see what the stuff from the boot was. It'd been in a giant duffel bag, so I quickly opened it up and looked inside. There was cash, chargers, a couple random pieces of clothing and a few books. I grabbed a charger for my phone, plus a wall plug in and walked over to the bed. I looked around and found that there were power points under both bedside tables. I grabbed my phone and earphones and plugged my phone in on the right side, then climbed into the bed as I shoved the earphones in my ears. I selected shuffle and "Monster" by Rihanna ft. Eminem played. I lay down and just listed to the music, creating images for the words. Just as the song was about to end, the ear buds were taken out of my ears. I glared up at Oswell and snatched back my earphones.
"You having fun there? he remarked.
"I was until you ruined it," I responded.
"You can be really mean, you know that?" he noted.
"I've been told," I grumbled, turning to face away from him. The bed moved and I looked over to see him moving to turn off the light. But he was not wearing a shirt. Before I could say anything, darkness surrounded me and I felt it better to drop the matter.
"Goodnight, Malise," Oswell whispered as I felt the bed move, signaling he was now in it too. A shiver went through me when he said my name and I wished again he didn't have this effect on me.
"Goodnight Oswell," I replied, hoping that did the same to him as it had done to me. I closed my eyes and let the darkness in, which brought sleep with it.

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