Chapter Nineteen

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Conner didn't give up anything, but he was off. He kept playing with his hands and found every excuse on earth to get out of there. We were now back in my room and I collapsed on my bare mattress, annoyed and out of ideas. I thought back to my nightmare and tried to see the man's face. But it was covered by a shadow, a mask. Suddenly, I realized I hadn't spoken to one person and sat up, making Oswell look at me.

"Nikos. Conner isn't Rikard's second in command, more like third. Nikos is Rikard's second," I thought out loud.

"Yeah, very true," Oswell agreed and we both walked out. He led me downstairs again and was about to go down the hallways, when we saw Nikos in the kitchen, eating out of the fridge. We both stood over him and he looked up, giving us a look to go away.

"We need to talk with you," I informed him and he stood up too, trying to look intimidating.

"About what?" he questioned.

"Your Rikard's second. Did a man with the last name Roberts join the Dark?" I asked and he got nervous, just like Conner.

"Not that I know of. Now leave me alone," he demanded, but then walked off himself. I looked up at Oswell to see was as confused as I was. Both Conner and Nikos were nervous, all three obviously didn't want me didn't want me to find out who he was. What could my father possibly have done?

"Come on detective. Let's go relax," Oswell suggested as took my hand, so I let him lead me back to his room.

"Let's watch a movie," I requested and Oswell chuckled.

"What movie?" he asked and I smiled. I crawled on top the bed as he got his laptop and opened up the movies he had.

"Inside Out!" I exclaimed.

"Really?" he questioned and I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes, or what I hoped was. He sighed and clicked it, making me smile and snuggle into his side. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer as the movie started.

"Once we're let out, can we go to Melbourne? I've heard there's really exciting stuff there," I mumbled.

"Sure. I haven't been either," he agreed and I smiled more, focusing on the movie.

Inside Out and The Lego Movie later, Oswell and I were arguing over what to watch next.

"Come on, I haven't seen it," I argued.

"But it's such a girly movie. At least pick the one where she's doing something," Oswell countered. I wanted to watch The Fault In Our Stars, while Oswell wanted Divergent.

"We can watch both of them," I allowed and he nodded. "But Fault in Our Stars first," I added and he sighed.

"No, Divergent. It's my laptop," he stated.

"Please. I'll make it up to you," I begged and he sighed again, but then smirked and nodded. Now I was in for it from that smirk. I'd read the book for this movie, so I really wanted to see the movie. Oswell even seemed to enjoy it and I swear I saw a tear run down his cheek when Gus died. Then we watched Divergent, which I'd already seen. Once Divergent was done, my stomach grumbled and both me and Oswell smiled. I got off the bed and made my way down to the kitchen, finding Nikos still there. This time, he was making dinner, stir-fry and it was almost ready.

"Hey," Nikos greeted, serving me a bowl. I thanked him and started eating.

"So is it always meals you can make in giant batches and have for left overs?" I questioned, eyeing the size of the wok he was using.

"You can't keep sandwiches or tacos, now can you?" he replied and I smiled, nodding.

"I guess," I agreed. I quickly finished, washing and drying my bowl before going back upstairs. I checked on my sheets and found someone had put them in the dryer, so they were ready now. I grabbed them and headed back to my room to put them back on. I opened the door and dumped the pile on the ground. My new furniture, paint, bedsheets and anything else I could need were all stacked in the corner. They must have got here while I was watching movies. I walked over and ran my hand over the folded bedsheets. They were black with red spirals over them, just how I'd hoped they would be. I grabbed the new covers and put them on my bed, then stood back to admire it. Perfect. I would wait till tomorrow to paint and arrange the furniture, so the paint would dry and I wouldn't have to worry about being tired. I took off my jacket, as it was warming up a bit, walked out of my room and into Oswell's.

"You took a while," he commented.

"I put my bed sheets back on my bed," I explained. He didn't have his laptop out, so I got the feeling that we wouldn't be watching anymore movies. I climbed back into the bed and he instantly grabbed me, pulling me against him. I exclaimed in surprise and he smirked down at me.

"Time to make up for making me watch Fault in Our Stars," he revealed and I rolled my eyes while smiling. Of course he would want to make out.

"Fine," I sighed. He leaned down and kissed me, intensely right away. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him against me. His hands moved down to my hip and pulled me closer. Luckily, it was my less bruised one, so it didn't hurt much. I trailed my hands down his shirt and started pulling it. He moved away and pulled it off, before coming back and climbing onto of me, before kissing me again. His hands moved to the hem of my tank top and he pushed it up. I grabbed it and pulled it off, going back to kissing him. His hands roamed over my newly exposed skin, sending shivers through me constantly. He kissed along my jaw, down my neck and reached my collarbone. He was about to go further, when my phone started ringing.

"Ignore it," Oswell murmured against my skin.

"It might be important," I argued, grabbing my phone out of my pocket and finding it was Av. I moved out from under Oswell and answered it. Instantly, I could hear her crying and I got worried.

"Malise, I'm sorry to call you, but I need someone to talk to," she sobbed.

"It's okay Av. What's wrong?" I replied.

"Pietro broke up with me. He said he was with someone else," she cried.

"That sucks," I sighed.

"I'm on my way home now. Do you think I could stay in your room, because mine was probably given to someone else?" she requested.

"Of course, that shouldn't be a problem," I allowed. "I just have one thing," I added.

"What?" she asked.

"You don't tell anyone Oswell and I sleep together," I said, glancing at Oswell. He gave me a look that I probably shouldn't have said that, but I ignored it.

"I didn't realize you guys were that far along!" she exclaimed and I mentally faceplamed myself.

"No, we're not that far. More like we sleep in the same bed," I explained.

"Oh, is that because you shared a bed while you were away, and now you can't sleep without him or something?" she questioned.

"Something like that," I answered.

"Well, I promise I won't tell anyone," she vowed and I smiled.

"Thanks Av," I smiled.

"Okay, I'll see you soon. Bye," she ended, hanging up. I turned back to Oswell and he had his eyebrow raised, most likely wanting to know what that was about.

"Pietro broke up with Av, so she wanted to stay in my room," I explained, crawling back into bed. He moved back on top of me and right back to where he left off.

"Just means you'll have to stay the night," he mumbled and I giggled. I grabbed my top and put it back on for when Av got here, making Oswell frown. I smiled and moved over to him, kissing him. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me back on to the bed I giggled and we continued to do more. He was about to go further again, when there was a knock on the door, making Oswell curse. Oswell slipped his shirt back on before answering the door and finding Av, makeup all over her face and tears still streaming down her face.

"I know you two are probably busy, but I need girl time tonight, if it's not too much trouble," Av sobbed, tears still streaming down her face.

"Of course," I agreed. She moved towards my room, while I turned back to Oswell. "See you tomorrow," I told him.

"See you tomorrow," he sighed. I moved up and kissed him softly, but he made it more passionate, threading his hands through my hair. When we finally did pull away, I smiled at him and walked off, knowing he was smiling too. 

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