Chapter Fourteen

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"Malise, wake up," Oswell whispered in my ear, but I clung to my dream, not wanting to waking up quite yet.
"Five more minutes," I mumbled, turning my head away from him.
"It's five o'clock," he revealed and I jumped up.
"I said half an hour," I barked and he smiled.
"You were asleep, so I didn't want to wake you," he confessed.
"I probably got burned to a crisp," I stressed, trying to see my back and the backs of my legs.
"I covered you with my towel after an hour. You didn't get burned, but you picked up an amazing tan," he revealed and I stopped, then smiled.
"You're still an asshole," I stated.
"And you're still mean," he countered.
"Touché," I remarked and he smiled too. We packed up and walked back to the car. "Can we get something easy for dinner?" I requested and he nodded.
"I have the perfect thing," he promised again and I rolled my eyes.
"That's what you said last time," I commented and he smiled.
"I checked on the way here. This place is still here," he assured me, stopping in front of a fish and chip shop.

"Perfect," I approved and he smiled wider, making me smile. We jumped out and I realized we were still wearing only our bathers. "Shouldn't we put proper clothes on?" I questioned.

"Look around, most people are wearing their bathers too. It's fine," he answered and I did look around. Girls were still in their bikinis and guys hadn't bothered pairing a shirt with their board shorts. We walked into the fish and chip shop and I instantly smelled fried batter and salt. We looked at the menu and I ended up getting a steak sandwich with the lot and a potato flake while Oswell got a hamburger with the lot, dim sims and chips for us to share. We had to wait a while, because a lot of people had ordered before us, but once we got it, we walked out of the shop and into the car. I grabbed my sandwich and took a big bite, savoring it.

"This is awesome," I muttered before taking another bite. Oswell chuckled and took a bite of his hamburger. I quickly finished my sandwich and started on the potato cake. It was so good, a slab on potato covered in fried batter. It was crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. It was also quickly gone and I started on the chips, which was like the potato cake, just a different shape.
"Slow down," Oswell chuckled, just starting his dim sims.
"Sorry, it's just so tasty," I apologized, looking at my hands.
"I didn't say you had to stop. Just to slow down and leave some chips for me," he told me and I smiled, going back to eating the chips, but slowly.
"So more richies tonight?" I inquired and he nodded.
"We'll go to a different street, to make it more spread out," he added. We ate in silence, then once
everything was gone we drove back to the room

As soon we were inside the room, I moved to the bed and lay down, closing my eyes.
"Tired?" Oswell joked and I just grunted in answer. "Well, you might want to reenergize quickly, because we have a job to do," he suggested and I sighed.
"If I fall asleep, wake me up half an hour before we're meant to leave," I instructed. "Not when you feel like it," I added and he chuckled.

"Okay, I promise I will," he replied as I took off my hat and sunglasses, spreading out on the bed.

"Wake up," Oswell stated and I opened my eyes.
"Thanks," I muttered, sitting up and stretching.

"You're welcome," he replied, pulling on his new jumper.
"I take it you like that?" I questioned and he smiled.
"It's awesome. Thanks for getting it," he said and I smiled too.

"It was no problem," I shrugged. I got up and grabbed my clothes from last night and went to the bathroom to change. I did so quickly and walked back out, grabbing my knife and phone and put them in the secret pockets of my hoodie. I flicked the hood over my head and looked over at Oswell, who was staring at me intensely. "What's wrong?" I asked and he stared at me for a moment more.
"Nothing," he avoided, shaking his head and turning away. I walked up to him and turned him around.
"Tell me," I demanded gently.
"You said you didn't want to rush, but I want to move faster," he whispered and my eyes widened. So I wasn't the only one who felt the need to move faster. He took my silence for fear. "But don't worry, I won't move faster than you want," he rushed, grabbing my hand and sending shivers through me.
"I've been feeling like rushing too," I mumbled, looking at our joined hands and he didn't reply. "But I don't want to go too far too fast," I added, looking back up at him.
"So do you want to go a little faster, or stay as we are?" Oswell questioned. I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek.
"A little faster," I answered and he smiled. I squeezed his hand before letting go and heading toward the door. I heard Oswell follow me soon after and we made our way down to the car, heading to our next victims.

"Stop here," I commanded and Oswell pulled over at another double story house that looked like most of the houses on that street. But I had a feeling this house would do well and last night my gut feeling had proved right. I opened the door and got out.
"Call me if you get into trouble," Oswell instructed and I nodded, closing the door. He sped off and I walked up to the house, setting off the front light. I didn't worry about, since no other lights were on and knelt in front of the lock, pulling out my trusty bobby pins. I picked the lock and it clicked open, allowing me in. I silently walked in and closed the door, looking around. From what I could see and hear, this was a couple's room. Stupid to have your bedroom as the first room people see. My eyes finally adjusted and I crept up to the bed, grabbing out my knife. I silently slide my knife over the first person's neck and one set of breathing was silenced, forever. I went around to the other side and repeated the act, then slid my hand over the wound and felt the blood. It felt good, having their blood on my hand. I quickly moved on and found two cupboards before my next victim. I silently entered their room and walked over to their bed. I was about to slice them, when I realized their breathing was heavier than it was a moment ago. I stayed still, ready to strike and run if need be.
"Are you going to kill me?" a male voice asked, fear present in his voice.
"No," I lied and he sighed. "I'm going to show you how beautiful darkness can be," I whispered and quickly slid my knife over his neck. He tried to breathe, but all that came out was a weird gurgling sound. It stopped slowly and I knew he was officially dead. I left the room and searched the rest of the bottom level. There wasn't any more people on this floor, so I headed upstairs and looked around. There was another bathroom and two more cupboards before I found my last two victims. They were in the same room, so it was an easy kill. I made quick work of them, then began my search for money. There was quite a bit in the last room, which turned out to be two girls. The boy's room had even more and the parents had more than both of them combined. I easily racked up $400 in just the three rooms and found an extra $50 just around the house. I got my phone out and found it was only eleven thirty. I texted Oswell, saying I was ready for the next house. I headed back into the main room and waited for a reply. It came quickly, but made me feel worried.
"I'm in a bit of a situation. Nothing big. I'll be there in half an hour."
"What kind of situation?" I hoped he was okay, but I also had no clue around this town. I decided to look around a little more, see if I missed anything. I looked through all the drawers and found another $50 in the guy's ones. I'd just gotten $500 from this house, not bad. The sound of a car quickly stopping outside got my attention and I rushed to the window. It was Oswell's car, so I quickly ran and jumped in the car.
"Everything okay?" I asked as he drove off.

"Yeah, I didn't finish one person off quite enough, so they called the police. I just had to finished them off and get out of there before the police arrived," he explained and I nodded my head. I started looking out my window, studying each house and waiting for a gut response. As we turned around a corner, I looked at a random house and I had a feeling this one would also be good.

"That one," I stated, pointing it out to Oswell. He pulled up in front of it and stopped.

"Good luck," he said and I smiled, getting out.
"You too," I replied and walked up to the house. I heard him drive off as I knelt and picked the lock. It clicked open and I walked in.

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